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Everything posted by westin444

  1. @HunterXero: > You're an Eclipse addict when you wake up in the morning and you check your posts while you use the bathroom lol… *Fixed
  2. /home/westin/Desktop/jogl-2.0-b211-20101110-linux-i586 Welll…... That reminds me that I should work a little bit more on my Java Project.
  3. Yeah that could cause a problem…..
  4. Just for the sake of asking….. did you run it as an admin? (WUBI)
  5. gakhld Great animals kick horrible laughing druids
  6. That is sad… my clipboard is empty.
  7. Hmm….. lol I suppose it would work, though it may have 'unexpected' results!
  8. You may be able to find someone to give you a client+server with lots of features for free but I doubt it. If you come up with a creative idea and a well thought out game then there are some programmers, scripters, and other forum members that may join you out of interest. Short of money, I would say that is your best bet. Off topic…. you seem to like XD'ing
  9. post it and I'll help you.
  10. its a list of the parts of the packet: (your not using EO correct?) so….. this packet: "blah" & SEP_CHAR & "blah" & sep_char & "blahhhh" would become this: parse = Split(SEP_CHAR,packetstr) parse = {"blah","blah","blahhhh"}
  11. Just work on something else until someone comes out with an arrow system that actually does Orgins proud. (And doesn't kill Robin.)
  12. @Dlom: > @314piwm: > > > Hmm that may give me time to catch up with my port of EO….. > > Just curious, but in what language is it written in? Thats for me to know and for you to know also, but not tell.
  13. Hmm that may give me time to catch up with my port of EO….. *Mental note to NOT play Black OPs on weekdays
  14. your setmap arguments need to be numbers, not strings. ``` Private Sub btnJail_Click() Dim NameIndex As Long NameIndex = FindPlayer(txtPlayerName.text) If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) >= ADMIN_MAPPER Then If LenB(txtPlayerName.Text) vbnullstring Then Call SetPlayerMap(NameIndex, 50) Else Call AddText("Please enter a name.", BRIGHTRED) End If Else Call AddText("You are not authorized to carry out that action.", BRIGHTRED) End If End Sub ```
  15. @jcsnider: > Programming for people here at Eclipse. $2000. *sighs* I wish I had more time on my hands…
  16. westin444

    Control Limit?

    When you click the button to open the picturebox you would just call the DrawText() subs and blt out the text where needed.
  17. Your scripting file is screwed up. In data.ini change scripting to 0, then restart server and die.
  18. Please name what engine your using.
  19. frmMirage if you really want this fixed. And yes, you need to check to make sure theres a winsock control by the name of "Socket"
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