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Everything posted by Relly

  1. Would any of these work? ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/bd093cd7ffdc9ad7de638c04b5ecc550.bmp) *Note I did NOT make these, only got them from provided resources.
  2. Eh I have an old side-scrolling sprite set for male and female, but it's not too great. Do you need jumping frames or what? My sucky sprites: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/55ebda391420f4dfbe700119ac5e8cd9.bmp) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fff341a5ee95b0104a6a78c5e1c31ece.bmp) :lipsrsealed:
  3. Eh their there, just a little too small to see very well. I myself tried to make them more noticeable but it never turned out right so I'm not sure how to make it look any better. Any tips or somebody just fix it?
  4. Do you need the Sprite with the clothes or do you already have the sprite, but need the clothes? I can make simple clothes for a certain sprite, but I' m not very good at sprites themselves.
  5. My Attempt: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e80eae74ffdfe687549a299e59880252.bmp) I will eventually paperdoll it, unless you or someone else will do it, just not atm.
  6. [![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/807514127.png)](http://www.speedtest.net) Lols bet you cant beat me. Yes this is really my internet speed.
  7. Well, the fact is that most MMORPGs, not just eclipse made, just are medieval. Plus Eclipse comes with Medieval GFX, so people who can't make any new GFX have to just go with a medieval MMORPG or hire an artist.
  8. I thought you meant avatar as in your picture… Well here it is: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/cc6204a015c8b135fd7baebb94dcbb3a.bmp)
  9. You just keep having problem after problem don't you? Are you sure it isn't there? When you extract the file after downloading it there should have been a folder, then when you open it there should be a client and server folder…
  10. The link works for me http://www.filefront.com/15668591/Project-Vertigo_Source.zip/ But for some reason I am having problems getting it to work. I don't know if it's because of the download, or my computer but the link works.
  11. When I add that in I get a message saying cannot read config, re-creating file, and then some registry error pops up, I register the file, open the client again and get the RTE 13 again too. :\
  12. I think we can conclude that this problem is caused by Dial up because this happens to me too and I have Dial up.
  13. Yea I had the same problem with downloading things, it would just stop in the middle of the download as if it were complete. But when I got new browser it worked again. Also I am using Dial up.
  14. He's having problems downloading it because his browser thinks the download is done when it's not and stops at around 7mb of 11. Mine did the same, I just either re downloaded the browser, or got a completely new browser.
  15. That didn't really help at all. >.< Do you mean make items spawn on a certain spot on a map, make certain part of the map affect you, and make a bank?
  16. I downloaded Project Vertigo, ran the server (It worked), then ran the client and got RTE 13… I looked on the RTE guide and it says to fix any wrong values, but I checked everything and they seem fine to me, plus I never edited them. Any help? Config: ``` [IPCONFIG] IP= PORT=4000 [CONFIG] SpeechBubbles=1 NpcBar=1 NPCName=1 NPCDamage=1 PlayerBar=1 PlayerName=1 PlayerDamage=1 MapGrid=1 Music=1 Sound=1 AutoScroll=1 Auto=0 ```
  17. Hmm what browser are you using? The same thing happens to me sometimes. When downloading things my browser thinks its done when it's not and stops before it's done. Very annoying. What do is redownload the browser or some other browser, it helped me.
  18. The link didn't work or it's doing the same thing like before? Are you trying to say that the installer stops downloading in the middle of your download? This used to happen to me with stuff I downloaded so I may be able to help if that is the case.
  19. What is it's format? Libraryinstaller.???
  20. Have you tried using eclipse without the library files? (I'm not sure if I answered what you asked)
  21. Shouldn't he be able to connect to his own server without portforwarding though? It doesn't sound like the problem to me. ( It could be, it's just that I don't think it is.
  22. Why not try it out? I'd say it's fairly simple, no coding REQUIRED, however you can add things with scripts. You can change the graphics to whatever you want, people have made it iso, and even 3d I believe. Just give it a try.
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