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Justin Knight

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Everything posted by Justin Knight

  1. Thank you for this fix. If this bug goes unfixed in your game it can lead to some serious problems. I was about to use this bug to duplicate anything just by dropping it and picking it up with the other client using the same user.
  2. Okay I found it. thanks guy! the features I added in the last server update never got saved. The client assumed the items had the new features.
  3. I added a url bar to the items allowing items to open websites, but it was working fine for weeks :( before this happened I added these two fixes but I've removed them. [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/131853-bug-fix-correcting-severe-connection-error/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/131853-bug-fix-correcting-severe-connection-error/) [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/133747-fix-multiple-accounts/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/133747-fix-multiple-accounts/)
  4. I can't figure this out. The server seems fine but every time I try to login I get this error. ![](http://files.breadvisionstudios.com/random%20pictures/helpplz.png) I think it's an issue with the server but I'm not getting any kind of error from the server so this client error is all I have to work with. This error will occur with all users too.
  5. > "important features" You should just MLG some more videos…. MLG Eclipse Videos... GG [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWDBPcPX21Q[/media]
  6. We've been working on fixing a few more bugs and adding a news system along with some other cool things. Sadly we don't have the player base yet to take full advantage of the clubs. I may start dropping some money in advertising soon.
  7. Right now when players go from map to map there is a black screen for loading the next area then they're in the next area. For maps in the world that are right next to each other, is it possible to make a transition like in Link to the Past where the screen pauses to load then the new area and the camera moves over when it's ready? I'm thinking it's possible but hard.
  8. I solved this by making it so when players walk using shift they pass through other players.
  9. You'll probably just go into a coma or something.
  10. Well its back now. Great site! Simple enough for anyone to understand. Best of luck to you my friend.
  11. lol as soon as you posted that had to click the link to see if it was still down.
  12. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ydXBJf9G3U&feature=youtu.be[/media] Lots of slow painful in game talking. Just skip around the video. Basically live music in our game. We're even gonna be throwing live virtual parties with DJs and such. The magic of shoutcast and vb6.
  13. > F2P with micro-transactions for cosmetic items only. F2P with cosmetic items only is the best imo but games like that are a minority. I feel like calling your game free to play these days may hurt you more than help because of the large number of games doing F2P wrong.
  14. I'm curious what everyone will say. When it comes to an mmo, what is your favorite payment model? Free to play - The game is free but has items to buy in a cash shop. (assume the items suffer from the average amount of F2P BS) Pay to play - The game is $10-$15 a month to play but has no cash shop. Buy to play - The game is priced according to the value of the game, you pay once, and has no cash shop.
  15. Added a trailer because we people like that stuff :)
  16. i was going about this all wrong. just switched to using the media player control for streaming.
  17. sorry, the screens should be back now. The first eight societies all failed and sucked anyway. There's a story line there but its not fleshed out enough yet so we decided not to post it anywhere. Also wanted to announce that Mystica is on GreenLight. We're doing everything we can to make this a truly great game. If you want to support our efforts give us a vote. [http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401449625](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401449625)
  18. Is there a way I can handle when the stream url fails to load in this example? ``` Public Sub PlayMusic(ByVal song As String) Dim tmpurl As String If Not INIT_MUSIC Then Exit Sub ' exit out early if we have the system turned off If Options.Music = 0 Then Exit Sub ' does it exist? If Not FileExist(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song, True) Then Exit Sub ' don't re-start currently playing songs If curSong = song Then Exit Sub ' stop the existing music StopMusic ' find the extension Select Case Right$(song, 4) Case ".mid", ".s3m", ".mod" ' open the song songHandle = FMUSIC_LoadSong(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song) ' play it FMUSIC_PlaySong songHandle ' set volume FMUSIC_SetMasterVolume songHandle, 150 Case ".wav", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".wma" ' open the stream streamHandle = FSOUND_Stream_Open(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song, FSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL, 0, 0) ' play it FSOUND_Stream_Play 0, streamHandle ' set volume FSOUND_SetVolume streamHandle, 150 Case ".txt" 'open file and read tmpurl = FileText(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song) ' open the stream streamHandle = FSOUND_Stream_Open(tmpurl, FSOUND_LOOP_OFF, 0, 0) ' play it FSOUND_Stream_Play 0, streamHandle ' set volume FSOUND_SetVolume streamHandle, 150 Case Else Exit Sub End Select ' new current song curSong = song End Sub ```
  19. thanks for the tip! I had the client read the url from a file then stream that url with fmod! Works like a charm. I may even make a little tutorial.
  20. I thought fmod supported internet streaming. I was wondering if someone could please help me edit the client to play m3u files for internet radio streams. The files I'm trying to play can be found here [http://srvr2.serve-everything.com:8003/](http://srvr2.serve-everything.com:8003/) If anyone has at least a starting point for solving this issue I would love to hear from you. Thank you!
  21. Wow thank you! That's exactly what I needed.
  22. How can I make it so players in a party can't pvp without making it so they can't heal each other. When a player uses an AOE spell it hurts everyone in his party too.
  23. im using EO3 I restarted the machine but it never came back to me so I had to have a tech on location turn the computer back on. He told me it wasn't booting and he fixed it. After that the EO3 server started working again. So idk what happened but whatever i guess.
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