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  1. Put it in the recruitment thread. And generally if you want anyone to help you develop a game you need more (ALOT more) of an idea. "Making a game like runescape" is generally not enough. Try to think of a great story that captures someones interest. Just my 2 cents…
  2. I don't have the source code in front of me. Haven't been working on any Eclipse projects or VB6 for that matter. But if my memory serves me well I think that particular calculation is in the DamagePlayer/Npc Sub
  3. Well I'm guessing you saved his skill level serverside and that skillbox is clientside. Which means you need to send the data from server to client. First of you need to tell the server that you need the specific variable. Go to the modGameLogic And add a new sub ``` Public Sub GetPlayerSkills(ByVal Index As Long) Call SendData("getplayerskills" & END_CHAR) End Sub ``` This sends a string to the server requesting the variable. You also need something to get the answer and assign it to your caption once the server replies. So in modHandledata client side you need a new case: ``` If casestring = "setplayerskills" Then NAMEOFTHELABEL.Caption = Val(parse(1)) Exit Sub End If ``` NAMEOFLABEL is the name of the label you wanna rename. And server side you need to obtain the value from the playerfile and send it back to client. Plus you need something that receives the command to send it. So go to modHandleData in the server and add a new case ``` Case "getplayerskills" Dim File As String Dim Skill As String File = App.Path & "\playerfiles\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini" Skill = GetVar(File, "SKILLS", "skill") Call SendDataTo(Index, "setresistances" & SEP_CHAR & skill & END_CHAR) Exit Sub ``` When you click to open your skills tab you can call the GetPlayerSkill sub. Or better yet is to create a variable that you load when you start your game so it only loads once and not everytime you open your skilltab. But then you also need to add a sub that sends the skill variable to the client each time you level up so it doesn't require a restart. Works but not perfect. You need to edit some values so that it fits your project but this should give you a general idea on how server/client works.
  4. The code in the first post works excellent. I've just had alot to do at work lately so the additions to the NPC editor and sourced spellcasting aren't implemented yet. But works well in scriptform. The only thing that this lacks is a range calculator but that is quite an easy fix. If you can't solve the range calc then PM me and I can guide you through it.
  5. Are you using Trim(parse(1)) or Val(Parse(1)) and try switching them :)
  6. Mismatch is often an error you get when trying to assign a value to a variable that cannot hold that type of value. If you've set the variable as long you should have no problem with assigning 5 to it. But if you've set it as string try doing this: Call OnShowLabel(Index, "5"). that should do it :)
  7. What type of value would you like to display I wonder? But none the less. Add this to the server code ``` Sub ShowOnLabel(Index As Long, ByVal valueOfItemInventory As Long) Call SendDataTo(Index, "showonlabel" & SEP_CHAR & valueOfItemInventory & END_CHAR) End Sub ``` In client source modHandleData, add a new case ``` Case "showonlabel" frmMirage.LABELNAME.Caption = Val(Parse(1)) Exit Sub ``` Replace "LABELNAME" with the name of the label you want to show. Also, if you want it to send text instead change the ByVal valueOfItemInventory As Long, to: ByVal valueOfItemInventory As String. And change Val(Parse(1)) to Trim(Parse(1)). Now you can call the sub from sadscript by typing Call ShowOnLabel(Index, VALUE), where value is the thing the label will display. Hop this helps you
  8. Not sure I understand what you want to do? Could you elaborate?
  9. Elenfir


    I run Eclipse and vb6 on a intel mac OSX10.6\. Try downloading winebottler and make it to an .app
  10. Just remembered btw, if you use Eclipse Stable I think the file you want to edit is named OnAttack.ess.
  11. Elenfir

    On NPC death

    Open the server, press ctrl+F, and enter You've killed and you'll find it.
  12. Elenfir

    Few Questions….

    And dpon't forget that they need to download the libraryfiles.
  13. There is a tutorial on a actionbar. And I might post mine as which can hold macros, items and spells. Still need to fix some stuff with it tho…
  14. Thanks! Gotten abit further, still some loose ends. Going away for 2 weeks starting monday, but after that it shouldn't be long before I can post a full source. Also new Feature added. You can Now choose Ranged, MeleeBrave, MeleeWimp, Wimp and MeleeCaster as AI setting for the NPCs. What the different additions do: Ranged: Tries to keep the player at a range of X when combat is initiated. MeleeBrave: Act as the normal NPCs do, try to get close and attack MeleeWimp: Act as MeleeBrave except that the npc will switch behavior after reaching a certain % of their hitpoints. So let's say you set the wimpy at 10% and the NPC has 1000 HP. Once it reaches 100 or less in HP it will try to flee. Wimp: Might not be useful but since I made the MeleeWimp it was a quite small edit. Once combat is initiated the Wimp NPC will try to flee no matter his condition. MeleeCaster: Is a sort of mage and uses a mix of the ranged, MeleeBrave and MeleeWimp setting. They have 2 modifiers that controls their actions, Mana and HP. If the mana goes below X% he will switch to melee. But he also has the wimpy setting. So if he reaches X% Hp he will try to flee. And I've also made a conditioner so that if the NPC is fleeing when he gets low on mana he will not switch behavior but keep fleeing. I want to add RangedWimpy, working on that now and also adding the mana condition to the Ranged AI. Still abit unsure on how to handle it tho. Still need to solve arrows for NPCs. But since I still haven't dared to dig into the blt commands I'm afraid this will take awhile. All of the above is tested and work quite good. Still some minorbugs when they switch behavior and when they are resetting their targets. And I still need to add a setting for NPC movementspeed. But hopefully I'll have all of this fully working and bugfree in a month or so :) Glad that you liked it. :)
  15. Hmm sounds weird if he has DirectX installed. Installed the Library files aswell (Altho I have a hard time believing that they could cause a DirectDraw error)
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