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Everything posted by yoshiboy

  1. @Soul: > Refer to [this for datatype information](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa263420%28v=vs.60%29.aspx). > > You should use a fixed length string, so use: > > ``` > Guild As String * NAME_LENGTH > > ``` > You could change NAME_LENGTH to a number, but NAME_LENGTH is a general standard for all strings in the game that need names. > > But yeah, may I suggest [just installing a pre-made guild system](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,78441.0.html)? Hello, It seems that system ideally for clans that are made by players. I wish to assign new players the value for guild=none; when they spawn, and they can join npc-built guilds later in the game.
  2. @Soul: > The player data is stored in binary format. That is, numbers are converted to their binary equivalent based on their type, and then written into the file. You can open it in a hex editor (preferably with ASCII support) and manually edit it. Alternatively, you can modify Lightning's Account Editor to allow for your format. > > But it seems more like you want to add a new type to the PlayerRec, so you can store more data in the account. Am I correct? If so, that is a different method than what I am describing. Ive just seen the PlayerRec, Yes it seems appropriate there. But for that,where do i define it? Can I just add the variable at the top of PlayerRec ? ``` Private Type PlayerRec ' General Guild As String ```Looking around at the code im curious at some variables… Ive seen the name as Long, and level as Byte? What are Long and Byte? Shouldnt the name be a String? Also, when a player creates a character, I need to ensure guild=none when they creates a new account ,where is the appropriate event to catch that?
  3. Im wondering how does VB6 capture the inputs of clients when they press the following: Enter F1 - F12 Ctrl Spacebar Alt Im sure there are some in-built visual basic commands/functions for this. Hope someone can advice me on this, I have very limited knowledge on visual basic. Help appreciated
  4. thanks for the advice, but I need to know where players' data are stored and how does EO read them… I wish to add attributes to the players.. say if they join a guild, it would make .. for example in the player.bin .. guild=warrior any advice on this? thanks
  5. Anyway to edit players data? Ive tried to open the .bin but I cant open it directly and I want to edit xp and stuff from it
  6. I know that there is a overall GUI layout for the GUI, at data files\graphics\gui\main\main.jpg But I do not want to just edit the main.jpg with photoshop. Im interested to know how buttons appear and allows for user to click. To stop an endless Q & A session, I hope someone could demonstrate a very simple tutorial so I can analyze the code and try to learn for myself. For example: In the character tab, could someone post a simple tutorial to add a button named 'ResetSkills' so that when the user clicks, it resets all skills to 0? ![](http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee369/bendy001/charcter.png) Help very much appreciated. Side question: I've also taken a look at the code, but I cant seem to find how does EO allow the health bar fixate at the top… It is a dynamic bar, and the bar will lower when you get hurt. Ive found the code where that int all the GUI , health bar example: frmMain.imgHPBar.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\bars\health.jpg") But I dont see how they fix the imgHPBar at the top right of the player screen. Is it by X & Y coordinates? Help appreciated and thanks for looking.
  7. oh I see … I thought it was from the programming side xD thanks so much
  8. I tried to make a very simple change. Renaming the skills in the client and server.vb files I did the following replacements with CTRL+H for the whole projects of both client and server.vb files Str: -> Attack: End: -> Block: Int: -> Resist: Agi: -> Speed: Will: -> Dodge: Strength -> Attack Endurance -> Block Intelligence -> Resist Agility -> Speed: Willpower -> Dodge –--------------------------- An example of a class in Classes.ini [CLASS1] Name=Rouge MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=1 Attack=6 Block=6 Resistk=6 Speed=6 Dodge=6 STATPERLEVEL=3 MAP=8 X=41 Y=9 Locked=0 –--------------------------- However, when I compile and login, it still shows Str: 6 End: 6 Int: 6 Agi: 6 Will: 6 Pts : 0
  9. Hello EO community. I have some experience in java html and some php, and now am trying out the language that I have always been keeping away from : C++ or Visual Basic. Im willing to pay for someone who can teach me ( not just pass me a bunch of code ) some $40-60 how to accomplish this via an IM. To be very systematic , I have 3 questions in mind that I need help on. 1) I am trying to re-create the original GUI of the game. I have searched the forum for coding tutorials on remaking the GUI (via programming not just editing the graphics in the graphics folder) but to no avail. This is the original GUI of the game : ![](http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee369/bendy001/1-5.jpg) to something like … ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1933b531dc3f2cf2f737dde0422d1abd.png) Question 2) I need advice on how to redo the client menu at the start. This is an example : ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/d5435a443a167d6addec4ca7e703e359.jpg) Question 3) I wish to remove the spells tab in the game , along with all the spells that exist in the game. Instead, I want to change the "spell" tab to a "special attack" tab. Firstly : Look at the picture below ![](http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee369/bendy001/2-3.jpg) I would like to have 1 to 5 bars ( depending on level , as it gain more special attack when the player is higher level ) (there are 3 bars in my example picture ) -The bar is full. -When player is in combat, he can click the special attack icon (for this example is a fire) and there will be a fire animation ( since it is fire for this example ). **The reason why I want to remove all spells in the game, and not use it as a spell, is because spells are cast anyway on a map. The player can hide behind a wall and cast spells over. The desirable result however, is that the player must be face2face (like when they are melee-ing with swords). In higher levels however, the player special attack may affect across the room in the player direction ( like an arrow shooting ) or maybe all monsters in the map at the higher levels special attack.** -When he unleash special attack, there damage will calculate differently.( not based on his attack skill stats , but a new skill (for example flame skill) ). -Special attack bar is reduced but will increase back gradually from time to time. Need to have proper includes for this new skill (getters setters whatnot) so as to create special attack potions and such ( I do not need this at the moment ). Really hope for some help on this, appreciated .
  10. I have installed vb6 .. but question is how do I import EO onto it?
  11. Hi all, Im new to EO and recently got to using EO. I have read the faq and searched quite a bit but there are some questions I need clarification with. 1) When I edit any files in "\Eclipse_Origins\server\src" Do I need to compile it? Or just re-run the server? If it needs to be compiled how do I do it? 2) What does the skills tab in the game show? I click there and its blank all the time … 3) Any possible way to increase server capacity to above 70? 4) Could someone show me a simple edit to walk through other players? 5) Where are the .includes or what you call them ( for eg: \Eclipse_Origins\server\src) there is a function "Call SendWelcome(index)" which sends the welcome message. 5b) Where do I edit the welcome message? I know it is alot of ask from .. I hope I could get some help, thanks.
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