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Double Death


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**Intro**, _or how to completely bore everyone within the first paragraph of a post_

So uh, hi everyone. Double Death is my first real project as an Indie Dev, and up to this point has been a crazy

experience for me. I'm creating the game mainly in GM:S, although I've had to do some additional coding for

GM Extensions to extend the capability of the engine. Double Death is a zombie (_yes, another zombie game)_ beat'em/shoot'em up

which I created with the original idea in mind of being a 2D Killing Floor. Since then I've added a lot more from many inspirational sources,

including L4D, TF2, and older games like Metal Slug. Not only have a learned a ton from Double Death, but it's also been the source

of my motivation for the last three years (even after a complete hardware failure) and an experience which has lead me to incorporate

as a business and get in touch with a publisher to bring the game to Steam in the future.

**Features**, _or what actually makes the game worth playing_

* Wave-based Survival Modes, both with a classic survive 10 wave mode and an endless mode
* Infection Mode, similar to Versus in L4D
* Player Customization with hats,etc similar to TF2
* Weapon Customization. There are around 8 weapons and 30 or so mods to customize these weapons
* Co-op Multiplayer + Singleplayer
* Dedicated Server Support
* Modding. Allows for players to make custom game modes, maps, weapons, zombies, mods, etc.
* 8 Maps on release
* Arcade (Story) Mode which acts as an Objective based mode taking place on custom maps
* Backpacks, which are instanced per match and increase player carrying size and such. Can be traded.

**Screenshots_,_** _or the only thing people really care about when opening a thread_

_Warning: There's ALOT here_

_>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/BGqTKpa.png)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/screenshot12.PNG)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/krakendemonstration.png)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/forestwalkthrough.gif)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/mockup2.png)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/deathanimzombiem.gif)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/backpackmockup.gif)
>! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/images/articles/1/176/175623/auto/utXL4y6.gif)
>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/DELxbCu.gif)![](http://i.imgur.com/COreA4L.gif)
>! So yeah. The game's still in development and should be released on Steam, among other platforms, in a few months or so. There's a lot
>! more screenshots on the IndieDB and Devlog pages, so if you're interested be sure to check those out.
>! Thanks everyone,
>! Bonesy_
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