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Everything posted by Akselj

  1. Ok, I'm guessing that there'll be lots of poeple asking about Evo 2.8\. So just to clear some things up: -Maps from Evo 2.7 should work perfectly in 2.8 -Scripts for Evo 2.7 shoud work perfectly in 2.8 -If you are wondering what's new in 2.8 view the full list [here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,44001.0.html) -For any bugs please either PM me or post in the Evo 2.8 topic -Please note; the engine is still being developed and more bug fixes will come. –AkselJ
  2. Well, I have no idea what your error could be. As I showed you, it works perfectly and if you gave the NPC HP and set it's behaviour right, it should work. Oh, and this engine is developed in VB6, and before you ask you cannot acces it in VB 2008\. You can find my MSN on my profile, and I'll be happy to help you out if I can. –AkselJ
  3. Thanks! I will add you in the creds for helping me tracking bugs :)
  4. Akselj


    YEAH IT DOES! Specially since I made it :P And Admiral is right, I didn't change a shit about the map data….
  5. It was, at least I never got it to work. I can add it in the next update :)
  6. Okay then. It works and is in Evo 2.8\. BTW, how oges the bank fixes?
  7. It had 0 of everything 'cept HP
  8. I did it without wep and only some HP for the NPC.
  9. It works. Proof: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/5bdd8c1fa8d03ea938a682d092bf32a5.png) I didn't give it STR so it couldn't hurt me :P
  10. I'll open up an server and test it right away. Thanks for reporting it. –AkselJ
  11. I PM'ed Marsh the new files.
  12. I'll make a .ZIP with all the VB stuff in it and the newest client.EXE plus another .ZIP with only client.EXE.
  13. Weird can't seem to download the Eclipse Evo 2.8 .ZIP….
  14. Akselj

    My First Sprite

    It's… Renzo! @Desiderium: > Looks better as a happy robot. =p Aksel 1 - Tipsta 0! @MrMiguuâ„¢: > Anyone will play a game with originality! I agree, it is original and I would play a game with it in
  15. If Marsh did what I said and added the new client (he said he did) then it should work.
  16. I have found that this one collides with http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,46462.0.html and therefore I only use that. Will it still work properly?
  17. Well, could you be so kind that you would share your fix with me?
  18. @♪♫♪: > Aksel, I need to talk to you about a bug that's very little known, but potentially game-threatening. I'll PM you the details and the fix. > > And, as Admiral Refuge brought to my attention, if you're using a custom source, I'll also give you these bug fix details via PM. > > EDIT: I'll just write up a tutorial later. It needs to be addressed. I'm adding those you sent me, thanks. @Jna: > This is very cool. I will download it and add it to my eclipse collection. So far i have 4.5 TE EE1.0 EE2.7 and now EE2.8. I recommend you wait until ALL bugs are fixed, Ballie dug out some more and will probably find alot more.
  19. Yah, thanks shri :azn: The bug is fixed now and I'll give the new one to Marsh A.S.A.P. but first I think I'll try to Re-Create the frmChest.frm
  20. It is released, though the map editor has an error. Working on fixing that. There is a list of fixes already…
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