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Everything posted by Oizumi03

  1. Yes, but there's specific locations as to WHERE you place the script. SadScript is odd that way.
  2. 1.) I don't think there are any (try F1-F12) 2.) Yes, but you may need to script 3.) There is no way, it would need to be scripted up the ASS 4.) You might need to change your Data.ini file (e.i.: there'll be a spot where it says something like Class=0, change to a 1) 5.) Class NPCs will need to be created and scripted. 6.) Hmm, explain this one. Did you try attacking them (CTRL)?
  3. Unless you're like 80% of everyone that joins that NEVER READ THE FAQS OR RULES! Dammit, I need to kill someone now >.>
  4. That will need to be scripted, and no one, it's not a bug so it won't be fixed in 2.8\. It might be an ADDED feature if you request it somewhere. (Not sure the correct forum)
  5. To Juggernaut: Don't worry about being a noob, I helped people at a post count of only 2 >.> To l0lz!: What version of Eclipse are you using? I think I know the problem if it's the right version.
  6. 1= You CAN use Visual Basic Studios 6, but no where has it anymore. Use Visual Studios 2008, it's free and it's MUCH better. 2= Google it, there's a microsoft website that has it. 3= Visual Basic is not scripting, it's programming. there's a difference, a small one, but there is one. YouTube and Google are you friends there. 4= Just post, who cares if someone thinks you're a noob, everyone was a noob once right?
  7. 2.5 is a little less buggy in more important areas and you'd lose some stability in areas where you'd gain with 2.7 and vise-versa, but in the long run, in my opinion 2.5 is better. Try it, if you like it stick with it, if not go back to 2.7\. =3
  8. Lol, thanks Baron. Kept me from killing another noob. >.>
  9. Test it, then fix any issues. Adding the bar may become an issue, you might wanna ask Marsh or someone about that, but scripting the spells is really simple to do.
  10. RTE 339 currently has NO FIX You'll just need to downgrade your version. Try 2.5.
  11. You also might not have installed the library files or if that doesn't work, try downloading ELI.
  12. I can only guess 50/50 chance of a scripted one working. But generally speaking, if you script it, it WILL work. the only problem is where to put it.
  13. Well, they need to sync IPs and ports. E-mail me and I'll make one.
  14. Oizumi03


    Lol, because I bumped this one to the top repetitively….... hehe, lol?
  15. That means he's on a different IP than you, try not using Hamachi and just use a seperate port (ask me for a quick tutorial if you want/need one).
  16. Oh, the reason is that 0=Preset classes while 1=Custom classes (like ones you edit into the game) Also, if you want to have class upgrades or something, in the Class#.ini, there's a section at the bottom that says something like Access or Visible = 0, change that to a 1 (0=Start-able class, 1=Non-start-able class) and make an NPC that upgrades from Class2.ini (Warrior for example) to Class3.ini (which is the invisable class).
  17. Ya, good idea. Try downgrading to 2.5, you most likely won't get the error for that version.
  18. Ya, potions are bugged in 1.0\. It's obsolete so don't bother continuing with it either.
  19. RTE (run time errors) belong in that thread, look there. I bet you someone else has a fix for it. Also, for forget to search it. Search the RTE number you got. ei: Search: RTE 339
  20. Just look around, maybe in paperdoll?
  21. You also need to edit your Data.ini or Config.ini (server folder) where it says Classes = 0 or something, make that a 1.
  22. Don't worry, someone will probably answer it sooner or later. Just don't bump (make another post on this thread) to move it back to the top. P.S. You CAN do that, just make sure you delete the post after you do.
  23. Well, I'd say Macromedia Flash as well, but then again, I use a cracked version of it. I'm not allowed to tell how and all that crap, but if you e-mail me, I can get you one.
  24. No, it needs to be scripted and debugged.
  25. Okay, don't double post and NEVER triple post. The answers will come. Please delete those "bumps". Ya. I'm saying that because I got a warning from necro-posting. I was wondering what would happen. Curse my curiosity. >.>
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