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Everything posted by Qazek

  1. Ok I changed some lines in TakeInvItem function. Is it free from bugs? XD : ``` Function TakeInvItem(ByVal index As Long, ByVal itemnum As Long, ByVal ItemVal As Long) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim n As Long TakeInvItem = False ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or itemnum MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Function End If For i = 1 To MAX_INV ' Check to see if the player has the item If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = itemnum Then If Item(itemnum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then ' Is what we are trying to take away more then what they have? If so just set it to zero If ItemVal >= GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) Then TakeInvItem = True Else Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) - ItemVal) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, i) End If Else TakeInvItem = True End If If Item(itemnum).Currency > 0 Then If ItemVal = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) Then TakeInvItem = True Else TakeInvItem = False Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) - ItemVal) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, i) Exit Function End If Else TakeInvItem = True End If If TakeInvItem Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i, 0) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i, 0) ' Send the inventory update Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, i) Exit Function End If End If Next End Function ```
  2. Yeah I have some problem with function TakeInvItem (server). I am using EO 3.0 Electrified Events What's wrong? I added new variable named "Currency" to item data to have the same items in one slot (like gold). And now for example: 1\. I have 3 the same consume item in one slot 2\. When I use item the system takes 3 items, not 1 and add HP from one item. Here's my pieces of TakeInvItem and TakeInvSlot: ``` Function TakeInvItem(ByVal index As Long, ByVal itemnum As Long, ByVal ItemVal As Long) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim n As Long TakeInvItem = False ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or itemnum MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Function End If For i = 1 To MAX_INV ' Check to see if the player has the item If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = itemnum Then If Item(itemnum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then ' Is what we are trying to take away more then what they have? If so just set it to zero If ItemVal >= GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) Then TakeInvItem = True Else Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) - ItemVal) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, i) End If Else TakeInvItem = True End If If Item(itemnum).Currency > 0 Then If ItemVal >= GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) Then TakeInvItem = True Else Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i, itemnum) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) - ItemVal) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, i) End If Else TakeInvItem = True End If If TakeInvItem Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i, 0) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i, 0) ' Send the inventory update Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, i) Exit Function End If End If Next End Function ``` ``` Function TakeInvSlot(ByVal index As Long, ByVal invSlot As Long, ByVal ItemVal As Long) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim n As Long Dim itemnum TakeInvSlot = False ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or invSlot MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Function End If itemnum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, invSlot) If Item(itemnum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then ' Is what we are trying to take away more then what they have? If so just set it to zero If ItemVal >= GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot) Then TakeInvSlot = True Else Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot) - ItemVal) End If Else TakeInvSlot = True End If If Item(itemnum).Currency > 0 Then ' Is what we are trying to take away more then what they have? If so just set it to zero If ItemVal >= GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot) Then TakeInvSlot = True Else Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot) - ItemVal) End If Else TakeInvSlot = True End If If TakeInvSlot Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, invSlot, 0) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, invSlot, 0) Exit Function End If End Function ```
  3. Hello! Is there any example for drawing any image on frmMain picScreen in EO 3.0 with DX8? I need to render player HP bar in picScreen not in Image like now. Could someone show me how to do that? Or just show how to render any png image on picScreen. Thank you!
  4. Qazek

    Simple Example

    Hello! I'm looking for a small mmorpg/online game engine (I need just something for rendering graphics from .png files and server client stable connection with some examples of sending and receiving data) for VB2008. I'm already learning all of this so the best way for me is to work on examples.
  5. Hello! In EO 3.0 Electrified Events I found autotilesets system but it works only for RMVX style tilesets. So my question is how to change it for RMXP autotilesets?
  6. Hello! I'm gonna make saveable player info cards, but the saved picture don't have player info like Name etc. I do a normal picturebox where is picture of player card and I added label where caption is name of player. To saving picture button I added this code: ``` SavePicture frmMain.picCard.Image, App.Path & "\PlayerCard.jpg" ``` When I click this button, the saved picture have only picCard.picture. How to resolve this problem? I think I must render player name like it's in picScreen, but I'm not good in DX :/ HELP?!
  7. Sram na gówno ale musisz sam ogarnąć www.vb4all.pl
  8. I found bug. It's in wood-cuting. When I try to "attack" tree I have bug in this code in server: ``` ' inv space? [b]If Resource(Resource_index).ItemReward(FinalReward) > 0 Then[/b] If FindOpenInvSlot(index, Resource(Resource_index).ItemReward(FinalReward)) = 0 Then PlayerMsg index, "You have no inventory space.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If End If ```
  9. Yes! I removed all game files from server and It WORK!
  10. For me this mod doesn't work - I've got problem with flash. For now I have the latest version of flash player :/ Can everybody remove flash system from this mod?
  11. I found one in EO Xmas When I making new char and when I set first class and I checked Female client blit in picSprite only male sprite - in other class I don't have blit problem. It's only picSprite blitiing problem - in game player if checked female have female sprite.
  12. Hello! I need a script for Eclipse Origins Christmas Edition what check all players files and remove names from files. Thanks for help ;)
  13. Qazek

    [EO] World map

    Sorry :/ there are picWorld, not picMap.
  14. Qazek

    [EO] World map

    Sorry my bad. Create label "lblMap" in frmMain ;)
  15. Qazek

    [EO] World map

    Hellou!!! I do it for my game - it's world map but this system have showing player position in map ;) Everything in client. Open frmMain and add: picture box name: picWorld picWorld visible false in this picture box add label named: lblPlayer lblPlayer caption: \/ In data files folder make .ini file named world.ini In world.ini file paste: ``` [WorldMap] Map1X=2354 Map1Y=542 Map2X=4300 Map2Y=1000 ``` To lblMap paste: ``` Dim FileName As String FileName = App.Path & "\Data Files\world.ini" If picWorld.Visible = False Then picWorld.Visible = True lblPlayer.top = GetVar(FileName, "WorldMap", "Map" & GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) & "X") lblPlayer.left = GetVar(FileName, "WorldMap", "Map" & GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) & "Y") Else picWorld.Visible = False End If ``` And in world.ini you change position of player in map 1,2,3 … I add World Map Helper you can use it or not - your decide XD
  16. What with autotiles? You gonna add it to EO ? Or it's only for buy from your shop?
  17. When you add blitting npc's sprites like player sprites in PV Origins?
  18. Robin can you show change log from 1.1.0 to new version?
  19. It's gonna be in new version? xD
  20. Can you give me link for RPG Maker converter? I've got one but it's not good for breeze sprites
  21. Hello! I need sprite sheet with Breeze sprites or converted breeze sprites to EO format. Thanks
  22. Qazek

    Snow Sprites

    Oh no! We can't use that tile without RMXP license XD
  23. Better is making game on EO 1.1.0 now or wait for new version (what is very very long, when 1.1.0 is go out on spring(?) ) ?
  24. Qazek

    [EO] The best bug XD

    Ok delete it because this is bug what don't need fix.
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