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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. The main thing is that white comes out and black stays back.
  2. Patrick


    @ShadowAssassin77: > ud need vb6 and then edit the gui, easy. > > Sincerely, > **ShadowAssassin77 > > You need to get abrain and use it before answering questions. > > Learn how to answer credits. > > On Topic: > You can make another space for your credits in the credit menu. It's not really hard.**
  3. @ShadowAssassin77: > Grass is to light, looks wieird, Fail. > > Sincerely, > **ShadowAssassin77 > > You're a dickhead.**
  4. I've read the Iliad and that was a great read. Ave Reading age for that is like 15 because no-one ever reads it. Simple enough.
  5. It looks like you used the line tool alot.
  6. No, if you keep the current maps in the folder, it won't work.
  7. Then delete maps in the maps in the maps folder in the server folder. Then go to the client folder search for the maps folder and delete maps in that folder. Or copy the maps to somewhere as a backup.
  8. Tone the grass and sand darker is what I can say.
  9. I've done a total of 70/100 pages for my comic. It's going to be finished at the end of this month. But it's too long to post.So meh. Anyway. I read the first page, and I noticed it was easy on the eyes. Action on the first frame is always good but you managed to start off on the first page at least.
  10. The colours are a bit too vivid.
  11. I saw the orignal before the new one. The new one twists everything. I like the crazy guy in the new one.
  12. This cannot be used with the eclipse engine. These are for isometric tiles, 30x15. This is basically 32x32 in iso form as you can't make a tile loop for iso with 32x16 tiles. >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e9023496d87431d076595202b7dda260.PNG) Happy Pixellin'.
  13. Patrick

    Client status

    click login then go back to main menu.
  14. @Robin: > Saying it's fine if they don't find out is like saying murder, robbery and fraud is okay if no one finds out. But with most cases of fangames, they are commiting genocide.
  15. Patrick

    Install Problems

    Redownload eclipse if it still isn't working. But if it is, happy game making.
  16. @۞βΣЙ٧ÐΏĢ۞: > Ok, but don't we need VB6 for a Source Edit, if so… I don't have it.. D; Then get it.
  17. ![](http://i745.photobucket.com/albums/xx99/thomdouglas/Screenshot2009-11-05at81228PM-1.png)
  18. I think the vb6 install was screwed up and all the features were not installed.
  19. I'm running Windows XP.
  20. I read the sticky. mmkay.
  21. Isn't there a runescape board?
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