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My Tileset/Pixel Works


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I'm new here, as you can see from the post count and the register date. :P But, I'm not really new to the game-making industry, and I've decided to learn/improve my spriting/pixel skills, so that I could "maybe" create a game that would have as much custom features as possible, not from RMXP and other resources like that. I really want to learn all aspects of creating a game, from being an pixel artist, GUI artist, mapper, programmer etc., but as of now, the thing that I really CAN do, is mapping. So uhh.. yeah, I can't lead a team if I can't at least do 2-3 stuffs I've listed above, I'll be like a noob posting something like "Hey, I nid a team im making game, rly awsome." or something like that, but no offense to them though.

Constructive criticism is appreciated of course, I understand if my works are kinda crappy, but advices or tips will be absorbed, to improve my works.

I'll be pretty much posting my progress here, so I can receive criticisms and advices.

Without further ado, here are some that I've made:


>! ![](http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm34/HaseoTDD/castle.png)
>! I've made this an hour or more ago, really need to sleep right now so it's quite unfinished.
First attempt in creating a tileset.
>! 1st two tiles, are for a castle-ish sort of tile, 1st one is normal while the 2nd one is like the 1st except shadowed.
>! The 3x3 tile is a carpet, you know, in castles. Some might not get it or something so I guess
I need to clarify things up. XD


>! ![](http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm34/HaseoTDD/dualblade.png)
>! Created in 5 mins. or so each, so it's not very detailed.
4 separate images, just clarified that, because some might think they're all in one file.


>! ![](http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm34/HaseoTDD/gold.gif)
>! Real simple stuff..

So.. umm.. what do you guys think? I'll be checking the responses tomorrow, need to sleep now, school tomorrow. Thanks in advance to those who will respond! :D
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The fire animation is real choppy, frame rate is far too low on that. The coins are alright, just not enough detail. Everything need's shading. I see your just starting with shapes and that's great, but try to get some more detail in with it.

Good luck!
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Thanks for the advice, but I might not be able to apply those for now, real busy with school and real life stuff.

This is all I've done in an hour:


Just added a wall tile, and a variation of it, which shows the connection of the wall to floor.. I think. XD And also a window, a simple window. I've thought of adding designs to it, like the ones in churches and stuff, but as I'm a beginner to this, I didn't attempt to do that for now.


Same old fireball, except I increased the frame rate, just as MrKris said.
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Not a bad style, pretty cool. I'd like to see something in this style drawn bigger. I bet you could make some really cool sprites and backgrounds if you went a little bigger…same thing for your titles, bigger bricks and why not mix it up a bit and bend/crack some of those perfectly straight lines. Alright man keep at it!
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Really, really bad. Do not rely on this community to improve your pixel art skills. There's probably 3 or 4 people who can do it properly. Here's a little tip; None of them are in this thread.

Go register on 'Way of the Pixel' or something if you want actual feedback. Right now these kids are just being nice so that you'll like them. If you want proper feedback then you need to go post it on a forum which takes their craft seriously and isn't full of 12 year olds who're starved of social interaction.
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…with the exception of me, as I am a 31 year old and am a pro level graphics artist. I am nice to people simply because I have what's called manners. (You should try it sometime Robin). Anyway I know that creative improvement comes from positive reinforcement not negative, and I am interested in seeing these guys produce some cool games that I would like to play. However I'm not about to draw someone's art for them, just give advice. So...XJocent what's the latest?
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