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Everything posted by Smallbro

  1. Yay! Can't wait. You are a master of excitement. ;)
  2. Smallbro


    Errr I have L4D 1 and 2 (had to be careful there I normally type LFD) But…my computer is pretty shit. I prefer it on the xbox because of that.
  3. Ocarina of time. …. Ok I haven't completed many. I finish the story and do something else.
  4. I think this bug is still around. When you visit a different map and come back with different clothing the other player still sees you as you were?
  5. I love how people refer to it as "Robins amazing package" ether I have a dirty mind or everyone thinks it. ;)
  6. I take it the Halloween sale won't last to the 1st?
  7. So after this shop closes will we still be able to buy WN source?
  8. awww shit xD I have done it so many times :(
  9. My mates have reach so I'm sure they would love to play. I'm more of a COD and LFD player xD
  10. I'll get this started then :D x WK x SmurfZz xD
  11. It was at a 50-60k then it suddenly went down to under 100 xD EDIT: Refreshed the page and it stayed at around 50k
  12. I'm pretty sure I will be able to buy stuff on the 1st november. Please keep it open just until then ?
  13. How long will this shop be open for? I hope till at least next month. :embarrassed:
  14. Man, the DLC is awesome. Sacrifice Bill everytime xD
  15. I can post this here right? It is LFD 1 characters not 2. So yeah a new download-able content not sure if anyone knew about it as I didn't see it until Friday. I personally am really excited by it. ;D and I was just wondering how many of you are going to get it? I don't know whether it is set before The Passing or is The Passing for LFD 1 characters.,you can find out how Bill died, how bill ended up where he is, play the no mercy campaign with melee weapons (only LFD2) and play the sacrifice campaign,versus, and survival. Here is a trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mixdmgqmmzg The comic also tells you about the LFD 1 characters back story. I
  16. @Thorn: > I'm going to assume that this is a troll topic. > Eclipse is an **isometric** engine, :huh:
  17. Smallbro


    Well then you've really made it look amazing.
  18. Smallbro


    That can't be the same tileset everyone else has can it?
  19. Ah…xD I knew that ;)
  20. Does that mean Robin is….Scottish?
  21. I prefer the old trees but the rest of the new one I like. Maybe try and use the same outline for the trees? But with those colours?
  22. Smallbro


    Nope, its by Green Raven. Its on the Breeze Revolution site. However we have our own custom animated one as his is a single frame.
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