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Everything posted by anasky

  1. I want to change the night to be darker into the light tiles being lighter. I think I can figure it out if I got that. Anyone knows where the sub is, and might even convert it for me? All I found was: ``` DisplayFx DD_TileSurf(10), (X - NewPlayerX) * PIC_X + sx - NewXOffset, (y - NewPlayerY) * PIC_Y + sx - NewYOffset, 32, 32, vbSrcAnd, DDBLT_ROP Or DDBLT_WAIT, CLng(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(X, y).light) `````` Sub DisplayFx(ByRef surfDisplay As DirectDrawSurface7, intX As Long, intY As Long, intWidth As Long, intHeight As Long, lngROP As Long, blnFxCap As Boolean, Tile As Long) Dim lngSrcDC As Long Dim lngDestDC As Long lngDestDC = DD_BackBuffer.GetDC lngSrcDC = surfDisplay.GetDC BitBlt lngDestDC, intX, intY, intWidth, intHeight, lngSrcDC, (Tile - Int(Tile / TilesInSheets) * TilesInSheets) * PIC_X, Int(Tile / TilesInSheets) * PIC_Y, lngROP surfDisplay.ReleaseDC lngSrcDC DD_BackBuffer.ReleaseDC lngDestDC End Sub ```But that didn't made me any smarter :(
  2. The thing you had around it was just looking for the file, and if it is there, it loads it. Unnecessary works, as you know it should be there (unless players are dumb and remove it).
  3. The thing you had around it was just looking for the file, and if it is there, it loads it. Unnecessary works, as you know it should be there (unless players are dumb and remove it).
  4. I'm not saying it's actually faster, but it will be once the server is running for months. Also, the system isn't made to have a spam of poison-effects, but it is something to place it here and there. I've made all my systems in .ini's (simply because they HAD to be saved, but whatever) and I didn't encounter any lagg. The server was running on a 1gb RAM pc, and was still working fine with 30 people.
  5. @pheXion: > 4 - if server crash then all data will be lost even experience, but this is the system of eclipse saving accounts. IT will be funny when you are loosing example exp, lvl etc, but you have still poison effect on youself. If I get it correct, you say we are back to level 1 when server crashes? @pheXion: > 3rd - it will not take much memory because it shoud be only one byte value in player account rec. It will be two bytes (two ints) each player! What if you got 100 people logged in before the server reboots: 200 bytes. Now, imagine you become as good as PCO was. 100 players on at a time, meaning allot more log in before the server reboots (if it even reboots). Let's go for 1000 for the PCO example: 2000 bytes, this might sound low, but what if you make everything that way? INI files do they time at that moment, but if you make it like this entirely, you can easily run the server for months before memory is filled.
  6. If you say so, I'll believe you. Have a nice day at eclipse.
  7. @Azure: > Essentially that is precisely what I intend to do. I would rather spend 3 months to a year learning a dead programming language that will help me work my way up then to do nothing for the same amount of time. To start off learning VB6, you shouldn't edit the eclipse engine. you shouldn't start with eclipse at all actually. Once you've learned the basics (which i forgot to do first, but i came out fine (less good then others who did)) and know them by 'heart', i'd go for eclipse. I'm currently teaching a romanian pal of me, and he has never seen any vb6 before, and believe me, it's hard to learn him both vb6 + eclipse.
  8. This issue is made by the source, and not by the GUI. It has nothing to do with specs of the scroll bar, it's just made that way in the code.
  9. Did you made the GUI that way before the tutorial? or is 2.8 released?
  10. True, but when server crashes, everything will be healed. Also, setting it in memory will let the PC lagg eventually, as it's RAM will be sucked up.
  11. I ment the syntax you mentioned xD You've got to find every BattleMsg (which you already changed in PlayerMsg, uggh) and then change the syntax…
  12. Uhh, you say it's easy. Mind explaining how you 'easily' changed every single Call BattleMsg into Call PlayerMsg without messing up the Sub BattleMsg?
