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Everything posted by allanws

  1. damn sorry i must have typed fast and didnt see that *shoots his own head* ``` Case "/belch" Call PlaySoundToMap(index, "belch.wav") Exit Sub ``` You need to Call the command and that would be an exit sub :P
  2. Do not put sub on case. it should be simply: ``` Case "/belch" PlaySoundToMap (index, "burrrrrp.wav") End Sub ``` Case, as the conditional says, is a case that should happen on a sub. So the sub for this is Commands, and the case is /belch. Add that code under Sub Commands on your main.txt EDIT: Don't be ashamed! :cheesy: everyone starts slow then they start picking up. try reading some tuts on SadScripting, thats how i started. Good luck command.ini is just for storing commands that were used in the server (i think, not sure). every script u build is basicly placed on the main.txt Then u just have to figure out which section u wish to place it in, depending on when u want the script to run (those are the subs)
  3. Ok 1st: About the sound play command. You'd want to do something like: ``` Case "/command" PlaySound(Index, "sound_name.wav") Exit Sub ``` So this is what it does: Case "/command" => Specifies in which case u want the script to happen (in this case, when player types /command) PlaySound => is the command to play the sound chosen (u must specify to whom u wish the sound to play to (this case index, which the the user of the command) and which .wav sound u wish to play (this case "sound_name.wav" (look in ur sfx folder for .wav sounds)) Exit Sub => ends the currend case. This should go under Sub Commands on ur Main.txt 2nd: Map editor attributes: Scripted: will search in ur main.txt for the script under Sub ScriptedTiles. For example: if u build a script under Sub ScriptedTiles with the Case 4 on, you'd have to choose the script 4 in the script attribute. ``` Case 4 PlaySound(Index, "sound_name.wav") Exit Sub ```Its recommended to build scripts in numerical order cases, not to get the main.txt messed up (Case 1, Case 2, Case 3…) Click: sorry but i havent used this attribute yet so i can only guess what it does =/ Hope i helped
  4. Case "/obey" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then PlayerID = FindPlayer(TextSay(1)) Call GlobalMsg("" & PlayerID & " is now " & Index & "'s slave!", BRIGHTRED) Call SetPlayerSlave(PlayerID, Index) Call PlayerMsg(PlayerID, "You iz belong to mee!", BRIGHTRED) End If Exit Sub
  5. allanws

    Epic Fail

    ![](http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=1888b0e557&attid=0.8&disp=emb&view=att&th=11b59e3a47729cbe) EPIC FAIL! SORRY FOR DBL POST! :sad: :P
  6. allanws

    Epic Fail

    ![](http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=1888b0e557&attid=0.5&disp=emb&view=att&th=11b59e3a47729cbe) FAIL!
  7. yeah i could script them but it would be to much trouble -_-
  8. hey this is going to sound like a noob problem, but for some reason, any spell i use doesnt work, even non-scripted… ive tried everything, but the when i use a spell, the character just plays his atack animation... Any ideas?
  9. Just 2 quick pixel arts i made of a health and mana potion respectively… [![](http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/1232/healthmanapotionsdk3.png)](http://imageshack.us) Rate 1-10, plz!
  10. Hey This is supposed to be a (poisonus) mushroom… Anyways, i just got the original from 2.0 and recolored it. [![](http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/1830/mushroomspritevo7.png)](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/1830/mushroomspritevo7.4c7f821427.jpg)](http://g.imageshack.us/g.php?h=174&i=mushroomspritevo7.png) Rate 1-10, plz :P
  11. can anyone tell me if there is a command that adds a "block" attribute? Thx in advance
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