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Everything posted by Ertzel

  1. You need Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to compile with…
  2. Lets stop speculating as to wether or not Wacko was any of the other accounts and leave it up to Rob's judgement and what he finds after looking into it. You are not going to get anywhere with this current conversation….
  3. Ya, we (the current forum staff) would just watch the Q/A section and when we see people helping a lot and giving useful advice, we would talk about them and then someone would contact that user and ask if they want to be made a mod of that section. Or something along those lines for who gets picked…
  4. Okay, what about instead of rewarding players who have proven to be very helpful in the Q/A section with giving them their own user-group/title like I suggestion before, we make them a moderator of just the Q/A forums. They wouldn't have any mod powers over any other part of the forums, only the Q/A but would have full mod powers on those. Then these Q/A moderators would keep helping people in that section and also do things like pinning resolved topics and locking them, sticking the best thread that answers questions asked over and over again, fixing up topic tiles to be more search-friendly and things like that.
  5. > Moderator Review before Q&A posting, for a short while? Otherwise people slip through with stupid questions. The questions get asked and answered, but then people can't search for their answers because of meaningless topic names. I would see this just turning out worse. If people are making posts then having to wait for a mod to approve it in the Q/A section, we will probably see even more questions being asked in the shoutbox since there is no approval waiting.
  6. Keep this thread on-topic. We are here to talk about ways to make the Eclipse Community better. We are not here to bash each others posts or complain about something Ambardia has one as that is not part of Eclipse… It is okay to disagree with other peoples suggestions, but keep it civil. It is very sad when we have to give out warnings in a topic about making the Eclipse Community better... That kind of proves why we need a topic like this. Now for my suggestions: I like the idea of some kind of reward points for people who help in the Q/A section or post new useful and working tutorials, or post new custom versions that are not all the same as every other or only using stuff from other peoples tutorials. These are the things that help the community grow. We already have warnings points to punish those who are not helpful and are hurting the community, but nothing really to show appreciation for those who help. I think adding something like new user-group and user-titles for helpers or like outstanding community members (I dunno what you would call it lol). Then people could see who is helping a lot and would give these members some recognition. As for contests, I think any official Eclipse contest that is posted in the news section and has a reward of any kind, should all be open voting. Everyone should be able to see who voted for who like when we voted for the new Lead Developer. That way people can see if dummy accounts are being used to vote for someone and it will cut down on the amount of this being one. If you like someone and think they should win a contest, I don't see any reason why that should be hidden.
  7. I had this same assignment in like week 2 or 3 of my Java class at my last college. We had to keep it looping and let you remove students later and other things like that. I deleted all my old college work when I left that school though lol. Your loops where all messed up and the way you where storing students and scores wasn't a good way to go about it… I know I should just explain how to fix it, but I'm bad at explaining code and will probably just make it more confusing so here is a decent way of how to do this (still probably could be better). ``` import java.util.Scanner; public class moreScores { public static void main(String[] args) { int numStudents, numTests; Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); Scanner scanLine = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("\fHow many students: "); numStudents = scan.nextInt(); Student[] students = new Student[numStudents]; System.out.print("How many tests: "); numTests = scan.nextInt(); // Loop through and get all students names for (int i=0; i ```
  8. Not sure if this helps, but here is what the graphics from those screenshots lookes like in that games old editor: >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/61b2a65eb9a5ed252cf6f22dcedc4f98.png) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/5e8bda1667fda1f84f73c33c6f5f18f9.png) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f0a9ddaf85dbdedae94ca5694c150239.png) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/0d1e32ebde880751134782d00d1ea17d.png) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/0c78fd7900fec6bf8fe7d20310b91ca6.png) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/a702e361a2d71287cb43fb54b674e33c.png)
  9. Are all of those tiles in your project custom made by you? If so, would you be willing to do some examples of more oldschool less polished looking tiles similar to the screenshots I posted here?
  10. Yes, I am aware of the graphics style I am looking for, thats why I posted the screenshots to better show what I need. That doesn't change the fact that I'm looking for a graphics artist so I'm not exactly sure why both of you posted to say it…. Whoever does the graphics would most likely design them as a 3D model first...
  11. Hello everyone…. Within the next year, I will be developing and releasing a custom made MMO created in C#. The game will be similar to what I released with Zacaras Empire a couple heres ago on here except this one will not be made in vb6 and fully not be using a pre-made engine. I will be using an engine currently under development by GP and I which is coming along nicely. Once it is further along I will begin to heavily modify my own version so it is more for an individual game and not as a generic engine. The game I'll be creating with this will be modeled after a game I have now played on and off for 6+ years called Ashen Empires (originally called Dransik), Although I called it by its current name, the graphics style and gameplay style I will be going for is more towards its early stages when it was called Dransik (this stage in the games development is now refereed to as Dransik Pre-DS). It will be designed more towards the oldschool style of gaming with its graphics and ingame content/features. I will not be going for a fancy 3D looking game or overcomplicated gameplay. You may be wondering why I am posting this now when I said earlier that this will be done within a year and not very soon. The reason for that is because I am looking to make a legit MMO and not just some game thats online for a month and looks like everything else, I am looking for fully custom graphics for everything in the game. This will take a lot of time to create for whoever joins me just like it will take a lot of time for me to make this game. Currently I cannot offer payment as I am unemployed and don't have enough money to pay fairly for the work I'm asking for. However, if your work is up to the standard I am looking for and is used in the game, I will compensate whoever helps me once I am able to do so. I cannot post prices or time frames as to when this compensation would happen as it all depends on my irl situations with getting a job. Also, I am in talks with a third-party member about them funding this games development and everything needed for it. If that happens I will be able to offer fair market prices for whatever work I have used in the game. Below are some examples of the graphics style I am looking for. It doesn't have to look like a perfect clone of these but I do want something very similar: >! ![](http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5784/dransik199.png) >! ![](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1483/dransik243.png) >! ![](http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2212/dransik336.png) >! ![](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b79/LadySunset/97.jpg) >! ![](http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/5297/roc22fo.jpg) >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/8890/Dransik081.jpg) I am looking for serious people who are not going to quit after a few weeks and are looking to help work on a real game. I expect that this task will require more then one artist due to the size of work needed so if you have a team or have a specific field you are better with (like tiles, npcs, items, gui's, ect..) just tell me so I will know. If you would like to talk more about this position or ask any questions, either post them here or add me on skype: [TheErtzel](skype:TheErtzel?call)
  12. I really like the mage in all purple and the one with blue hair. The sprites in blue and orange with the armor and wings look like they would be cool GM sprites for a game.
  13. Ertzel