  13. This is really simple actually xD ``` Function GetPlayerStr(ByVal Index As Long) As Long ... End Function Function GetPlayerBaseStr(ByVal Index As Long) As Long 'GetPlayerSTR = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).STR + Add is the original getplayerstr. 'the + Add is ruining your thing, so we just make it: GetPlayerSTR = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).STR End Function ``` Btw, I don't like it how you called the coders in eclipse ECLIPSE_FREAKS (I know you said: I hope the eclipse freaks can solve this, but still) @Kirby4tw: > Punika, meinst du echt es is ne tolle idee die stärke übern server zu verändern? Ich brauch das in verbindung mit nem Buffscript. Das Funktioniert soweit. Aber wenn ich was angelegt habe addiert er die falschen werte siehe mein Problem oben im schlechten Englisch >_> > Aber danke das du es dir wenigstens angeschaut hast. Ich hoffe einer der ECLIPSE_FREAKS xD kann das lösen. Have a nice day.
  14. Hmm, I agree on the fact that when you step on the tile (let's stick to that for now) he sends a packet to the server. The server will update the .ini file, and there already is a loop for the seconds (Look for it by looking for the Night.). That will be the place where your poison will take place (since it only has to do that once every second). ``` Dim StatusI As Long Dim BleedingTime As Integer Dim BleedingDamage As Integer For StatusI = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS 'this might not work, just change it to 99 or 500 or something If IsPlaying(StatusI) Then BleedingTime = ReadINI("Status", "BleedingTime", (App.Path & "\Accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(StatusI) & "\yourfile.ini"), vbNullString) BleedingDamage = ReadINI("Status", "BleedingDamage", (App.Path & "\Accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(StatusI) & "\yourfile.ini") If BleedingTime > 0 Then Call SetPlayerHP(StatusI, GetPlayerHP(StatusI) - BleedingDamage, vbNullString)) Call WriteINI("Status", "BleedingTime", BleedingTime - 1, (App.Path & "\Accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(StatusI) & "\yourfile.ini")) End If End If Next StatusI ``` What to do: - change yourfile.ini to your actual file - BleedingTime would be in seconds. - BleedingDamage would be the amount of damage substracted each second, not each milisecond. - find the place to paste it. I was going to add it for the login, but actually, i think it works without even troubling about the log-in. UNTESTED. I don't see a reason why it won't work though. Good luck!
  15. I think what Nugget made actually comes close. First, search for the sub where you recieve the text (before sending back to the map). Second, make a Function: ``` Public Function WordFilter(message-var As String) 'change this If message-var = Trim$("lol") Then WordFilter = "rofl" ElseIf message-var = Trim$("...") Then WordFilter = "" End If End Sub 'not sure, never made a function by hand xD ```It's very basic and will only work if the entire message is lol or …, but it does work. I don't know the command to check for every word, but you got your basic.
  16. Uhh, when you create a timer in the server like this, won't it wait for every piece of code untill the tickcount is over? And when you create a timer on the form, you would have to make one from 1 to MAX_PLAYERS, which would be unstarted work…
  17. Night + lag is a common issue in EE2.7 Unless you're going to recode the entire night system, there is no possibility to remain it in the engine, but still remove the lagg. We all know people want to have night, and it is coded right in EE3.0, no clue when it will be available for use :(.
  18. anasky

    Windows 7

    Not at home atm, but it's the library files that don't install I think. And when I run those in XP compability, it says he can't run it.
  19. anasky

    Windows 7

    EE2.7 appears to be unavailable at Windows 7. Has anyone had that before? Because I prefer not to install a virtual box :(
  20. anasky

    Windows 7

    EE2.7 appears to be unavailable at Windows 7. Has anyone had that before? Because I prefer not to install a virtual box :(
  21. Didn't thought I had to say it, but: A real game please, and not a flash game good for an hour.
  22. Thanks Marsh :P Nugget, I can't seem to find DOTVILLE, and pacman is old and boring xD
  23. I'm looking for an (O)RPG with a really good storyline, see how it works out for me. Preferably a free game (if ORPG), or a link to a download (both). Looking forward of hearing from you, Anasky.
  24. Oh great… someone's trying to get a pokemon battler in sadscript. One tip, don't! Coding it in is way better, only lagg already!
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