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Everything posted by Andiii

  1. no worries ^^ I just opened my Photoshop to add the sword to it lol.
  2. Tutorial was great lol ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/walkmotion8frame.gif)
  3. No, I read that xD Watching those long series takes too long lol. I only watch the short 20 something ones. But I guess I saw it in the manga then hahaha.
  4. @legends - ohhh skippinng lool, damnittt. I'll see if swinging is better than the cuteness right now. @lolz - Yep, sorry I forgot to mention lol. Not that weird I hope. I remember seeing it in some anime.
  5. @Zetta: > Better version: > (warning large file) > > >! [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e1e474914a9fa0609f2404f2d4e056c5.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#e1e474914a9fa0609f2404f2d4e056c5.jpg) Ouchhh! NICEE hahaha
  6. Okay, so I spent a while on the running animations I think about an hour and a half hahaha. Don't mind the super fast clouds xD or the grassless grass. Just simple background, didn't want it to be too plain for you guys. BAM! ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/clausavi.gif) 8 frame walking motion ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/walkmotion8frame.gif) 4 frame motion ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/testrun4frame.gif) 5 frame motion ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/testrun5frame.gif) ^: Honestly, is it just me or does it look like he's limping LOL.
  7. Woot! Done. ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/bellthewalkingarcher.gif)
  8. I only fixed the leg motion because the old one was very confusing. This one is pretty smooth. I'll see the rest.
  9. Thanks ghost for confirming my mistake. I felt it was weird for some reason. Here's the fixes: ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/clausthewalkingswordsman.gif) ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/bellthewanderingarcher.gif)
  10. @Lollicat: > Chakkra has a purple name. Legend? Idk lol. Does purple name really matter??
  11. @Seaking: > Guess who am I "lol fail" ;D Who? Chakkra? xD
  12. No offense taken, I'll just reedit later to make it clearer.
  13. @Kreator - Guess you're the only person who understands me . . . Dammnnittt lol jk K thx for the tips. I'll fix up the chin. And as for the feet, they're too poor to afford shoes lol.
  14. @Chakkra: > Lol fail. Hmm I thought it was obvious haha
  15. Sorry double post xD Since everyone was doing 16 bit after Kreator starting do it ( Patient 0 of the 16bit disease) I got interested lol, so I tried some. ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/preview.png) Warrior/Paladin Archer Mage and Assassin
  16. @Kreator - Thanks lol. @Chakkra - It's a bow >.< @Legend - It's a girl with a bow lol.
  17. These are most likely for a side-scroller since I have some w.I.p. tiles. Edited #2: ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/bellthewalkingarcher.gif) Editeds: ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/clausthewalkingswordsman.gif) ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/bellthewanderingarcher.gif) End Editeds ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/claustransparent.gif) ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/bella.gif) ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/preview.png)
  18. Hey y'all! How have you guys been? Summer's here! Which means I'll (Hopefully others too!) have a bit of free time before my summer classes and job begin. While I was looking at my old works, I found some for Chibi Town and decided to revamp them just for the heck of it. I already had some new graphics, but had no direction for them until now ^^. I'm not sure if it'll be a work in progress b/c I'm too lazy. So, enjoy! Two years ago ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/guimockup.png) Just now. Nothing is final. Maybe the palette xD Maybe! ![](http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/andytriplec/Chibi%20Town/guimockuprevamped.png)
  19. Andiii

    New TileSet

    Thanks! I'm really picky about my palette. I want everything to blend. And yea, the black lines are for my current style for this set. I took for advice on the boxes with the black lines. I've been deciding whether or not to get rid of black lines in the inside, but they went well with my roof. Gonna probably fix that too lol. little fix: ![](http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/naruto926/mockie.png)
  20. Andiii

    New TileSet

    I've been silent/inactive for a while because of AP/IB tests and almost senior graduation for me. WOOT! However, I've been creating this tile set for fun. Enjoy. ![](http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/naruto926/mockie.png) ![](http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/naruto926/mockup.png) Don't really like the shadow of the house, will change later.
  21. @Ninja-Tech: > Hm nice! Could you make some side scroller sprites for me? > Pm if interested. Maybe, maybe, I've been away for few months cuz I had college applications and still have scholarships to apply. I heard people get lots of free time in college, probably then!
  22. @LegendWeaver: > Hey its Zero nice HAHAH DAMN! Nice catch! Yea, it was supposed to be zero, but I ended up keeping his helmet lol.
  23. Kinda hard for me to describe. For the grass, I'm trying to go for something bushy/wildy. The colors are going to be dark, but not really saturated. I'll post what I have soon. It's not gonna be pretty haha.
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