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Everything posted by Punika

  1. awesome! Best tutorial ever ^^ (though i never use photoshop for pixelart…)
  2. Boy Crisis - Dressed To Digress (Nero Remix)
  3. Punika

    I love nuts <3

    @Grendalin: > Yeah but is it an American Bar or what? I saw american ads on TV for "Nuts". But it's available in europe. 100% I guess in the US too.
  4. Just stopping by to say "thank you" for a decent engine.
  5. Punika

    I love nuts <3

    Grendalin, you've missed a lot. I just ate 2 of them. So tasty with a yummy milk/caramel filling.
  6. ``` ' Public data structures Public map As MapRec ``` //EDIT: If i disable the music in client -> config.ini everything work finde untill i activate music in options again.
  7. ![](http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/2226/errorqxv.png) ``` Private Type MapRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Music As String * NAME_LENGTH Revision As Long Moral As Byte tileset As Long Up As Integer Down As Integer Left As Integer Right As Integer BootMap As Integer BootX As Byte BootY As Byte MaxX As Byte MaxY As Byte Tile() As TileRec Npc(1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS) As Integer End Type ```
  8. Well, while working on my "MapSystem" I suddenly got an Error. Before this error i have started the game through vb6 and disabled the music in the options ingame. –----- ------- ------- ------- **Compile Error: Method or data member not found.** –----- ------- ------- ------- And this piece of code seems to be the problem: ``` Private Sub optMOn_Click() Options.Music = 1 ' start music playing PlayMidi Trim$(map.Music) ' save to config.ini SaveOptions End Sub ```
  9. Punika

    I love nuts <3

  10. @Okaoka: > Epic Sprites! And for FREE USE … wow :P
  11. Okay guys, i decided to release my old sprites for "SIN Online" for free use. Give Credit… >! ![](http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/8384/spritesaaa.png)
  12. Thanks, also glad to be back :3
  13. A Basic tiles size is 32x32 Pixels. Well, those tiles look like photoshoped but pixeled. I dislike this style. Open MS Paint and start drawing. (:
  14. Make sure it's 24bit BMP and not any other format. Paint tend to save as .PNG
  15. is the sheet in the first post the one you are using? if so then create 64x64 squarres and put your spider in there … (btw the grass border + "high" grass are a copy of my tiles ... (: )
  16. Restart the server. I also had issues with adding tilesets and sprites. Rstarted the server. Done.
  17. Here is the GUI with my custom graphics. ![](http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/6175/aaaaaaa.png)
  18. Will you hate me if i say no? :P I plan on using this GUI for a project.
  19. I am making my sprites and tiles ready to use on Origins ( i am using different formats for my graphics usually) … when i finish it I could post a tutorial on how to get the picScreen bigger.
  20. @viciousdead: > How do you make the buttons appear over the screen? I can never figure this out… > And good layout, I love it! :kiss: Created a PictureBox, added an image, rightclick "bring to front"
  21. Well, I am not a master at vb6 but with some basic knowledges it's easy to design a fancy UserInterface with Eclipse origins. This meant to motivate some people who havn't worked with Origins yet. ![](http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/1149/guig.png)
  22. Well, it worked now. Just let it load .. took me around 15 minutes but then it worked. Thanks Ambard. -close pls-
  23. Well, there are some tutorials for Portforwarding right even for hamachi. Just search a bit … 2: vb6 is not for free. Either you buy it somewhere or get it the illegal way. Cracking programs or downlaoding illegal programs is against the law ...
  24. Each single step of the spiders movement should be in one "squarre" Each Squarre should have the same size. But you left/right walking sprite are in smaller squarres then the up/down walking ones. ![](http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/415/ee40989cf5bf277c7e9bc48.png)
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