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Server-Side player summon tele system


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Server Side

- Create a command button on the control frmServer.

leave it normal.

- Der 2 cliques na command button ponha:

scrlMM.Max = MAX_MAPS

scrlMX.Max = MAX_MAPX

scrlMY.Max = MAX_MAPY

picWarpAll.Visible = True

- Create a picturebox control on the part of the server put the name of picWarpAll and va visible in their properties and put false.

- Create a label inside the picturebox with the name and caption lblMM Map: 1

- Below the label we just built, make a HScrollBar named scrlMM

Der 2 clicks and put```
lblMM.caption = "Map: " & scrlMM.Value

- Below create a label with the name and caption lblMX X: 0

- Bottom of label lblMX make another HScrollBar named scrlMX. der-click on it and put:

lblMX.caption = "X: " & scrlMX.Value

- Below we just do build another label this time with the name and caption lblMY Y: 0

- Below HScrollBar ponhaa add the name scrlMY and give two clicks in it and put:

lblMY.caption = "Y: " & scrlMY.Value

- Still ta picturebox under the last HScrollBar create a command button with any name and caption der-click on it and add:

Dim Index As Long

Dim MapNum As Long

Dim MapX As Long

Dim MapY As Long

MapNum = Int(scrlMM.Value)

MapX = Int(scrlMX.Value)

MapY = Int(scrlMY.Value)

For Index = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS

If IsPlaying(Index) Then

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then

Call PlayerWarp(Index, MapNum, MapX, MapY)

End If

End If

Next Index

Call GlobalMsg("The server has warped everyone to map " & MapNum & ".", YELLOW)

picWarpAll.Visible = False

- Below create another command button with any name and with two clicks Caption Cancel der the same and add:

Dim Index As Long

Dim MapNum As Long

Dim MapX As Long

Dim MapY As Long

MapNum = Int(scrlMM.Value)

MapX = Int(scrlMX.Value)

MapY = Int(scrlMY.Value)

For Index = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS

If IsPlaying(Index) Then

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then

Call PlayerWarp(Index, MapNum, MapX, MapY)

End If

End If

Next Index

Call GlobalMsg("The server has warped everyone to map " & MapNum & ".", YELLOW)

picWarpAll.Visible = False

That errors or questions post here.



the system to post elsewhere please ask for permission.
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