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Progressive 4 frame + idle character animation


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So I have been pickin apart the source to see how the player anims work and I found that in the 4 frame animation type the player cycles through frames 2 and 4 with the potential to stop on either 1 or 3\. I have been trying some different tweaks and I can't seem to get it to cycle progressively through frames 1,2,3,4 yet not stopping on any of those but stop on 5\. I got it to easily stop on 5 but then the walk order is 2,5,4,5, etc. Any ideas thanks?

Btw I'm at work so I'm unable to post my code untill later
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Ok here's my code. I almost have it working Except the animation is always flickering the Idle player frame in between the walk animation frames,

Example Of what i want, numbers are character animation frames from left to Right.

Not moving: 1

Moving: 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5…

This is what I get:

Not moving 1

Moving 2, quick 1, 3, quick 1, 4, etc

All of This is Client Side

This is Under ModGraphics:

>! Public Sub DrawPlayer(ByVal Index As Long)
>! Dim anim As Byte, i As Long, x As Long, y As Long
>! Dim Sprite As Long, spritetop As Long
>! Dim rec As RECT
>! Dim attackspeed As Long
>! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
>! If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
>! Sprite = GetPlayerSprite(Index)
>! If Sprite < 1 Or Sprite > NumCharacters Then Exit Sub
>! ' speed from weapon
>! If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Weapon) > 0 Then
>! attackspeed = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Weapon)).speed
>! Else
>! attackspeed = 1000
>! End If
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! ' Reset frame
>! ' If Player(Index).Step = 3 Then
>! ' anim = 0
>! ' ElseIf Player(Index).Step = 1 Then
>! ' anim = 2
>! ' End If
>! ' anim = Player(Index).Step
>! ' Resets Character to Pose Frame when not moving
>! If DirUp = False And DirDown = False And DirLeft = False And DirRight = False And Player(Index).Moving = 0 Then
>! Player(Index).Step = 0
>! ElseIf Player(Index).Moving > 0 And Player(Index).Step = 0 Then ' This makes character play next animation frame immediately when you press key.
>! Player(Index).Step = 1
>! anim = 1
>! End If
>! Else
>! anim = 1
>! End If
>! ' Check for attacking animation
>! If Player(Index).AttackTimer + (attackspeed / 2) > GetTickCount Then
>! If Player(Index).Attacking = 1 Then
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! anim = 5
>! Else
>! anim = 2
>! End If
>! End If
>! Else
>! ' If not attacking, walk normally
>! Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
>! Case DIR_UP
>! If (Player(Index).yOffset > 8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step
>! Case DIR_DOWN
>! If (Player(Index).yOffset < -8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step
>! Case DIR_LEFT
>! If (Player(Index).xOffset > 8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step
>! If (Player(Index).xOffset < -8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step
>! End Select
>! End If
>! ' Check to see if we want to stop making him attack
>! With Player(Index)
>! If .AttackTimer + attackspeed < GetTickCount Then
>! .Attacking = 0
>! .AttackTimer = 0
>! End If
>! End With
>! ' Set the left
>! Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
>! Case DIR_UP
>! spritetop = 3
>! spritetop = 2
>! Case DIR_DOWN
>! spritetop = 0
>! Case DIR_LEFT
>! spritetop = 1
>! End Select
>! With rec
>! .Top = spritetop * (Tex_Character(Sprite).Height / 4)
>! .Bottom = .Top + (Tex_Character(Sprite).Height / 4)
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! .Left = anim * (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 8)
>! .Right = .Left + (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 8)
>! Else
>! .Left = anim * (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 3)
>! .Right = .Left + (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 3)
>! End If
>! End With
>! ' Calculate the X
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! x = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).xOffset - ((Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 5 - 32) / 2)
>! Else
>! x = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).xOffset - ((Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 3 - 32) / 2)
>! End If
>! ' Is the player's height more than 32..?
>! If (Tex_Character(Sprite).Height) > 32 Then
>! ' Create a 32 pixel offset for larger sprites
>! y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).yOffset - ((Tex_Character(Sprite).Height / 4) - 32)
>! Else
>! ' Proceed as normal
>! y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).yOffset
>! End If
>! ' render player shadow
>! RenderTexture Tex_Shadow, ConvertMapX(x + 32), ConvertMapY(y + 18), 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, D3DColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 200)
>! ' render the actual sprite
>! If GetTickCount > Player(Index).StartFlash Then
>! Call DrawSprite(Sprite, x, y, rec)
>! Player(Index).StartFlash = 0
>! Else
>! Call DrawSprite(Sprite, x, y, rec, True)
>! End If
>! ' check for paperdolling
>! For i = 1 To UBound(PaperdollOrder)
>! If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i)) > 0 Then
>! If Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll > 0 Then
>! Call DrawPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, anim, spritetop)
>! End If
>! End If
>! Next
>! ' Error handler
>! Exit Sub
>! errorhandler:
>! HandleError "DrawPlayer", "modGraphics", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
>! Err.Clear
>! Exit Sub
>! End Sub

