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Everything posted by Tdogthedog

  1. well maybe in the next couple weeks i'll have a better one up this was just the first one. i still have alot to do on my game
  2. ok i agree epic was too much but don't worry this isn't a final video yet i still have alot of work to do on my game then i'll have a better and more exciting one with actual combat and stuff
  3. Enjoy :-D first video of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_MhED4tPL0
  4. i want the water but instead of it going from water to grass i want it to go from water to sand like a beach effect http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/10ab5305a975c6029166a6d0bde07406.bmp [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/10ab5305a975c6029166a6d0bde07406.bmp)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#10ab5305a975c6029166a6d0bde07406.bmp)
  5. i need a beach tile set like going from sand to water and i'm using the water from the 2.7 version
  6. Tdogthedog


    make sure the ip on your server is the same in your client folder… then make sure the ports are right.. if your using .7 it should be 4000 and if its .8 then it should be 4001\. And as far as saving your game... it automaticly does and to figure out your account name and password go in to your server folder and go under accounts find your name and look at it.. hope this helps :cheesy:
  7. it might be hard to or probably impossible but u could use paint and got to view 800% or so
  8. you know when u download a game that it sends you a installer file and then once you click it the game downloads to your computer? i was wondering if i could do that with my game so everyone doesn't have to go though all the steps… and is there a free patcher that i can use so that people don't have to keep downloading the client folder again?
  9. ok so we use index to pretty much represent a person on our game?
  10. In scripting you but (Index)….. What is exactly does in mean in eclipse? like is it a file with a list of comands or what?
  11. Tdogthedog


    i would not recomened hamatichi or whatever but make your router lets the server port 4000 or 4001 through then make sure window's firewall also lets them go through. You can see the ports for window's firewall under control panel and under exceptions..
  12. When you make an item you name it then it says what type you want it like sword, shield, etc… but if you keep scrolling down it says spell then you select it then it ask what spell number you want it to be the you lay it on the map hit enter to pick up the item. Then you double click it in your invetory and go under spells select it and hit Insert.. now when every your around a npc and you have that spell selected all you have to do is hit enter and there you go... hope that helps :-D
  13. Tdogthedog

    Server Access

    well do they already have there server on and you just want to edit the maps? or they could give you level 5 access
  14. ok because i wanted to make a giant tree npc and then when it dies u get wood and turns into a stump
  15. half new i know how to use scripts and what each one does i just don't know how to get them to work perfect…
  16. it says runtime error now..it only works when its Scrolling=0
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