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How to remove server down visit touchofdeath.com message.


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Go to modConstants.

Then, find

' Website
Public Const GAME_WEBSITE As String = "http://www.touchofdeathforums.com"

See that 'http://www.touchofdeathforums.com"?

I think you already know what to do with it. Modify BOTH Server and Client.


Oh, how stupid of me. That thing I gave you above (^^^) is just to change the website. I thought it was changing the website lol xD
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Call MsgBox("Sorry, the server seems to be down.  Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit " & GAME_WEBSITE, vbOKOnly, Options.Game_Name)
("Sorry, the server seems to be down.  Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit", vbOKOnly, Options.Game_Name)
Leaving the vbOKOnly and Option.Game_Name untouched.
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> Client
> Find:
> ```
> Call MsgBox("Sorry, the server seems to be down.  Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit " & GAME_WEBSITE, vbOKOnly, Options.Game_Name)
> ```
> Edit:
> ```
> ("Sorry, the server seems to be down.  Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit" vbOKOnly, Options.Game_Name)
> ```
> Leaving the vbOKOnly and Option.Game_Name untouched.

You accidentally removed a comma there, so that won't work.


> could you be any less spacific? it would be handy if you told me/ us what frm file its in

Yes, I could be less specific. Don't tempt me.

You can search throughout the entire project very easily. Press Control + F -> Select "Current Project" -> Type in the start of the message -> Press Enter. [If you still can't get it, here's a guide](http://php.webuda.com/eclipse/guide/ctrlf/slideshow.html).

* * *

If you really need a specific guide, just find:
Sorry, the server seems to be down.

and then change the message in quotes to whatever you want.

Next, you should change the GAME_WEBSITE constant (search GAME_WEBSITE and change the website in quotes) to your site.
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