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  1. @Derek.: > 7\. Lust-SpongeBob > Ok, I know what your thinking. It does seem a little weird and curious at first but I have given it a lot of thought. Lust in one definition is "excessive love of others". I think this one works best for Spongebob. He shows his love of others with his overeagerness to do good and help people. If anything is true about SpongeBob its that he loves everyone around him, even if they don't exactly love him back. What about Sponge Bobs lust for his job although he does take pride in his work, he does more or less lust after it. 1\. intense sexual desire or appetite. 2\. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness. 3\. a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually fol. by for): a lust for power. 4\. **ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish**: an enviable lust for life. 5\. Obsolete. a. pleasure or delight. b. desire; inclination; wish. –verb (used without object) 6\. to have intense sexual desire. 7\. **to have a yearning or desire; have a strong or excessive craving** (often fol. by for or after).
  2. Tomo

    Ginger Highlander

    @Desiderium: > It's flat.. > Add some shading. @Hippoman: > No detail in the skin. I did add skin texture to it then I decided against using it as I felt it lost the cartooni feel it has. I've gone over it again and i've managed to stop it giving head every time he walked.
  3. Tomo

    Ginger Highlander

    I've updated my sprite. :)
  4. Tomo

    Ginger Highlander

    @Anna: > Ah ok.. from the coloring it looks A LOT like the orange haired guy with the brown armor. I thought it looked a little different, ok duh it was the green hair (I've done PD stuff with both males hairs). > > Hmm well the main thing is the outline seems inconsistent in any case. Where else are the flickers? Another thing is to check the exact color of your background and edges. I can't test it myself because I don't have an active Eclipse engine on my computer. TBH I'm not sure, I want the tartan to flick (obviously) but I'm experiancing lag with 2.8 I'm pretty sure the the sprites are aligned but I'm gonna go triple check. and practice more on hair making :( lol
  5. Tomo

    Ginger Highlander

    Anna it apears u were correct, I was to literal when i used the green har as a refrance *Shame on me*
  6. Tomo

    Ginger Highlander

    @Anna: > The flicker probably comes from that your sprite outline is inconsistent at best. It's well defined on areas where it was ripped from RMXP, but your customs it's not. Were you using AA on the image editing program? > > As far as look, it's ok but you should add braids or something to the hair… since as it is it's pretty much a copy paste of a very common and well-known RMXP sprite hair. The hair is not a copy and paste, although I did use a green hair style as a refrence other than that, there is nothing from the sprites that come with the program in there. I made this in paint.
  7. Tomo

    Ginger Highlander

    Here is a sprite I'm going to use for my game. The Ginger Highlander :) If you saw my first ever post of my wee Highlanders I hope you see a significant improvement. Ok well the aim of this sprite is to have a slight comic appeal to it with strong bold colours. I'm hoping to get all my sprites made in this fashion. Please note this has taken me quite some time to have it look like this, as this is what I've been wanting to achieve with my sprites. I was wondering also if people could test it out for me, as i think there may be a few out of place highly noticable flickers in the colour(hard for me to check 100% with 2.8 due to the lag) And Yes I'm aware not everyone will like it.
  8. I've never noticed this thread and I've just come of GW. Tomo The Mighty W/any Tomo The Kind M/any Tomo The Unclean N/any The Venerable Truth M/R (perma Pre lvl15) The Venerable Light E/R (perma Pre lvl9) if u guys are ever on at the same time pm me :)
  9. @Admiral: > I see what you mean now; this could be possible with scripting, but it'd be much better sourced (as you can keep track of how many players are in the guild, restrict joining, etc, in the source). Tnx for the speedy reply.
  10. @Admiral: > What exactly do you mean? > Other members from the game join the guilds, so you would need 5 members that are already playing the game to be sent into a new user's guild when he first registers, but where will this supply of members (that don't have a guild of their own?) come from? My game is based around Medievel Scottish Highlands period, I'm trying to get the guild system to work like this… Create the guild (any lvl) starting of with only 5 able to join like a small warband, then after completing a certain quest, your guild incresses by an extra 3 members, then progresses after so many quests (say 5 quests) you can have 15 in your guild as max,
  11. Hey guys, I have a question ref. Guilds. I want my game to be where you start of with having 5 in your guild, then as you progress with the game, you are granted the ability to add more members to your guild. How would I do this, would it require a source edit? I've checked the forum, and found a few questions regarding guilds but I cant find any with this info. Thanks in advance if you can answer this. Tomo
  12. Tomo

    My King

    @Hippoman: > It was constructive. It was full of constructed letters into words into sentences into a paragraph, into my post. Great another 12 year old kid trolling the forum, leaving silly statements. Stop replying in my thread with crap like this.
  13. Tomo

    My King

    @Hippoman: > If you copied the hair and cape you didnt make it. > Also the hair sucks. The lighting shape is bad. If your going to leave a reply please keep retarded statments like IT SUCKS for someone elses post as I've asked before if you aint going to say something contructive don't bloody post here. Also what do you mean the lighting shpe is bad could you be a wee bit more specific.
  14. Tomo

    My King

    @Azkanan: > LOL. Harris, stop being mean. > > Also, the face does look like he has bright red lipstick, granny-style. I make my sprites without lips, try that. :) I originally never had lips, but ingame the face looked to plain. I gave him the lips and ingame it looks quite good to me.
  15. Tomo

    My King

    @Harris: > I never said Red Face It wasn't directed at you, I should have been a little more clearer with the fact that saying the face looks red is more contructive to saying red face or stating that the face is red when it is infact pinkish. does it still look to red?
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