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Everything posted by azkanan

  1. Introduction In "The Arena", you play as a Slavemaster starting a new business. Your goal is to become an international, super rich, big-time Arena Master. How do you do this? Simple! Buy slave(s), equip them with gear, enter them in arena battles, level up your slaves and win matches. There are draw backs though - there is a fee for every slave entered into a match, which is a risky loss if you don't win, and your slave may be injured and disabled for a short while whilst he heals, or he may straight-out die. Game Mechanics It's simple… Everybody posts their decisions on what they want to do before the next battles - buy equipment, train, manage money, etc - and then wait for the gamemaster's (Azkanan's) post. The Gamemaster's post will contain all reactions to the players' chosen actions. Any arena battles will be summarised, experience will be handed out and limbs may be removed. ![](http://puu.sh/224qV.png) _**CLICK TO ZOOM!**_ Every town (red dot) on the map has an arena, and every city (yellow dot) also. The cities are the capitals. Towns without arenas are not marked. Character Creation Slaver Name: Team Name: Home Country: (map above) Town: (This is where you start) (map above) (does not need to be in your home country) (CANNOT BE A CAPITAL / YELLOW CITY) Starting Slave: (see below) (choose one!) Attribute Explanation - Physique controls HP. - Endurance controls how many attacks he can make (Endurance heals per turn) - Strength controls how much damage he does. - Dexterity controls his chance of dodging attacks. Slave Roster There will be graphic support, to some extent - equipment, slaves and homes. ![](http://puu.sh/224C3.png) **Mr. Example** Blisen _Blisens are better known for their gardenkeeping than their strength._ Physique: Low Endurance: Medium Strength: Medium Dexterity: High Hellrenden _Hellrendens are slow-living thick-skinned men of the cold north!_ Physique: High Endurance: Medium Strength: Medium Dexterity: Low Karrantian _Karrantians are known for their natural strength._ Physique: Medium Endurance: Medium Strength: High Dexterity: Low
  2. azkanan


    Visual Basic 6. The program, Eclipse, is programmed in this language. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  3. ![](http://puu.sh/212GY.png) **ONCE UPON A**
  4. > To the post above mine… No, No, No. > > Go with www.byethost.com. They have really good hosting. You're gonna have to make your own site with HTML/CSS or use a template, but other than that, that's your best bet. Don't use Byethost for forum hosting. It disallows server-sent emailing and other such automatic interactions/reactions… Ergo, making signing up and newsletter broken.
  5. The background colour must be the same as the first pixel at the top-left for transparency to automatically take effect.
  6. I'm having difficulty finding disproportionates here. There's a few, but they're minor at best. The right knee is twisted too far "facing toward the camera" compared to the direction the upper leg is pointing. Something about the boobs irks me. The cameltoe might be a little too vivid too. That's all I can think of wrong with it, though - otherwise, brilliant piece.
  7. Godammit. Sekaru*. His avatar looks like your old one. Kind of.
  8. Jungle seems to know what he's talking about on the issue..?
  9. >Scope of this is well outside what members of this community can do with VB6. Because their current options would be any different? Many rely on tutorials and released code from programmers. This system allows for easier implimentation, less messy engine code and greater customization.
  10. So, this is my dribble on thoughts for what would be the perfect Eclipse engine - it's less work for the Devs, meaning they don't get bored/disheartened half-way through - and it's more accessible for the community. What is the secret to this? **Plugins**! The idea is that the Devs simply make a "Central Brain", which contains all the basic requirements for an MMORPG. **Networking, display and basic interactions (Block, Warp attributes / Movement keys)**. No stats, no admin panel, no anything. Sounds like a shitty MMO, doesn't it? Well, yes. The idea furthermore from this is that all other modifications to the game are **plugins** or better known as, **Mods**. The devs can then release other bits and bobs as "Essential Mods" or "Official Mods" - such as the admin panel, map editor, stats, NPCs and so forth. All other mods are made by the community… The programming side of this is way over my head, but I've posted this thread for that to be open to discussion. This system allows for players to **choose** how "typical RPG" their game is. Stats are out of the base engine so that players can choose what they want those stats to be. Making an intuitive, community-driven, self-evolving Engine would be the future to Eclipse, in my eyes.
  11. The cat end. (Heck, nobody else seems to be making sense - i'll join in.)
  12. Moved to show off. It's not bad - try playing with different terrains. Throwing some dirt in would liven the grass up a little, and maybe a bit of elevation.
  13. Eh? Post the image before and after you save it as a png. Use ToD's file host services. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  14. AHAHAHA. Found it!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC2ikng3zi4 NSFW.
  15. Trying to Remember a song from the 2000s, techno-rock song. The video is a girl with black hair, has a rough voice. The official music video has people making out/having sex on sofas. Amp wires are moving and wrapping around their legs… Can't remember much of it. At one point, I think the singer turns into a younger version of herself in a hoodie? The only part of the song is where she's Saying "You" with an elongated "~ouu" in a descending tone, then a few single-sylable words thereafter, continuing the fast tone descent. She then repeats the last two words a few times in a rising tone, ending it with a shriek. Please help. It's driving me mad. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  16. "Trolled on OMEGLE"… What were you expecting? A handful of roses?
  17. Your humanoids are amazing. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  18. azkanan


    Not gonna lie. I'm re-hooked. http://puu.sh/1XLnP Got about 15 fields growing me some crops at this point. Need to do some fishing later to use up my 8~ crates and 12~ fertiliser bins of worms… Then use the fish on the bins. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
  19. PRECISELY THAT. Kind of. It's a wrappy little flute. And he's a Faun.
  20. azkanan


    > this is stupid but how do u flatten the ground to the point where u can build a house? > > i keep digging back and forth and pave the tile but still it say the ground uneven Get Ender's client, then use the Land Tool - CTRL + L. Screenshot of Land tool: http://puu.sh/1XLbh
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