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Simple button addition Help


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I know that there is a overall GUI layout for the GUI, at data files\graphics\gui\main\main.jpg

But I do not want to just edit the main.jpg with photoshop.
Im interested to know how buttons appear and allows for user to click.

To stop an endless Q & A session, I hope someone could demonstrate a very simple tutorial so I can analyze the code and try to learn for myself.

For example: In the character tab, could someone post a simple tutorial to add a button named 'ResetSkills' so that when the user clicks, it resets all skills to 0?


Help very much appreciated.

Side question:

I've also taken a look at the code, but I cant seem to find how does EO allow the health bar fixate at the top…
It is a dynamic bar, and the bar will lower when you get hurt.

Ive found the code where that int all the GUI , health bar example:
frmMain.imgHPBar.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\bars\health.jpg")

But I dont see how they fix the imgHPBar at the top right of the player screen. Is it by X & Y coordinates?
Help appreciated and thanks for looking.
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To do any customization that doesn't have to do with modifying the existing GUI files, adding new graphics, and adding new content, you will need VB6\. Also a word of advice for the Q & A board here- don't ask for people do things for you (code for you, make a new GUI, create a new system, etc), because people will just rant about it. I'm sure that if you know a little about VB6 (and it seems like you have a decent amount of knowledge on it), it couldn't be too hard.
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