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Everything posted by YuraguKoto

  1. @MrMiguuâ„¢: > ![](http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y23/Alexanderthegreat91/girl_walking.gif) > Viola! walking… Add a "eyes blinking" animation to the third walking frame. Looks more natural. And try to bend the elbows more.
  2. @Fruitpunch: > I feel like everything I am good at is looked down upon by society. Any outdoor activity at all I am just totally horrible at. Now there as a lot of non athletic people right? But my parents are the two biggest jocks ever. They hate everything non athletic and I can't take it anymore. I hate being outside. I hate psychal activity. Like I really just wanna find a hobby that I can actually do that my parents accept but I just feel like one doesn't exist. I love to create stuff. I always feel like I know a better way to create something that already exists but whenever I tell somebody my ideas I just get a sarcastic okay. I feel like nobody takes anything I say seriously. Like I feel like if I had an idea it would get turned down but of someone else had the same idea they'd be called a genius. I feel like when people remember me they tend to remember the bad more than the good. I feel like some people are so ignorant and horrible and don't know how people are so horrible to each other and still manage to get everybody to love them. Meh > > /end rant Sounds a lot like me, just that my parents don't force me to do outdoor stuff. But you can try swimming, it isn't exactly outdoor.
  3. The girl… Coz that's my hair colour =D
  4. Could you add a version with dark purple hair and eyes?
  5. Actually, I had this feeling that I ran into walls. It's because the map is scrolling.
  6. I have a mind block right now… After all my hard work scripting a custom menu with click'n'go spells and passive spell compatibility... I end up having no idea on what kind of skills to make. Typical me. So here's this. I currently have 3 classes for a "protect-the-world-against-undead" game. (Paladin, Archer, Archmage) Erm, can anyone give any idea on what kind of skills should each class have? The basic idea is that Paladins are tanks/healers, Archers are the DPS and Archmages are damaging casters. Thanks.
  7. I would prefer sick to awesome. And my crystal eye supposedly on my laptop got destroyed by green tea.
  8. @Emblem: > It would be like cybersex, without the sex, and with more pleasure. > > xD sick.
  9. Hey how about a timed event in which a spell Necropost is cast by the dogs? Then a random kitten in the team just dies =D. GOD STOP KILLING KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Some of them look like a wallpaper.
  11. It looks fine to me. If you need a reference, you can look at how MapleStory does their sprites.
  12. Yay a nicer version of maplestory that is so much easier to cheat on!!!! Just delete the hshield folder and you can use cheat engine =D.
  13. Just edit the GFX to totally white. I think that'll remove the lag.
  14. I would do it if the sprite doesn't look so not to my liking. I would rather make a whole new base sprite -.-
  15. It's a female in my opinion. Why would males have that kind of feminine look?
  16. LOL. Anyway, thanks as usual, didn't know that code would work. I saw it in one of dg's scripts, but I thought he made himself and I didn't want to leech it out.
  17. Sorry, does anyone have any RPG-XP style grass-snow transition tiles? I'm kinda unable to create rivers in snow maps due to the lack of the snow-river edge tiles. Thanks.
  18. Okay, np. Thanks. Btw, what's with the 52 minutes? OMG its a ZANNYBOT!!! MEGA LASER BEAMS xD
  19. I still play this game. And there's PvP in JMS, you didn't know? Just that if you're not rich don't prepare to survive even with high levels, there are level 30 people who can kill third jobs in seven strikes (I,L mages freeze and then dps, you can't use items while frozen). JMS is dominated with I,L mages mainly for the freezing and sometimes sins use snowballs to freeze then lucky seven all the way. OUCH.
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