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Azkanan's Port Forwarding + No-ip tutorial


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Azkanan's Port Forwarding Tutorial

**Part 1\. what?
Part 2\. How?
Part 3\. No-ip
Part 4\. Port Forwarding**

**Part 1\. What?**

An IP address is like a internet post code. Everybody in the world has them, except they change.


Basically, every time you connect to the internet, it sends a new IP to your Router.
You connect to the internet through your router, if there wasn't a router, you wouldn't be able to connect to the internet.

the image above depicts how, rather than using a new IP all the time, and having to keep updating everybody with a new IP, you can just grab No-ip, which gives a much more memorable and manageable IP address.
No-ip grabs the IP as it comes to your router, then translates it into the IP you chose to use. (This isn't how it actually works, but it's the simpliest way to explain it).

**Part 2\. How?**

For players to connect to your server, you need two things.

1\. A stable IP.
2\. An open port.

For the tutorial, i'll be using the IP I use - myworld.bounceme.net, and the port I use, 4000 (Which is also the default for Eclipse).
First you'll want to get your IP sorted, then the port forwarding.

**Part 3\. No-ip**

1\. Go to www.no-ip.com
2\. Sign up.
3\. Create a domain.
4\. Download the no-ip tool.
5\. Install.
6\. Set it up (Run the tutorial).
7\. Set to run on start-up.


After all that, you should have a Stable IP to use. Sorry about skipping out on the tutorial, mine is already setup and would need me to reinstall everything to redo it…

**Part 4\. Port Forwarding**

1\. Go find your router.
2\. Find out what model it is.
\ Sometimes it says the model on the bottom (D-link, DSL-2640R, mine is something like that). If you can't find it, ask a parent/sibling, or check the install disk's information.
3\. Go to www.portforward.com
4\. There's a big list of manufacturers and their models. Hit CTRL+F, then type in your model.
5\. Skip the stupid advertisement, top right.
6\. Click any game, it doesn't really matter. I'll use Warcraft 3.
7\. It then gives step-by-step instructions, sometimes with images, as to how to port forward that game.
8\. Follow the instructions.
9\. Then, when you get to the part where you put in the Ports? Type in 4000\. Range, TCP, UDP, whatever. Just fill in the boxes with 4000-4000.
10\. Save. Done.

Congratulations. you just successfully completed basic training in No-ip and Port forwarding setup.

What? You still have a problem? Post it.

If this sorted you out straight away, or you like it, vote Sticky! (Post that you vote it for sticky :D)
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Check List:
Did you Port forward under your Local IP? (Make sure its not your sisters and yada yada)
If so, check it. Sometimes routers change who has what local IP, it's a DHCP thing, really annoying.

Is your No-ip client updating your IP?

Also, you never said what the problem was, which makes it a tonne harder to solve it…

It's like saying "BLAH PLUS BLAH EQUALS 6, BUT THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!". Can't solve an equation without the conditions.
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  • 3 months later...
How do I set up my server to use my no-ip ip?

Also, what port does no-ip use? Because I think it says somewhere that it uses 8250 or something like that but you can tick a box to make it use 80 it's on one of the screenies.
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