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Everything posted by evilbunnie

  1. @мсичġġєт: > Move to Australia. After that earthquake it is 30cm closer you know? Na, Never gonna move their, Really?
  2. When do you think your server hosting will be open to everyone.. Good job by thee way!
  3. @Bone: > Why do you need someone from New Zealand? Because they are the same time zone
  4. @Marsh: > no Oh :( *Crys*
  5. @Marsh: > I know someone who just moved there…. Is he/she on eclipse?
  6. Yep i know he is from NZ but lives somewhere else… XD
  7. Is anyone here from New Zealand?
  8. @MrMiguuâ„¢: > just have to have a check for each time your character moves, the NPC's coordinates will be updated to yours: Thank you so much Ledgend!!! EDIT: Source or Scripting?
  9. Yea pretty much i searched the forums. And all i found was people saying that they were making a pet system. But they were all last year
  10. How would i make a npc follow me?
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Thats bullsh*t microsoft are a joke.
  12. That's such an awesome google thing! How'd you make it?
  13. np my map looks cooler now. Btw did my internet die? Its coz of my ducking modem. We getting a new one soon
  14. @Tdogthedog: > ok i read the how to use updater and that just made it confusing.. any one know how to do it step by step so its easyer? or if there is a tut for it? It is quite confuzing isn't it XD Well first upload a zip file with the update you wanna send out. Like i put my client.exe in it Next make a file called v.dat and put somthing like this 1.0.0
  15. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/297b2a72dbd64b5aa03c12d9cc536cfb.png) Good luck marsh :)
  16. Total time logged in: 1 days, 4 hours and 31 minutes Its a lie i reackon. I have been on way longer. i just never sign in.
  17. Have you tried reinstalling the ELI.? tried downloading source or whatever again? Um what OS are you on?
  18. Ya ikno i am taking a class on this now and i have learnt how to use gimp.
  19. evilbunnie


    It doesn't work on vista :( Cant wait till i get my xp back!!
  20. @Bone: > You could have at least rephrased it :P > > Yeah, so basically, > > 1\. Think things out > 2\. Let it sit like that for a while > 3\. Re-think it, see if you have changed ideas. > 4\. Create basic plans for a game > 5\. Start a bit of work, mainly just balancing and stuff. > > 6\. Present it to everyone in the recruiting section, or better yet, start it off with a WIP (Work in progress), and then make a recruiting thread once you have enough information/content for others to help you out/ be interested in helping you out. Alright ill think up one. Starting right now.
  21. Well i was board and i have nothing to do does anyone wanna make a game with me? Evilbunnieeeeeee
  22. evilbunnie

    Server Access

    Try googling "Dropbox". ;)
  23. Well howdy eclipse! I was searching the net then i found this site which had this awesome code to put a console form on your app. heres my edit BUT you have to figure out how to use it ``` ' Made by some guy on the internet ' Made by some guy on the internet ' Edited by evilbunnie Option Explicit '''''D E C L A R A T I O N S'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Declare Function AllocConsole Lib "kernel32" () As Long Private Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32" () As Long Private Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal nStdHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReadConsole Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "ReadConsoleA" (ByVal hConsoleInput As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nNumberOfCharsToRead As Long, _ lpNumberOfCharsRead As Long, lpReserved As Any) As Long Private Declare Function SetConsoleMode Lib "kernel32" (ByVal _ hConsoleOutput As Long, dwMode As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetConsoleTextAttribute Lib _ "kernel32" (ByVal hConsoleOutput As Long, ByVal _ wAttributes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetConsoleTitle Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "SetConsoleTitleA" (ByVal lpConsoleTitle As String) As Long Private Declare Function WriteConsole Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "WriteConsoleA" (ByVal hConsoleOutput As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfCharsToWrite As Long, _ lpNumberOfCharsWritten As Long, lpReserved As Any) As Long ''''C O N S T A N T S''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'I/O handlers for the console window. These are much like the 'hWnd handlers to form windows. Private Const STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10& Private Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11& Private Const STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12& 'Color values for SetConsoleTextAttribute. Private Const FOREGROUND_BLUE = &H1 Private Const FOREGROUND_GREEN = &H2 Private Const FOREGROUND_RED = &H4 Private Const FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = &H8 Private Const BACKGROUND_BLUE = &H10 Private Const BACKGROUND_GREEN = &H20 Private Const BACKGROUND_RED = &H40 Private Const BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = &H80 'For SetConsoleMode (input) Private Const ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = &H2 Private Const ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = &H4 Private Const ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT = &H10 Private Const ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = &H1 Private Const ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT = &H8 'For SetConsoleMode (output) Private Const ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT = &H1 Private Const ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT = &H2 '''''G L O B A L S''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private hConsoleIn As Long 'The console's input handle Private hConsoleOut As Long 'The console's output handle Private hConsoleErr As Long 'The console's error handle '''''M A I N''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub Main() Dim szUserInput As String AllocConsole 'Create a console instance SetConsoleTitle "Kaztox Console Server" 'Set the title on the console window 'Get the console's handle hConsoleIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE) hConsoleOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) hConsoleErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) 'Print the prompt to the user. Use the vbCrLf to get to a new line. SetConsoleTextAttribute hConsoleOut, _ FOREGROUND_RED Or FOREGROUND_GREEN _ Or FOREGROUND_BLUE Or FOREGROUND_INTENSITY _ Or BACKGROUND_BLUE Dim words Dim name Dim stuff ConsolePrint "Server Started" & vbCrLf yo: SetConsoleTextAttribute hConsoleOut, _ FOREGROUND_RED Or FOREGROUND_GREEN _ Or FOREGROUND_BLUE ConsolePrint "Enter Command> " 'Get the user's name words = ConsoleRead() If words = "reloadscripts" Then ConsolePrint "Scripts reloaded!" & vbCrLf GoTo yo ElseIf words = "setaccess" Then SetConsoleTextAttribute hConsoleOut, _ FOREGROUND_RED Or FOREGROUND_GREEN _ Or FOREGROUND_BLUE ConsolePrint "Please enter the name you want to give access to !> " name = ConsoleRead() If Not name = "" Then SetConsoleTextAttribute hConsoleOut, _ FOREGROUND_RED Or FOREGROUND_GREEN _ Or FOREGROUND_BLUE ConsolePrint "Please enter what access you want to give to " & name & " !> " stuff = ConsoleRead() If Not stuff = "" Then ConsolePrint "Setting access " & stuff & " To " & name & " !" & vbCrLf End If 'End the program ConsolePrint "Press enter to exit" Call ConsoleRead FreeConsole 'Destroy the console End If End If End Sub '''''F U N C T I O N S'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'F+F+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'Function: ConsolePrint ' 'Summary: Prints the output of a string ' 'Args: String ConsolePrint 'The string to be printed to the console's ouput buffer. ' 'Returns: None ' '----------------------------------------------------- Private Sub ConsolePrint(szOut As String) WriteConsole hConsoleOut, szOut, Len(szOut), vbNull, vbNull End Sub 'F+F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'Function: ConsoleRead ' 'Summary: Gets a line of input from the user. ' 'Args: None ' 'Returns: String ConsoleRead 'The line of input from the user. '---------------------------------------------------F-F Private Function ConsoleRead() As String Dim sUserInput As String * 256 Call ReadConsole(hConsoleIn, sUserInput, Len(sUserInput), vbNull, vbNull) 'Trim off the NULL charactors and the CRLF. ConsoleRead = Left$(sUserInput, InStr(sUserInput, Chr$(0)) - 3) End Function ' Made by some guy on the internet ``` No credit needed cuz its not mine. EDIT you need to make it a module.
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