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Everything posted by azkanan

  1. Updated; Which sprite head shape looks best, for side-view? (Facing right) ![](http://puu.sh/310V4.png)
  2. It's still a bit buggy, and it desperately needs flora/detail tiles, but here's my basic elevation set. Thoughts? >! ![](http://puu.sh/30Voa.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/30W2u.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/310V4.png) >! Fixed Head: ![](http://puu.sh/3138r.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/31ssO.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/31vfg.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/31MSn.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/31MU8.png)![](http://puu.sh/31MUw.png)![](http://puu.sh/31NaV.png)![](http://puu.sh/31NvK.png) >! ![](http://s21.postimg.org/l0thmr7fr/scene.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/31FJw.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/32bOY.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/32cds.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/32dTA.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/32gGU.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/366Wt.png) >! ![](http://puu.sh/395S0.png)![](http://puu.sh/395Vo.png) >! So here are some creatures I've made today - they're all capable of being randomly generated in physical shape and form. >! >! ![](http://puu.sh/3biYf.png) >! >! I have one more "size" up to make which is smaller than the dragon, but larger than the others. I then need to expand on the current options for my current largest creatures (Beside the dragon), then of course, to animate and shade them.
  3. > You're welcome for the idea, now write the shit for WP8 so I can actually use it. I use Runtastic. Its ace.
  4. **Description** **_Europa Universalis IV_** explores the world history in an experience crafted by Paradox Development Studio, the masters of Grand Strategy. The experiences of true exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy will be brought to life in this epic title rife with rich strategic and tactical depth. **Features** * Take your own decisions: Nation building is flexible: decide your own form of government, the structure of your society, trade politics and more. The possibilities are endless. * Use your Monarch Power: Experience the new system of monarch power where your spread of choices is influence by the caliber of the man you have at the top. Do you have a warrior King? Then it is time to make war. * Experience history coming to life: The great people and personalities of the past are on hand to support you. Thousands of historical events guide you, with unique different flavor depending on the country you play. Have more than a thousand historical leaders and over 4000 historical Monarchs at your disposal. * The world is now your playground: Players can enjoy over 300 years of gameplay in a lush topographic map in full 3D. Lead any one of more than 250 countries that originally existed during the game’s extensive time span. * Experience the all new trade system: The trade system adds a new dimension to the great trade empires of the period. Seize control of key ports to expand your trade, support it with your powerful fleet and the wealth of the world will flow to you. * Bring out your diplomatic skills: Deeper diplomatic gameplay, with coalitions, threats, fleet basing rights and detailed support for rebels. Introducing unilateral opinions, a country may dislike you, but you can be neutral towards them. * Engage in Multiplayer: Battle against your friends or try co-operative multiplayer mode that allows several players to work together to control a single nation for up to 32 players. Featuring hotjoin, improved chat, new matchmaking server andsupport for a standalone server. * Create your own history & customize your game: Europa Universalis IV gives you the chance to customize and mod practically anything your heart may desire. * * * As of November 2012 its scheduled release date is sometime in Q3 2013.[[6]](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_Universalis_IV#cite_note-6) The game begins on 11 November 1444 A.D., and ends in the late 18th century. * * * ![](http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles//a/1/5/5/6/8/0/9/Europa_Universalis_IV_2.png/EG11/resize/600x-1/quality/91.jpg) ![](http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/misc/movies/gsm_169_europa_iv_universalis_announce_ot_multi_090712_4000_640.jpg) **The map changes with the season!** ![](http://www.gameranx.com/img/12-Aug/europa-universalis-4.jpg) ![](http://i2.cdnds.net/13/06/618x347/gaming-europa-universalis-4-1.jpg) ![](http://www.europauniversalis4.com/sites/default/files/screenshots/europauniversalisiv_pdxcon_screenshot_03.png)
  5. Ours is the one in the middle. It's relatively small but much bigger than it looks, but we don't need a big house. Small terraced house saves on heating bill anyway! ![](http://puu.sh/2H1J2.jpg)
  6. I'm moving out this saturday to my new *house* with me and my partner. Going to be epic. Anyway, just giving a heads up that I'm going to be a bit inactive due to the whole "No internet" at home thing for a month or so. Will still be able to get on, just barely, on my phone and at work. Have a good month! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  7. real-time, but you can "Fast Forward".
  8. So I've ~~*kinda*~~ got the treeview working for the current system the player is in.~~. Still a little bugged. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)~~ ![](http://puu.sh/2Fdv9.png)
  9. Local Director begins to take formation! ![](http://puu.sh/2F8HZ.png) Also, slight update. Randomized the star tiles, so they look prettier now. ![](http://puu.sh/2F8XP.png)
  10. Hey guys, I'm looking for a decent, naked sprite. I don't need it animated, I just need to drawn and shaded. At minimum, I need: - Male. - Naked. - Fits into 32x64. - Style as below. At maximum, if you really want to: - Male and Female - Naked - Animated across 3 frames for walking. Each direction (Up, left, down, right). - Animated across 3 frames for running. Each direction (Up, left, down, right). These sprites would be used in mine and Carim's upcoming game, The Ancients. I would really appreciate any help as Spriting is my absolute weak point! Examples: [http://img33.imagesh…ikoden2npcs.png](http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9252/suikoden2npcs.png) [http://lparchive.org…47-PSD3D518.jpg](http://lparchive.org/Suikoden-%28by-The-White-Dragon%29/Update%2024/47-PSD3D518.jpg) [http://img69.imagesh…ikoden1npcs.png](http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/9105/suikoden1npcs.png) http://www.allacrost.org/media/screenshots/translation1.png http://www.allacrost.org/media/screenshots/desert1.png Regards, Azkanan.
