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Everything posted by Tdogthedog

  1. Hello Everyone! I’m back-ish! I go by the name TDog or Dog, and it’s been a really really long time. Over 8 years to be fair. Over 9 years ago I was around 12-13 when I joined the Eclipse community. It was known as TouchOfDeath forums back then and Marsh was the owner. I wanted to create a game known as Erra Of War (aware of the spelling mistake, I was young). I also worked with Kraken on a gnome style GTA game, and helped with a lot of programming questions and other projects. The community helped me get into game development, but more importantly and specifically, programming. I left the community 8 years ago due to some toxicity and political matters that happened back then, along with being a typical High School student with girls and such. Eclipse helped me learn programming using VB6. I went on to High School and took a VB.NET and C++ course. After High School, I moved on and I got my Bachelors in Computer Science. The last couple years of my Bachelors I got a job as a full time Software Developer making business applications for manufacturing clients using VB.NET, C#, and SQL. I just recently moved to a much larger city with much larger pay and now working with C#, SQL, and web development languages like ASP.NET and Ruby on Rails. Even though I do programming at work, I still enjoy going home and working on side projects, and learning more and more programming. I now have around 4 years of professional Software Developer experience and still growing every day. So between my professional and personal experience, I have roughly 10-11 years. A couple days ago I thought about this community and decided to check on things and see what has happened over the years. Even though I see the community has been broken into at least 2 websites (which is sad to see), I was thinking of maybe being some help. Even though I do have my own side projects I am working on (they are not games), I feel like I need to give back at least a little to the community that started it all for me. Maybe help with some programming questions, and maybe assist with building an engine.
  2. Delete all your item files and remake them.. should work fine.
  3. does it tell you where it errors?
  4. thats because your variable "Value" isn't assigned anything.. add these lines under the Dim Value Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() Value = Buffer.ReadInteger
  5. perverts :P ![](http://www.funny-potato.com/images/food/funny-food.jpg)
  6. ``` filename = App_Path() & "data\text.txt" F = FreeFile() FileOpen(F, filename, OpenMode.Input) FileGetObject(F, Phrase) 'or Input(F, Phrase) FileClose(F) ``` but if your doing ini you ill need to either add in the getline functions or check out this [INIAccess](http://www.codeguru.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-189920.html)
  7. *cough* and/or wants to help with textures and And graphics for Stranded 3D we need 1 to
  8. Draken and I need a GUI artist and textures for our 3d models for Stranded 3D so if you would like we would love to see what you can do. My msn is [email protected] I already added you.
  9. Ok stranded needs gui's but only like buttons and forms not full backgrounds. I only have 2380 credits maybe I can get draken to give some. But if your fast and good it's not that much work. If any would like to help let me know.
  10. lol its a great old song i found
  11. lol randomly found this….. "I was Stoned" - Dr. Hook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjGdVr7NbOE [Link](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjGdVr7NbOE)
  12. lol… “Fuck me in the beard." - Knocked Up
  13. “You are the greatest player I have ever seen. Besides my self, practicing in front of a mirror… which I do... everyday... in the nude."~ Balls of Furry
  14. All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work ~ Sergeant Bilko
  15. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" - Gone With The Wind
  16. Sorry Dàvid, theres plenty fish in the sea… and well... i found another fish... sorry... so i'm breaking up with you.. :P
  17. Ugh you guys can't rap you just try to be cool. Think your all smart and got the rhymes but your very wrong you see. like those who think your smarter then me. so i'll throw down a few lines to put my imput in. but you see, i don't need to make a big post to show that i'm in. now all you posers that think you can take us on. we'll tear you up and spit you back out.
  18. Robin you make me wonder when all the pic responses you return are chicks…
  19. well someone has to fix EO bugs around here even though its not your way of doing them…
  20. ok to anyone that read the posts above this… actually know its a short source edit for those that get confused easly when putting in edits and that aslong as you don't go to like 1000 levels or something that extreme this still works with out a problem.
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