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Transparent chat box


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I will go through on how it is done.

* Load the texture into memory. (Not sure if the texture/image should have certain properties other than it should be .png and/or should have Alpha enabled.)
* Render the texture in a loop. The alpha parameter should be the transparency of the texture.
* Make a chat index value. This will determine the text to be rendered.
* Render the text based on the chat index value. (On a for loop from say chatIndex value to 10\. Put the text in an array)
* Render the buttons. The buttons will change the chat index value.
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You don't need to reinvent the wheel or program any text-related things, just stop a picture from being rendered. This is DX8\. The chat is already rendered into the game screen, and the GUI has no interaction with it, other than being behind it and sharing some position variables (which are set elsewhere from the rendering, so it completely doesn't matter if the image renders or not).

As far as I know the GUI index for the chatbox is 1 across the board (if not, it will be the #.png of your chatbox in the GUI folder), so search in Sub DrawGUI for a line like this:```

RenderTexture Tex_GUI(1)
And comment it out like so:```

'RenderTexture Tex_GUI(1)

There should be two of those lines within an if/else/then statement. Text is rendered after that statement in RenderChatTextBuffer - it will still be rendered even if the chatbox is not.

The chat scrolling buttons would still be rendered. You can use most image editors to make them more transparent. You could remove them by deleting their for-next loop. You could also change their position in modGeneral InitialiseGUI to move them more out of the way, or adjust their sizes if you care to change their graphics to something less bulky.
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> The only 3.0 version I've been able to find is 3.0.21 (which is a fully rendered DX8 version). It works perfectly.

[There ya go.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127309-eclipse-nightly-releases-24-30/)
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Go to frmMain Code

in Sub Form_Load() declare this:


Dim TransRichText As Long

Dim TransRich As Long


and put above "' If debug mode, handle error then exit out"


TransRichText = SetWindowLong(txtChat.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)

TransRich = SetWindowLong(txtMyChat.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)

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