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Spooker - A game development library based on SFML and coded in C#


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**Spooker, an Open Source Game Framework**

By Thomas AKA Deathbeam

Making games is a piece of cake with this small library!

Spooker Framework is a fully free and open source game library, which will help game developers making their own games faster. Spooker is based on SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) and its binding is called SFML.NET. SFML is a cross-platform (running on top of OpenGL) multimedia library, which is really fast and easy to use. Because of using cross-platform libraries, Spooker is able to run on most platforms, including Windows, Linux and even Mac.

[**Official website**](http://spooker-dev.github.io/)


* Integration of Gwen GUI.
* Native support for loading and rendering Tiled(tmx) maps.
* Sprite batching with features known from XNA.
* Smart resource and component management.
* Simple game state managers.
* Easy-to-use audio controller.
* And much more (check Documentation for rest).

Please, consider watching us on [GitHub](https://github.com/spooker-dev/Spooker) to be updated with latest releases. You can use this library in any project freely. Please also share it with your friends.



>! Game Example:
>! [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHfQiMYkNLc[/media]
>! Collisions:
>! [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naP9gNi_ijE[/media]
>! Tiled Objects:
>! [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myTDt3HCl1U[/media]


**If you need any assistance**

[Please read through our documentation](http://spooker-dev.github.io/docs/index.html)


[Please talk with the developer at our forum](http://www.indiearmory.com)
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> I love the free flowing movement and that little light system, good going.

Thanks for the feedback, i'll forward it to Thomas.

> How many times must he change the name.

At least he is just changing the name, not the project itself (like me all the time :P).

> Nice framework

Thanks, i'll forward it too!
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