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  1. Honestly been years since I last touched vb6 but I do still program and so I could probably help you(just bored and want to take a break from a game I'm working on for android), don't really need anything in return, just pm me if you need me ;P (going to have to get a version of vb6… lol) Actually would be better if you just send me an e-mail(hardly check this like 4times a year? ) [email protected]
  2. Sorry only thing i can think of is something wrong with handledatasub…
  3. thing is if you're getting you'r not in a guild doesn't necessarily mean client isn't sending anything something could be wrong with the create guild or anything so try adding a message somewhere to see if something is sent or not. for example in handle create guild could add an alert to see if the code gets there or not (just an example). and while there pause and put your mouse on the integer see if the values are sent…
  4. Ok I'm not sure of this but since you'r adding something to the player shouldn't the create guild have Saveplayer(userindex) cause if that's not saved it is going to say you're not in a guild… might be wrong too who knows
  5. no just wanted to make sure it was in the server. i would add ``` sub sendcreateguild(byval guildname as string) Dim n As Long Dim Buffer As clsBuffer tmpGuildName = guildname Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CSendCreateGuild Buffer.WriteString tmpGuildName SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ```or something like that in modclienttcp then call the sub from the form i have no idea if that's causing the problem but try Otherwise i can't really see anything wrong with the code in front of me that could stop client from sending to server or might be and i just can't see it, but sorry can't help you more than that with the code i got in front of me.
  6. Ok you handled create guild how do you send back to the client that it has been created and all?? oh and i don't see HandleDataSub(CSendCreateGuild) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleCreateGuild) (if you didn't add it then well when you do everything should work unless something else is wrong)
  7. never seen Samugames's guild system but in order to help you i need to see the modservertcp for the screateguild code (which i don't see in the enumartion code so how could anything be sent or received? unless the invite will create the guild i don't know) edit:oh and for the modenumarions would be simpler to call SSendClearGuildList SClearGuildList since S Stands for Server or Send not sure which one but writing send is useless (just saying you don't have to change them)…
  8. goku1993


    Thanks both of you for your help, was able to fix the problem.
  9. goku1993


    Oh ok thank you, i was storing player names at first just ran into some problems guess i'll have to try and fix them.
  10. goku1993


    both would pretty much do the same thing really… just added level because I'm going to add a level caption later
  11. goku1993


    Thanks, that's what i did, everything has been going well untill just now. Everything was working well when i realized that when i invited a player to the guild his name will take the caption of himself and all the players that are in the guild. For example imagine a person called john is in the guild if i invite someone called killer, a new caption is used for killed but he also takes john's caption and adds killer in it… i think this is dumb but i really can't find anything wrong with ``` For i = 1 To MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS Guild.Member(i) = Buffer.ReadLong Guild.Level(i) = Buffer.ReadLong If Guild.Member(i) > 0 Then frmMain.lblGuildMember(i).Caption = Trim$(GetPlayerName(Guild.Member(i))) Else frmMain.lblGuildMember(i).Caption = vbNullString End If ``` edit: I'm thinking there is some setting in the captions i have to change, going to check now…
  12. goku1993


    Thank you for your help, both of you.I'll start working on the guild system now and if i run into any deep problems i can't find a solution after a while I will probably look for some help on here. Thanks again.
  13. goku1993


    Hey everyone, i was just looking for advice wondering how i could create my guild system. Had one that didn't really work well based on the party system but i decided to find a more efficient way to create it. I don't really need any source code and all i just need some ideas on proficient ways to store the guild data, for example storing the guild name in the player's files then creating another file for the guild's data or?… Help would be appreciated, Thank you.
  14. Nope didn't miss the second person everything is working fine with this guild system except the leave part for everyone…
  15. In some parts i changed the code completely though anyway i guess I'll try to recreate something from scratch i think i might be able to do it while searching on the net for better ways.
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