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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. Tyr

    Sigs i made

    all sort of standard mate… try to do more with your text, better font types, outer glowing, etc... also your renders are just resized and pasted in there ;) still its not bad for a month imo... good luck in the futhur. - Tyr
  2. @Don't: > Put the same code in BltPlayerTop. lol i replaced the same twice :) thx awesome code!
  3. Hey, well done, but the when i walk downstairs the top of his head kinda comes after… it looks weird ^^ any idea how to fix? - Tyr
  4. Tyr

    Sever is down…

    haha, vb6.0 is chinese to him :) anyhow, just download the compiled client & server and it should all work. good luck - Tyr
  5. Tyr

    My avatar

    well, i conclude then that you have no sence for humor at all… :)
  6. well, its ok :) i'm not giving a rating on it. u might want to bring variation into the sand fore example: footprints, a skelet, etc… it all looks a bit empty if u know what i mean :) - Tyr
  7. Tyr

    Show Avi

    well i think you should make a new form with in that the component windows media player or something? and then when you talk to that orc you should add frmMovie.visible = true just a rough idea, i might be wrong
  8. Hi all, what i hated bout eclipse is that it displays your exp in for example 92 / 124, it doesn't give you a good view on how far you are to level right? so this small source edit shows your exp in %, still on server side in the Expierience.ini you still have to type the normal amount of xp (of course) _Ok so here you go:_ first of all, its all CLIENT SIDE go into modHandleData and add to the declariations: ``` Dim Captionfix As String ``` then you search for: ``` frmMirage.lblEXP.Caption = Val(parse(6)) & " / " & Val(parse(5)) ``` and you change that line into ``` Captionfix = Int(((Val(parse(6) * 100) / Val(parse(5))))) frmMirage.lblEXP.Caption = Captionfix & " %" ``` now it should work! i hope you like this little script of me :) credits are not needed, but if u rly like to.. i will not stop you ^.^ _- peace out, Tyr_
  9. mhh so with that program u mean that i convert all my 32x64 into 64x64 and then make a source edit to load the 64x64 sheet instead of the 32x64 sheet am i right?
  10. Hi all, i'm having 2 little problems with a script i'm making… and i thought that maby u guys could help :) **Problem 1:** In my script i want that your character moves faster, i looked up the codes in a big topic around here and found this: Call SetPlayerSPEED(Index, #) well when i added this to my script, my char didn't go faster. i Asked a scripting moderater what ws wrong… he said that when _# = 0 you stop # = 1 you walk # = 2 you run_ it didn't work at all… any idea's? thank you! ~~**Problem 2:** In my script i want to let your character change of sprite, no problem (all works fine) but now i want that my character don't changes into a 32x64 sprite but into a 64x64 sprite (big sprite) i asked the same mod and he told me it wasn't possible with scripting… maby u know the answer?~~ thx by forward! - Tyr
  11. Tyr

    My avatar

    wtf is this doing here? a "music video with a star wars game?" lock this plz…
  12. its cool :) well done mr Paint :D
  13. ye, ;) tiles are crap as we already said…
  14. Tyr

    More maps

    6/10 cuz some things aren't connected n stuff, its bit standard you know :)
  15. Tyr

    Inquisitor Tiles

    i'll PM them to u :)
  16. Tyr


    lol i love the sniper :D, gj mate :) - Tyr
  17. Tyr

    My GUI

    good stuff :) but why don't u customise also the outlines? always look better :) - Tyr
  18. don't fake games plz… its sad. be original :)
  19. you are lucky that i know where you are talking about… and Alster is right, never fill the whole set. i would like to ask to to make this guide a bit more accurate (with pictures & stuff) so that also newcommers are able to understand :) - Tyr
  20. Tyr

    Visual bank

    i'm quiet sure that tiggilyboo is testing it out right now :p
  21. Tyr

    Everdale Preview

    its allright, but not really spectacular :) gj keep it up - Tyr
  22. thats for a Admin, u might want to change the title to DELETE ME or something, more chanse that a Mod will spot it :) - Tyr
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