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Everything posted by Alster

  1. So I just got a new guitar from a friend (he bougt it then just gave up trying to learn it) and I'm looking for a new amp. I can't decide between these 5 though… In order of cost: White Horse GT212 120W - http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/White-Horse-GT212-120W-DSP-Guitar-Amp/9X7 Fender Vibro Champ XD - http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Fender-Vibro-Champ-XD-5-Watt-Class-A-Combo/9M8 Laney PRISM P65 - http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Laney-PRISM-P65-Combo-Guitar-Amp/BMQ (I don't know why but I kind of like this). White Horse 60W Tube Guitar Amp +4x8 Cab - http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/White-Horse-60W-Tube-Guitar-Amp-and4x8-Cab/8A8 (Really like this). Fender Frontman 212R - http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Fender-Frontman-212R-Amplifier-with-Reverb/9MI (Also really like this). So Eclipse, what shall I get?
  2. @Zetta: > Reimage, solves all problems I kind of wanted to keep the files… But I suppose if it the worst comes to the worst.... Also now Linux won't even boot up :/
  3. Basically I shut down Windows 7 to remove a CD drive from my computer that I needed for a server. When it booted up again the system hung at the windows logo. So I checked I hadn't knocked any connections (which I haven't) and decided to boot from the Linux CD. When I try to access the hard drive it says there is an error mounting it. So I opened up disk utility and tried to mount it. No joy. It then says that the Hard Drive is stuck in hibernation mode and says I should restart it in Windows (which I can't) or type: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda1…. Bla...bla...bla into the cosole which I do. I then get the errors: This disk contains an unclean file system The file system wasn't safely closed in windows. Fixing. fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/....bla....: No such file or directory. Help?
  4. Bought £100 board. Learned to Ollie. Learned to Kickflip. Visit to A&E. Broken Wrist. Learned to PHP.
  5. @Anna: > Blades Of Steel Love that game Harvest Moon; A Wonderful Life.
  6. [![](http://tf-2.fr/ach.php?a=Overload&b=DDoS Eclipse&c=u&e=113&f=1)](http://teamfortress2.fr/achievements.php)
  7. Tropico 3: Absolute Power
  8. Alster

    Internet full!

    @[PIE: > Rodriguez link=topic=61236.msg646092#msg646092 date=1275943914] > Oh Will. ;D > > Anyway, we'll just make the IPv6 change and all will be right with the world. Honestly, I don't know why we didn't think of this when we made the IPv4\. >.> > > - Adulese I agree. Surely someone must've thought "we might run out, better slap another two or three dots on there"
  9. Alster

    New Signature

    I htought the guy in the thong and police hat was Admiral /:-/
  10. Played the beta. Seemed like a real grindfest back then.
  11. Pokemon: Green, Yellow, Amber, Purple, Magenta, Red, Purple and Polka-Dot.
  12. I just lost the game /:/ Counter Strike: Source
  13. North and South Korea are going to erupt one of these and days…
  14. Every country with nuclear capabaility would launch their missiles. Then, when the dust has settled the major powers will look to expand their borders - causing more war. As Anna said, the 3rd world would probably be a major victor as I doubt any country would launch at them.
  15. Alster

    Being Dead!

    @Robin: > England.. *Sniff* Makes me so prowd.
  16. Cradle of Filth, Slipknot and NIN - perfect Maths revision music.
  17. 2 rack toms. And that sounds like a good way of doing things. Thanks Pete.
  18. So, I've got my mics and wired them up. Now, my iMac only has one input. So I'm thinking about buying a few outboard soundcards. So shall I buy a USB or Firewire one? I couldn't find any cheap Firewire cards but I found a very cheap (£20) USB one. And if I buy a USB soundcard could I open it up and solder in a firewire cable? Is it even worth it? I mean, the lead from the card to the computer is very short. Gah, I'm confused.
  19. ![](http://www.sevenforums.com/attachments/customization/46837d1263146093-custom-start-orbs-lol-face.gif)
  20. 22" Bass, your usual 3 toms, 12" high hat a crash and ride symbol. I was looking at this: http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Superlux-DRKA3C2-5-Mic-Drum-Set/55L . 5 Mics, £90, good reviews…
  21. I've been thinking about micing up my drum kit so I can record some stuff for exams. So has anyone got any hints on what mics to buy and where to place them? I've got about £100 - £150 to spend. I was thinking 2 £60 dynamic mics - 1 in front of the bass drum and another in the middle of the kit in line with my head.
  22. Then International Slayer Day has you covered. On June 6 at 6AM (6/6/6) you are urged to tale the day off and listen to Slayer really loud. Find out more here: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/metal_fans_demand_recognition_with_international_day_of_slayer.html
  23. Raw download speed, Windows 7 and it's 802.11n. I just reinstalled the drivers and speeds are a little better (up about .5 of a MB) but still quite bad. I might try a different PCI slot.
  24. I just fitted a new Wireless Card (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=NW-014-EX&groupid=46&catid=1597&subcat= ) anjd I'm getting speeds of about 2MB compared to the 5-10MB I was getting with my USB adaptor. I've tried various channels and I've moved my computer around a bit (before the antenna were facing a wall, now they're facing a door). So, anybody know why my internet speeds has slowed to a crawl?
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