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Everything posted by achap89

  1. i quit cigs after 8 years cold turkey… no big deal to me ... i quit for my unborn child. Addiction has never had a hold over me...cept chocolate i couldnt give that up if my life depended on it lol
  2. sorry XD its just my walking feature it used to be just night but now its 24/7\. does anyone have any suggestions on what i could at least try?
  3. its starting to upset me… How do i fix it? Edit: I took out the curse word, by changing it to "upset me"... My apologies to anyone I offened.
  4. some people say you can… i have never been addicted to anything and i have tried a lot of hard drugs
  5. i think some people should be allowed and some shouldnt…im not additcted to it i love the feeling i get from it...i smoke on and off and I am fine I go months with it but right now because i am having a kid instead of a pot fund i put it back for my child... i havent smoked in 15 weeks almost 16...but when my child is born i will not smoke it because i dont want them to get into it... when they are older i will go back to smoking it though... i honestly do not see the problem with it...it is safer than cigs and it is used to help treat cancer.... so who cares.... i think everyone who says its just an addiction... get on ur knees.... and $u*ck it.... Get over yourselves... try it or dont its ur choice... and Idc what you think.
  6. legalize weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously look at the facts how many people does weed kill a year? 0!!!!!!! cigs? a heck of a lot more!
  7. You should put this up as your own source edit. I know I would use it… It would be ducking amazing! I would worship you for it. XD
  8. achap89

    Arrow Var

    Dont think I can help you with that…Sorry I am still kinda new at this whole coding thing. Good Luck! and Your welcome :)
  9. achap89

    Arrow Var

    I think if you use ``` Call PutVar(App.Path & "\Arrows.ini", "Arrow" & I, "ArrowRange", "0,0,0,0,0") ``` Try that ;):) Edit: Yes it does work I just tested it out. ;) Have fun!
  10. achap89

    Which is better

    stable, is my personal opinion.
  11. i like it, honestly its a lot better than i could do so I really cant tell you how to imporve it. I can however say, Keep up the great work!
  12. ok….it worked but did not give me an ip is there anyone who can help
  13. its belkin and i did what you said but in cmd i get "The request operation requires elevation" i typed ipconfig/flushdns and did everything you said but it will not work
  14. I can log on personally but i cant get my server to where anyone else can….
  15. achap89

    How to get others in

    it does not say offline or online. server ip is psiworld.no-ip.org port 4000
  16. Check your ban files i have been banned by my server before because my comp messedup and that was why i couldnt log on
  17. achap89

    How to get others in

    I am unabe to get people to join my game also and I did portforward… and using the ipchicken ip wont let others log in. Can anyone help?
  18. no itsays offline i forawarded it to port 4000 and yes i put correct ip
  19. Can anyone help me i can not get my server to go online….. before anyone smarts off i did follow all the tutorials..... and it still wont work.... :( i am using windows vista if tat changes anything.
  20. achap89

    Im pregnant

    She's mine! lol jk
  21. achap89


    Put your game on paperdoll. Grapple hook would be like what it says, you shoot the grapple hook our from your gun or whatever you are using, then it pulls you towards the grapple tile. Bound makes it where the player can not drop the item.
  22. achap89

    Im pregnant

    Lol, hmmm Pizza with whip cream (mmmm) and carmel topping. Subway with black olives, eggs, meat balls, american cheese, o o o and bbq sauce! mmmmm bbq sauce.
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