This is the other Sub I edited. It is Under ModGameLogic:

>! Sub ProcessMovement(ByVal Index As Long)
>! Dim MovementSpeed As Long
>! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
>! If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
>! ' Check if player is walking, and if so process moving them over
>! Select Case Player(Index).Moving
>! Case MOVING_WALKING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))
>! Case MOVING_RUNNING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (RUN_SPEED * SIZE_X))
>! Case Else: Exit Sub
>! End Select
>! Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
>! Case DIR_UP
>! Player(Index).yOffset = Player(Index).yOffset - MovementSpeed
>! If Player(Index).yOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).yOffset = 0
>! Case DIR_DOWN
>! Player(Index).yOffset = Player(Index).yOffset + MovementSpeed
>! If Player(Index).yOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).yOffset = 0
>! Case DIR_LEFT
>! Player(Index).xOffset = Player(Index).xOffset - MovementSpeed
>! If Player(Index).xOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).xOffset = 0
>! Player(Index).xOffset = Player(Index).xOffset + MovementSpeed
>! If Player(Index).xOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).xOffset = 0
>! End Select
>! ' Check if completed walking over to the next tile
>! If Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then
>! If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN Then
>! If (Player(Index).xOffset >= 0) And (Player(Index).yOffset >= 0) Then
>! Player(Index).Moving = 0
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! If Player(Index).Step = 4 Then ' Cycles progressive 4 frame animation
>! Player(Index).Step = 1
>! Else: Player(Index).Step = Player(Index).Step + 1
>! End If
>! ' Player(Index).Moving = 0
>! Else
>! If Player(Index).Step = 0 Then
>! Player(Index).Step = 2
>! Else
>! Player(Index).Step = 0
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! Else
>! If (Player(Index).xOffset <= 0) And (Player(Index).yOffset <= 0) Then
>! Player(Index).Moving = 0
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! If Player(Index).Step = 4 Then
>! Player(Index).Step = 1
>! Else: Player(Index).Step = Player(Index).Step + 1
>! End If
>! ' Player(Index).Moving = 0
>! Else
>! If Player(Index).Step = 0 Then
>! Player(Index).Step = 2
>! Else
>! Player(Index).Step = 0
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! ' Else: Player(Index).Moving = 0
>! End If
>! ' Error handler
>! Exit Sub
>! errorhandler:
>! HandleError "ProcessMovement", "modGameLogic", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
>! Err.Clear
>! Exit Sub
>! End Sub
>! Sub ProcessNpcMovement(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long)
>! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
>! If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
>! ' Check if NPC is walking, and if so process moving them over
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving = MOVING_WALKING Then
>! Select Case MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir
>! Case DIR_UP
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (Npc(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num).speed * SIZE_X))
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = 0
>! Case DIR_DOWN
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (Npc(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num).speed * SIZE_X))
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = 0
>! Case DIR_LEFT
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (Npc(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num).speed * SIZE_X))
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = 0
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (Npc(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num).speed * SIZE_X))
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = 0
>! End Select
>! ' Check if completed walking over to the next tile
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving > 0 Then
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir = DIR_RIGHT Or MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir = DIR_DOWN Then
>! If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset >= 0) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset >= 0) Then
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving = 0
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 1 Then
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 3
>! Else
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 1
>! End If
>! Else
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 0 Then
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 2
>! Else
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 0
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! Else
>! If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset <= 0) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset <= 0) Then
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving = 0
>! If VXFRAME = False Then
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 1 Then
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 3
>! Else
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 1
>! End If
>! Else
>! If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 0 Then
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 2
>! Else
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 0
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! ' Error handler
>! Exit Sub
>! errorhandler:
>! HandleError "ProcessNpcMovement", "modGameLogic", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
>! Err.Clear
>! Exit Sub
>! End Sub

Thanks for looking. Not Sure why formatting disappeared in the spoiler drop downs…
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I only changed DrawPlayer lol '-'

Just put:

If Player(MyIndex).Moving = 0 then

Anim = 0

under the

If VXFRAME = False Then

' Reset frame

' If Player(Index).Step = 3 Then

' anim = 0

' ElseIf Player(Index).Step = 1 Then

' anim = 2

' End If


Nvm, dont read dthe idle part on the title lol ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
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