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World Wildlife Fund


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Hey guys,

I need to raise $200 for the **World Wildlife Fund**, hopefully by **January 12th** (to give me a few days to do the write up) for my government class.

I can only make so much money selling lollipops, and there's not much money in my family to extort (;)), so I thought it would be a good idea to try raising some money online.

That's where you come in. First off, **I am not asking for you to send me money or information in any shape or form**. If any of you even would send money to a stranger over an online forum, you probably need some help. All I'm asking is that those of you who can afford it and want to help a great charity, make a donation to the World Wildlife Fund, and then PM, or email me ([email protected]) the "**Order ID**" and "**Amount**" part of the receipt **OR** just **send me a copy of the email confirmation** so I can have some proof for my teacher and keep track of how much I've raised. Neither the Order ID or the email would give me access to any information about you (you can even remove your name from the email if you'd rather not disclose it). It's purely so I have proof for my teacher.

**What is the World Wildlife Fund?**


Well all the information is on their website, [**www.worldwildlife.org**](http://www.worldwildlife.org), but basically they are one of the biggest, and in my opinion one of the best, environmental conservation organizations in the world. They are not insane, say like PETA, and they focus on grassroots efforts, conservation of natural resources and endangered species, and reducing the human impact on the environment. You have probably seen some of their commercials on TV from time to time. As far as endangered species go, they focus on a few species at a time. Right now the Panda, Polar Bear, and Sea Turtles are their big things if I remember right.

So in general, it's a great charity which does alot of good work.
Post here if you've donated, and PM or email me with the Order ID or Email Confirmation. Again, absolutely no personal information can be derived from this, it's just to provide proof to my teacher. Happy New Years!

**Money Raised: $11**
**My Goal: $200**
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> I shall help you mate. WWF FTW! Now lets buy some beer form their biggest sponser, Budwiser!
> - Adulese

Hey, in defense of the WWF, NGO's do need money to operate, and Budweiser isn't like a logging company or something. One of their main projects is getting corporations and businesses to change their attitudes towards global warming and reduce emissions. Companies that are actually doing this have donated, as well as companies that maybe would like to seem like they're doing this. I just looked through a whole bunch of different sources to be sure. They're clean.

I've raised $11 so far! Thanks
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