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Everything posted by goku1993

  1. What i understood from what he said is that he can run the game gui in vb6 but not from the exe which of caurse woudn't work because you have to compile the file in vb6 then click on the exe, to compile file go to file then make (i think been some time since i last opened vb6)
  2. just wondering what s the difference between the rmxp sprites and the ones that can be used now?? all there is added is one more standing sprite that looks the same as the other one to each row.
  3. You can't move them. The answer is in your question, who created EO, it s robin
  4. The stuff you gave is just copy pasting from tutorials i didn't really read it but i doubt it would work without changes
  5. are you talking about the sprite number's label not showing the full number? cause if you are just make it bigger.
  6. he just means explain the code you changed or somthing(i think), oh and i didn't test the tutorial since i m not home but it looks good should work.
  7. to switch characters you can just add this to the button ``` Call SwitchCharacter ``` ``` Sub SwitchCharacter() InGame = False GettingMap = True InEditor = False InSpellEditor = False InSpawnEditor = False Running = False frmMirage.Socket.Close frmMirage.picExitOptions.Visible = False frmMirage.Visible = False frmChars.Visible = true ``` that s not exactly but pretty much what i did (there are some lines you don't really need in there)
  8. it's not really as hard as that but it takes time to make it took me about a 5 month to finish it and fix all the bugs and i still have some bugs so
  9. depends on what you changed to make it vertical but if it declines upwards and you want it the other way just do the opposite of what you did to change em?
  10. hmm i guess i could try and do it why not shouldn't be too hard
  11. ok well i m bored so i first though why not do an application to change all the .ini files in the server but then i though that it would be useless, hmm what simple application would help eclipse???
  12. Ok well i tested it but the Y caption in the form doesn't work properly so i think i m gonna check it out i ll tell you if i find the error edit: ok found it it s just a stupid error,i think you just didn't realize it while typing: ``` Private Sub scrlX_Change() lblX.Caption = scrlX.Value End Sub Private Sub scrlY_Change() lblY.Caption = scrlX.Value End Sub ``` should be : ``` Private Sub scrlX_Change() lblX.Caption = scrlX.Value End Sub Private Sub scrlY_Change() lblY.Caption = scrlY.Value End Sub ```
  13. neighbors wireless huh, once i did that my neighbors were so nice they just told me i could when ever i want since they didn't use it much it was for their son or something these were some fun days.
  14. double click label and put``` OpenWebsite "URL HERE" ```then ``` Public Sub OpenWebsite(URL As String) Dim ret& ret& = ShellExecute(Me.hWnd, "Open", URL, vbNullString, vbNullString, SW_SHOW) End Sub ```at the end of the frm you added the first code. this somwhere in the frm ``` Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long ``` i think this is right for default browser not sure though
  15. yea that s true a lot more advance but it shouldn't be too hard it ll probably take some time though.
  16. you could easily not hard at all (first time i try making a txt in vb6)
  17. hmm that s weird works fine for me wait is it error 13?cause if it is there s a blank textbox you didn't fill.(forgot to make a msg box pop up mb)
  18. ok yes i know there already is a quest generator on here somwhere but i was just bored so i did a very simple quest generator (very very simple) and just decided to post it here all it does is create a text file with the code in it then just copy the code you have to put in main. in a scripted tile or scripted npc here you go: [http://www.filefront.com/13996825/quest.zip](http://www.filefront.com/13996825/quest.zip) by the way i took the script from the tut [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,29991.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,29991.0.html) all i did in the end was put the script into an application i guess (didn't feel like writing a script)
  19. i know i ment /accept and /decline accept and decline buttons are easy first go into the accept and decline code take what you need then use the if (accept and decline code) then image1.visible = true then on it you add accept and decline or if you want something easier use the message that appears in box and type when it appears show the image
  20. for shells it probably is.chrisaub why don't you try learning the basics of vb6?if you do eclipse will be easier to understand
  21. nice link but will he understand the dim?? and isn't RetVal kinda useless for what he wants?
  22. the shell command hmm i think it was something like this Shell "file location" , vbNullString not sure been some time since i used it
  23. yea there is the locked bug if you didn't fix it the locked class and everything below won't show up
  24. hmm did you try finding the command in the source for /join cause you could put somthing like if the code of the message about /join or leaves appear show a picture box that may work i ll check it out later.
  25. no problem i just saw didn't find it while looking into the code just luck
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