  11. Result! Fixed a crash resulting from the player starting on a colonized planet in a system on the boundary of the area (Because when the game "Explores" the local space areas, it can't check off-the-board areas)! ![](http://puu.sh/2Ergo.png)
  12. After several days of debugging, spitting, cursing, crying and occasional peeing-in-a-cup… I finally made this: ![](http://puu.sh/2Dbl3.png) Impressive, right? No? Well… This is what it is I've done: - Generated a section of space, consisting of 30x30 tiles. - Generated a random number of solar systems in this section of space. - Generated a random number of planets in the solar systems in this section of space. - Generated the planets'; **Is it a Civilization's homeworld? Planet Class? (Sun, Terran, Desert, Barren, Volcanic, Ice, Ocean, Gas Giant) Is it Colonized? Is it Colonizable? How big is the planet?** - Generated a random number of moons on the planets in the solar systems in this section of space. **Does it Exist? Moon class? See above. Is it colonizable? How big is it?** - Made it so that the Stellar Map will draw explored regions of space, otherwise hides them in Fog of War. - Made it so that the game will find a colonized planet and start the player there, then explore the immediate region of space around the planet.
  13. Turns out it's random if it crashes. So, I decided to make my zones smaller (63,63) to (29,29)… Now, it loads quicker, I can fit it all in one viewscreen without need for scrolling, and I'm ready to move on with my game's development - thanks everyone for the help! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) ![](http://puu.sh/2CBU7.png)
  14. > ' timestamp='1366317482' post='894413'] > > i'd suggest that it's because you're not using your random function as ridiculously enough. > > There is no such thing as truly random generation in code. so there will always be a pattern. if you narrow it so simply "1-10,10-20" > > You're gunna get pretty much the same results. > > SO, i'd suggest instead of trying to randomly generate per tile in a loop. just use random tiles. something like > > for i = 1 to max_objects > > randx = 1 to screenwidth > > randY = 1 to screen width > > tile[x,y]= object. > > Works better IMO ``` Public Sub GenerateSpace() Dim x As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim i2 As Integer Dim emptytile As Integer emptytile = 1 Do Until emptytile = 0 i = Rand(0, 63) i2 = Rand(0, 63) If AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID 0 Then i = Rand(1, 63) i2 = Rand(1, 63) Else x = Rand(1, 3) Select Case x Case 1: AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID = 1 Case 2: AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID = 2 Case 3: AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID = 3 End Select End If emptytile = 0 For i = 0 To 63 For i2 = 0 To 63 If AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID = 0 Then emptytile = emptytile + 1 End If Next i2 Next i Loop End Sub ``` Well, in theory it works, but in practice, the game freezes for a long, long time as it tries to cover all those tiles… The problem is, there are 4096 tiles, so there's a 1/4096 chance every time it tries of actually filling a tile. Odds are against the computer hitting those last 2 or 3 empty tiles.
  15. And here is the Rand() function; ``` Public Function Rand(LowerNumber, HigherNumber) Randomize Rand = Int((HigherNumber - LowerNumber + 1) * Rnd) + LowerNumber End Function ```
  16. Why does the below keep creating a pattern, example image shown below. The theory is that this should generate a grid-based map, based on the ID of each point in the array (AlphaSpace.area(0,63)). ID 1 is a planet (blue), ID 2 is a second planet (red). "i" generates the columns and "i" generates the rows… So for each passing of **"i"** it should generate 64 (including 0) ID spaces in the rows. For each ID space, there is a 10% chance of planet 1 and a 10% chance of planet 2, with 80% chance of space… The process seems random, so why is it making a godamn pattern? Note: "i" and "i2" are Public variables. ``` For i = 0 To 63 For i2 = 0 To 63 x = Rand(1, 100) If x > 0 And x < 10 Then AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID = 1 ElseIf x >= 9 And x < 20 Then AlphaSpace.area(i, i2).ID = 2 End If Next i2 Next i ``` ![](http://puu.sh/2Cund.png) ======================================================== This is my display code, which loads the graphics. ``` For i = 0 To 20 For i2 = 0 To 20 If AlphaSpace.area(i2, i).ID = 0 Then SpacePic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\graphics\spacemap\void.jpg") ElseIf AlphaSpace.area(i2, i).ID = 1 Then SpacePic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\graphics\spacemap\planet.jpg") ElseIf AlphaSpace.area(i2, i).ID = 2 Then SpacePic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\graphics\spacemap\planet2.jpg") End If 'End If SpacePicture.PaintPicture SpacePic, (i2 * 20), (i * 20) Next i2 Next i ```
  17. In regards to the user above who claims copyright of this program, I have changed the download as requested by the creator of the program. The download link must stay as it is until the creator and copyright holder of this program allows otherwise. If you would like to file a complaint against this decision, please PM me.
  18. Short answer… No. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  19. azkanan

    Image scaling

    I know that in Photoshop when resizing, to stop it blurring, you need to set in the resize options "Nearest Neighbour". Not sure if gimp/paint.net has that option? ![](http://puu.sh/2AGTZ.png) @About: > Transform Tool > Interpolation > > This drop-down list lets you choose the method and thus the quality of the transformation: None > > The color of each pixel is copied from its closest neighboring pixel in the original image. This often results in aliasing (the “stair-step” effect) and a coarse image, but it is the fastest method. Sometimes this method is called “Nearest Neighbor”
  20. The background looks a little plain, maybe add some very, very light overlay patterns? (5%?)
  21. azkanan

    My Pixel Art

    Pretty amazing stuff. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
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