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Epic League of Legends win (Thanks to me)


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Just got out of a 1:07 long game, and a epic win.

From the beginning of the match we were having trouble. Slowly falling behind in kills, getting ganked and jumped. I think we got one or two towers, but then we were playing defence after that.

I wasnt doing well myself, I was like 4-6 i think, with Jayce, just having a bad game. They push mid all the way to attacking our inhibitor, which we drive em back the first time. There is a ton of fighting goig on at the steps, and I die two more times, going to 4-8\. So I hatch a plan.

I started pushing top, little by little. By then I was built with Trinity force and two zeal's, a bloodthirster, and a few more things, so i have pretty good attack speed.  I watch the map, makig sure all the enemy is fighting all our guys, and I push our creeps fowards. When I see fighting die down or some enemies MIA, I head for the lane brush and hide till fighting resumes.

Finally I get down to their last tower on top. By now its late game, so even being down by 10 kills our guys are pretty well geared, so the fighting is back and forth. During one such huge battle, me and my creep waves at top get the last tower. I rush in fast and start pummeling the inhibitor. I kill it and run off, hiding in the last brush spot again. They push back a little, going right by me and not even checking brush. I hide for a while because there are enemies re-pushing top lane, and their inhibitor respawns. I wait till they get by me and run in, and destroy it again, dying in the process.

As I'm waiting to respawn they pus mid again, getting to our inhibitor. Our guys again get into a big ole fight, and are doig pretty well.  Our Vieger and his stun are scoring us alof of kills. Their top creep shave pushed back to our last tower, so I start pushing back again, again hiding whenever fighting dies down.  Let me note that I never enter brush in sight of creeps, so enemy wont know. As fighting resumes I continue my push. I get back to their inhibitor, and again kill it. I rush in surrounded by creeps, and kick the shit out of their final two towers. As I'm killing last I'm getting pouned by enemies, but I succeed before I die.

Our team used the time I was distracting them to push mid back up, and get their last mid tower AND their mid inhibitor. At this time I'm 4-10.

Fighting resums back and forth along mid, and again I go back along top. This time their creeps arent pushing back with oour super minins out, so its a clear ride. They have pushed mid to about halfway, and I run in like rambo, and trash their Nexus.

Whats funny is as I was doing this two of my teamates were bitching at me for not helping and my 4-10 score.  But in the end I win if for us. Epic game, and I'm pretty stoked to be the catalyst.

Moral of the story, play defense when chips are down, and never give up!
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Ya I enjoy late game as it is less about who got the most cs or kills at the start and more about teamwork. I was once playing as teemo. Both teams had all their inhibs and turrets down. Our team had 2 dead and they had all respawned. Instead of running back I went invisible rate outside their inhibitor on the middle lane. By the time they got half way across the map I was able to walk up to their nexus and solo it. Was fricken hilarious. Backdooring is so fun.
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Another great from behind win.

Started out rough, we had poor communication pregame lobby, and ended up with a suprise jungler, a second time Twitch in mid, and me solo'ing bot with Yorick.  Match didnt start off to well on top, Fiora had 4 deaths early on, blamed it on being on the phone through the beginning, she said she'd recover (she never did).  She did however start riding my ass telling me to shut up, just for comments like "Fiona?" and "…." when she died.  I guess that was rude of me.

Anyways I was battling Garen solo at bot. I guess their Warick was jungling, I didnt see him first half of match. Stalemate at bot, I couldnt kill Garen, he couldnt kill me. Warick finally decided to gank attempt bot once or twice, but he never suceeded.  At this point top had lost two towers, and mid one, Twitch was new to hero, having a tough time.  During another gank attempt on me by Warick, one of our guys (cant remember who) Suddenly showed up, and we got a pair of kills, though I did die.

As the game wore on slowly we got pushed back to all our final towers.  Three of our guys kep ttrying to surrender, and me and Twitch kept blocking it. The three kept dissing me and threating to report me because I wouldnt surrender (even though I wasnt only one)

At this point the score for kills was 15-40, we were getting hurt pretty bad. I finally got a thornmail going, and led a push back down mid. Slowly, with many team fights and suprisingly smart play, we start making a move down mid, getting kills and rare deaths. We make it to last tower and get repelled, but we have been occasionally dropping a guy or two out to push other lanes, so we are on second to last tower both outside lanes. 

Again we regroup and push mid, get tower and inhibitor. During their counter attack one of our guys takes top tower, and creep wave take bot tower.  Instead of a full retreat we retret to bot and do a quickie on last tower there.

Again we assemble and push mid, same good teamwork battles all down mid. Inhib respawned so we had to burn that, and with a timley bot creep wave, we dove in and in 30 seconds, while getting beat on, take both towers and Nexus for the win.

Final kill count was 27 us and 48 them. We were down almost half their kills, and still won it.  Even more satisfying because of the repeat surrender attempts when things were looking grim.
Thats why I never surrender XD  Epic comeback though, very fun game.
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