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Everything posted by HatakeAzzi

  1. I've Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition… What is your version?
  2. @teh: > sweet it works, thanks:) > > now the last thing, colouring the text. > when you right-click on a item on the list, you can choose between a few colours e.g. Red, White, Blue, Orange, Green and when you click a colour, it will colour the text you selected. > > how'll I do that? For right-click on listbox you can made it using the Menu Editor (CTRL + E). For example: ``` Private Sub List1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = 2 Then If List1.List(List1.ListIndex) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub Else PopupMenu mnuColor End If End If End Sub ``` But to change color of only item, you'll use APIs, 'cuz VB6 don't do it.
  3. If I've understand what you're trying to do, use this: ``` Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() If Text1.Text = vbNullString Then MsgBox "You need write something." Else List1.AddItem (Text1.Text) End If End Sub Private Sub cmdDel_Click() If List1.List(List1.ListIndex) = vbNullString Then MsgBox "Select some item to delete." Else List1.RemoveItem (List1.ListIndex) End If End Sub ``` I just changed the name of the buttons. REMEMBER of change the names of componets.
  4. Buy a new computer and change your network velocity :P
  5. Change the icon on frmMirage/Properties, as Robin said, and chose the icon on Project/Project Properties/Make. Then you need to compile. Just it.
  6. Are you trying to change the picScreen? Well you might follow [this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,41446.0.html) tuto. Or are you trying to change some picture? In this case, the image always remains static. Srsly, I can't understand what are you trying to change :lipsrsealed:
  7. Thanks :D I need talk/write more in english :P
  8. Hehe, for nothing :) It was just an error in the timer, that's all. Download the program again and test to see if it works now :D
  9. Yeah, I put a photo of Demi Lovato because I love her :D (Her complete name is Demetria Devonne Lovato, hence I put the name of program like: **Demetria's** Reboot) :D But I think that a photo no will interfere on use of program. :) (It's off-topic :P) My english is stinky :P @Kratos: > Way to go with the off-topic XD > > Anyway, I get errors when I try and put it on english. > Run Time Error "53" > File not Found I'll check it now. Thank you for reporting!
  10. Hi… I don't know if I'm posting on the right place, but... I created a simple program that no more, no less, open your program again when it crashes. Extract it on somewhere (preferably, on server folder) and open-it. Preview: ![](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6382/screentm.jpg) **Download:** [HERE](http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H8JFZTZ2) Any error or BUG, post here! :cheesy: Thanks, and sorry for my bad english. :)
  11. In truth, has to be: ``` Call SendData("refresh" & END_CHAR) ```Otherwise, it'll not work. ;)
  12. It is a good idea too, I do not thought about it :)
  13. Alright, some imagens been added.
  14. Ok! I'm sorry. I'll edit it now.
  15. Hi guys! I'm here again… Now I'll teach you to choose between WebBrowser or the original coming with engine for show "the news". First you'll need add a component... Project > Components > Microsoft Internet Controls. Well, go to **frmMainMenu** and add 2 **OptionButton** and change they names to: **optWeb** and **optIni**. Add a WebBrowser and change the name to: **webNews** C'mon to codes ;) On **frmMainMenu**, find: **Private Sub Form_Load()** And search for **Call MainMenuInit**. Bellow add: ``` If ReadINI("CONFIG", "News", App.Path & "\config.ini") = "Web" Then picNews.Visible = False webNews.Visible = True optWeb.Value = True optIni.Value = False webNews.Navigate "www.yoursite.com/news.php" ElseIf ReadINI("CONFIG", "News", App.Path & "\config.ini") = "Ini" Then picNews.Visible = True webNews.Visible = False optWeb.Value = False optIni.Value = True ElseIf ReadINI("CONFIG", "News", App.Path & "\config.ini") "Web" Then MsgBox "Your file, config.ini, has been changed and there is no automatic solutions. Please contact an administrator to fix the problem!" End ElseIf ReadINI("CONFIG", "News", App.Path & "\config.ini") "Ini" Then MsgBox "Your file, config.ini, has been changed and there is no automatic solutions. Please contact an administrator to fix the problem!" End End If ``` Now in event click of optWeb, add: ``` If webNews.Visible = True Then Exit Sub Else Call WriteINI("CONFIG", "News", "Web", (App.Path & "\config.ini")) picNews.Visible = False webNews.Visible = True optWeb.Value = True optIni.Value = False webNews.Navigate "www.yoursite.com/news.php" End If ``` And in event click of optIni, add: ``` If picNews.Visible = True Then Exit Sub Else Call WriteINI("CONFIG", "News", "Ini", (App.Path & "\config.ini")) picNews.Visible = True webNews.Visible = False optWeb.Value = False optIni.Value = True End If ``` Now just miss put on config.ini, on the bottom: ``` News=Web ``` Images (I used the mode of events and news): Just it. Credits: HatakeAzzi Edit: U can use it to make news of events and more Edit²: I forget a thing… Edit³: Added some images
  16. HatakeAzzi


    Well, you can use commandbutton to do this too… Create a commandbutton and change your name to: cmdWalkRun Now, change the caption it to: Walking... In the event Click of button, put this: ``` If cmdWalkRun.Caption = "Walking..." Then cmdWalkRun.Caption = "Running..." Call AddText("Now you're running! Click again to back the walk.", BrightBlue) ElseIf cmdWalkRun.Caption = "Running..." Then cmdWalkRun.Caption = "Walking..." Call AddText("Now you're walking! Click again to back the run.", BrightBlue) End If ``` In modGameLogic find Sub CheckMovement()… then find: ``` If ShiftDown Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING End If ``` And change to: ``` If frmMirage.cmdWalkRun.Caption = "Running..." Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING ElseIf frmMirage.cmdWalkRun.Caption = "Walking..." Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING End If ``` I not tested this, but I think it will behave. Good Luck :)
  17. HatakeAzzi


    Well, this is my first tutorial here. I don't know if exist a tutorial about it. Anyway, go to **frmMirage** and make a **CheckBox**, set the name to chkRun. On modGameLogic, search by Sub CheckMovement() and find it: ``` If ShiftDown Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING End If ``` And replace to: ``` If ShiftDown Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING If frmMirage.chkRun.Value = Checked Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING End If End If ``` Finish. Anything, just ask to me :renzo: Credits: HatakeAzzi Excuse me for my bad english :D
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