    [EA] MiniMap

    Oh, forgot to remove that from the tutorial, I'm surpassed your the first to mention it. That was from an admin feature I made where admins could turn themeless invisible and not be seen so I put it so they also wouldn't appear on the minimap. Just remove the call and it will be fine.
  14. I really like everything except the grass and stone floor thing. The grass just looks a little off but other people have explained that better. The stone floor just looks to big for me. Some of the little pebble things making up the ground are almost as big as your rock tile and their overall size just doesn't look like it matches all the other tiles. The rocks, fence, crates and bush look amazing though…
  15. Ertzel

    D3DX8 ScreenShots

    This is untested but for that you should be able to Replace: ``` ' Screenshot Map If GetKeyState(vbKeySnapshot) < 0 Then ' vbKeySnapshot = Print Screen button Sleep 200 ' Sleep for 200 miliseconds to avoid double pictures Dim sFilePath As String, num As Long, wasFound As Boolean wasFound = False For num = 1 To 255 sFilePath = App.Path & "\ScreenShots\map" & GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) & "[" & num & "].jpg" If Not FileExist(sFilePath, True) Then frmMain.picSSMap.Picture = captureform(frmMain) SavePicture frmMain.picSSMap.Picture, App.Path & "\ScreenShots\map" & GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) & "[" & num & "].jpg" Exit Sub End If Next If wasFound Then MsgBox "The maximum screenshots for this map have been reached! Delete some if you wish to take more...", vbOKOnly End If End If ``` With: ``` If GetKeyState(vbKeySnapshot) < 0 Then ' vbKeySnapshot = Print Screen button Sleep 200 ' Sleep for 200 miliseconds to avoid double pictures Dim sFilePath As String, num As Long, wasFound As Boolean, dtmTest As Date dtmTest = DateValue(Now) wasFound = False For num = 1 To 255 sFilePath = App.Path & "\ScreenShots\map" & GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) & "[" & dtmTest & "].jpg" If Not FileExist(sFilePath, True) Then frmMain.picSSMap.Picture = captureform(frmMain) SavePicture frmMain.picSSMap.Picture, sFilePath Exit Sub End If Next If wasFound Then MsgBox "The maximum screenshots for this map have been reached! Delete some if you wish to take more...", vbOKOnly End If End If ``` and then it will save the dat/time in []'s instead of a number from 1-255.
  16. I voted for Wacko but Guciz would of been my second choice followed by Dash
  17. So do all of the images used on the site have to be custom made by us also? I might look into joining this but I fail horribly at graphics and if I have to make them and they are being judged they will make me lose by default lol.
  18. Ertzel

    Game Launcher

    no…. Unless you do heavy modifications and add some sort of graphics system to it.
  19. Ertzel

    Game Launcher

    Another little update. I'm trying to make this as nub-friendly as posable so I am expanding the Settings Editor. You can still edit all of the settings as before, but there is also now a UI editor as part of it. The UI editor mimics the default look of the Launcher and has options to: - change the size of the whole launcher form - Change the X/Y location and Width/Height of the main Panel (holding the news/update windows), Update text box, progress bar, play button and update button. This editor will then save that data to the same place the general settings are saved to and your launcher will load off of them to have your custom look. This way people can edit the look of their whole launcher without needing to touch any code if they don't know how to do it properly.
  20. Ertzel

    Game Launcher

    Sometime next week most likely. I need to fix a bug with downloading .exe programs and then do some testing with large downloads to make sure everything is working. Then I need to go over the code and clean it all up and reduce anything I can as I was learning how to do all this as I went and the code is very messy and unorganized right now…
  21. Ertzel

    Game Launcher

    It's now setup so if you know basic C# you can edit the settings file and delete the data.config file. if the data.config file is not present the Launcher will load its data out of the settings. Also fixed a few small bugs with file placement and making it so it doesn't matter what folder your config file or checksum file is in, as long as its in a folder thats part of the main path of the launcher. Another small change is the launcher goes through and deletes any programs/files/folders that are not in the checksum file (so its not part of the launcher or game). That way you can delete old files by simply removing them from the checksum on your next update patch.
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