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  1. Well that bites. I was afraid of that… I don't know what else I could try. I'll think on it some more I guess. Thanks. Your lifetime supply of imaginary cookies is in the imaginary mail.
  2. Ok, I know I tried to do something way beyond my ability, but I honestly didn't think I'd get stuck on something that appears so stupid… My Idea was that characters could select their skin tone, hair, eyes, and eyebrows. I started by adding in how to store the data and whatnot, which all went fine. Then I decided to move on to character creation which is where I get stuck. I've got the form set up with scroll bars to select the options, and everything goes fine, except I'm unsure how to get the images to stack like paperdoll does. I tried to place the image on the same picturebox, but they either over-write the last one or cover it up(not really sure) I then tried to use a picturebox for each image, but they cover the ones below/behind(whatever) it.(No transparency) I'm not really sure what to try next. I don't really want to go through the hassle of doing the actual sprite in-game unless I can get the creation to look decent. I could still use 4 pictureboxes that don't cover eachother, but that seems like the wrong solution. So my question is can I make a "paperdolled-sprite" in character creation? I believe this is where I'm having trouble... (commented out was first attempt) ``` Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Character(Sprite), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) 'Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Brow(Brow), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) 'Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Eye(Eye), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) 'Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Hair(Hair), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Brow(Brow), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picBrow) Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Eye(Eye), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picEye) Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Hair(Hair), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) ``` sRect and dRect in the rest of the code still run off the values of the sprite(which is the tone option), I didn't think that would cause the issue since the images are all the same size. Sorry for the long description, I didn't know what to include, if it's not enough, let me know. I think the issue is somewhere in making sure that the transparency is used, but I'm not sure. If you can help me I will love you forever and give you a life-time supply of imaginary cookies.
  3. Yes, w00t, you heard right, after 2.8 came out 3 (ish) years ago, they wasted little time in telling the community that 3.0 was coming out shortly after. One year ago they couldn't decide on a name so now there's like 80 different versions coming out in languages you've never heard of such as Csharpplusplussquaredjava! OMGZ!!! now after 1 year of posting that it's just around the corner, we now have a map maker (which though is worse then the one we have now), is progress!!! O. M. effin Golly, could this mean that something could actually happen within the next three years that will get this community more then a bunch a dreamer wannabe game masters?! My thoughts are no, you have an engine you could work with but refuse to because a non-existent(or possibly existent if you're a believer in miracle) update is around the corner, but you don't. By the time anything gets updated worth while to this engine, or it gets a complete overhaul, the world of 2d MMO's will have surpassed anything you could even pretend to emulate, and the world of 2d MMO's is dying. People, we need 2d MMO's, without them I promise the world could possibly end (or atleast mine.) I didn't wanna rush anyone on updates or anything, but SS or it didn't happen just isn't enough anymore. The only reason I even check this board anymore is the ideas you've all made sound like a great engine/game-maker. but all talk and no action is getting old. Basically I'm tired of not complaining, what's going on? do you think that without putting out a release date that means you don't have to release? if that's the case, you need some motivation, and I'm sure the community could find some not as 'ok that looks awesome' like motivation such as they've been giving and start begging again. either that or you'll lose your community when it branches off to create a new 2d mmo engine/maker. To the community, sorry but what the hell? this just becoming another chat room or a REAL game development forum, all I see are chats and a few bad game ideas (maybe one half decent one here or there with a minute potential, no names). I don't post much, but lately I haven't even been reading much, there's nothing to read but replies to year old 'updates' of people saying that looks great. IT DID LAST YEAR, now what? Oh, and delete this so I know it's true. (sorry to be mean, I usually try to stick to helping people in the scripts)
  4. 2) Is there anyway to get the buttons pixel perfect? As dragging normally doesn't seem accurate. If you're talking about position, you probably have them snapping to the grid. You can manually alter the position in the properties tool thinggy. Should be a bunch of words you probably don't understand, with settings that seem confusing at first. It'll be things like (name), Appearance, AutoRedraw… If you don't see it, right click the item you wanna move, and select properties. It's hard to tell you exactly how as we may be using different programs, but if you can find the properties, look for Top and Left. These are the location of the selected item. Top is how far from the top, and left is how far from the left. Edit this one unit at a time (or more if you want a large change) to get it perfectly where you want it. If you can't find top and left, see if your properties has a tab labeled Categoried, and find Position. In here you can also edit the size (Height, width). Hope that's what you ment. Kinda confusing how you worded the question 3) When editing items and choosing which icon you want the scrollbar scrolls too far right and left. If you scroll right too much you get error, is there any way to fix this? Not sure what you're asking, and probably too noob at VB to help with this one. Explain more? 4) How do you change the green text? For example - on the buttons. Which buttons, what green text? I'm kinda lost on this, but editing colors isn't that hard if you can find where the colors are defined. If you mean an item on your form, you can find appearance options the same way as I explained in your Question #2\. Go to Categorized tab, and under appearance, there should be a few different color options, play with these abit. Best way to learn is to play around, but just be sure you've saved first, and either return what you haven't understood to it's former glory, or start from last save, else you may find problems later on. If that's not it, explain exactly one of the things you want changed. Sorry if I'm not alot of help, I'm pretty noobish at VB. If you still can't find the properties stuff, seek your compiler's help file.
  5. Hello, I have a few questions about affecting targets in different ways then what some would call normal. Any help and I'll love you forevers. 1) Item that affects player standing next to you. -What I want this for is a revive, as I'm working on altering OnDeath, where they go 'unconcious' for a period of time before dying. All I can think of doing is getting all players on the map, and checking all the coords. Is their an easier way, like check the coords for a player, rather then check the player for the coords? 2) Spell to affect party. -I don't seem to see any comands that relate to the party, Is there like a IsParty, or GetParty, or something, or do I have to create a unique script to get what I want. (EI: spell that heals only party members.) 3) Area of affect. -You can use the spell editor for area of affect, however, it only does animation on whatever it hits, and seems to hit everything. I know how to make the animation hit all coords I want it too, but not sure of an easy way to get the targets of the actual effect. Relating to question one, is there a way to check if a player or npc is on coords via checking the coords? or do I have to search the all the players on map for their coords… (using this for damage area, and/or affect either npc or player instead of both. Seems silly to heal npc... unless you have mean players.)
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