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Posts posted by guzmanm

  1. Hmm. It still doesn't looks as if it was for a game. Looks more like a website to me. Maybe the the 3D-ish box in the center should be flat, or try a different color combination?
  2. The new ladders are awesome. The movement cycle is amazing. Overall, its pretty good. Wait a minute… what happened to the UI? The last time I saw that picture it had a Health bar. Hmm, if its a mockup, why not add an UI too?
  3. [Click here to download](http://www.robin.freemmorpgmaker.com/eo_2_0_0.zip)
    Eclipse is archived in a winrar file(.rar). So, in order to use it, you'll have to extract it using WinRar.
  4. @Joyce:

    > Just be yourself as always really.

    That's the worst advice you've ever given. If he does that, he will be the next generation's forever alone meme.

    >! Just kidding.
  5. 'Kay, I'll share some of my experience with you.
    Oh wait, I've none.
    Oh wait… Never mind.
    Oh wait, I have.
    First off, when you date someone, the purpose of it is getting to meet that someone.

    > So, at this point, i have no idea what people actually do on a date. Do you go do something fun, like bowling or something?

    People who have dinners with someone as a date are usually adults. Most teenagers go to the movies or (insert activity here) when having a date.

    I, myself, prefer the movies instead of anything else. I usually go to the movies with my crush, a dependable friend and my crush's friend. I sit next to crush, crush's friends next to her, and my friend next to crush's friend. Always have a good time, always enjoyed that stuff.

    > Also, what do you talk about with a date, to keep it from getting awkward?

    That usually comes naturally. Never had a problem with that.
  6. @Azkanan:

    > HDD has a good bit of space, and I have another HDD on-hand ready for use if I need more space.
    > As for connection, probably 0.5 - 1 MB on a wired connection, download. Upload is faster, can't remember the specs that-side.

    Nice. If the server is going to be sending not so-heavy files occasionally, then it's okay to go with Option 1.
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