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3D models


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> Arguing with you guys seems a bit pointless as you can't understand my point. Blender is not easy to use, that's why it's not a good tool for starters. It's interface is anti-intuitive and messed up. Both Maya and Max are way easier to use, have more and better tutorials all over the web and when you learn the basics with them you don't have to learn them again with another program to do more advanced stuff.
> The point about one software being expensive and the other being free is absolutely missed if you want to do those graphics professionally, because nobody will give half of a duck if you made your entire portfolio in pirated software. More likely they will ignore you BECAUSE you used free software. When you apply for a job where the company uses programs like Photoshop, Maya, AutoCAD - that company is not interested in your pureness of heart and dislike for piracy - all they care about is you being able to use the software they have without the need to teach you how to do it, because nobody gives a duck about Gimp.
> And if you don't want to do it professionally, why the duck would you care if it's licensed or not? Oh, right, because you have silly dreams of making something by yourself that you can then profit from without investment. You can't.

I think I get what you mean, basically because of the way blender is laid out and stuff, you wouldn't be able to apply the techniques you learn in blender into maya or max? So you might as well just start with those.
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Going to give my two cents… wait Kusy already has. I second what he said. Most people think that because a program is expensive, powerful and industry standard, that it must be incredibly difficult and complicated. This isn't the case, Maya is easy to learn, and is powerful. It's like photoshop, you can make incredible looking text effects and use different filters or blending options to achieve almost anything. It's not difficult, but trying to replicate this in a different program most likely will be.
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