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Everything posted by Chakkra

  1. So what does this mean for us? Our fan made mmorpgs based on iconic franchises such as The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, and Mario can nolonger be subject to copyright issues. No more cease and desist letters! So go ahead, innovators and make the fan games you have always aspired to! [http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthickey/2014/11/17/nintendo-to-allow-its-characters-in-other-media-license-free/](http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthickey/2014/11/17/nintendo-to-allow-its-characters-in-other-media-license-free/)
  2. It's been years since I've looked at this topic. How … far we've gotten. 9835/1000000
  3. Ah, thank you so much. I'll check it out.
  4. @willunited: > Add End then add real defence system. > Enjoy Uhh what?
  5. Hey so I'm now a noob with anything past EE, so I don't know how to add defense to armors. I see "damage" and I thought perhaps that was just supposed to say "defense" but it seems to not do anything either. Any thoughts?
  6. OK so why does Eclipse Origins Event System keep "not responding" every time I log in? It started when I changed the map's dimensions to x250y250… Is this not a valid dimension? I dunno. However, I now cannot load my client.
  7. Edited previous picture. Changed dunes, added transition from dark sand to light sand, and changed the path tiles.
  8. Soooo i made brand new cacti and the "dark" rocks. ![](http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/9237/deserth.png)
  9. @Eckhart it's funny because every tile you stated that looks "off" or "bad" are the originals that I haven't revamped yet :P (The cacti, the dark gray rocks) I wasn't planning on revamping those certain ones because I thought they looked fine and didn't need to be redone, but guess not haha! Off to spriting world. Edit: About the dunes, what do you suppose I should change about them?
  10. These tiles are all a revamp of the original FSO tiles so obviously some aren't going to look original and obviuosly some are from that old tileset haha. We are developing a new engine based in director. Originally it was supposed to be "FSO4" but since has been put into a spin-off project. Also, the style of the graphics is that every tile fits into a 32x32 square besides the "big tiles"
  11. ![](http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/3217/desertc.png)
  12. Chakkra

    Sprites :O

    Ha, yeah I made them tiny so they could all fit. Also, so they won't be stolen. And thank you :D
  13. Chakkra

    Sprites :O

    Bored, decided to show off sprites for FSO: Beyond ![](http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8969/somuchsprites.png)
  14. I feel like there's too much clutter on your grounds..
  15. @Niko no matter what the style, it has to look "real" or "believable" at least. (The light sources all have to come from the same way, etc) Or else it's not very pleasant to look at.
  16. Thanks guys, it seems like I'm pumping out these graphics rather quick so an update is sure to come soon.
  17. I actually liked the fences haha.
  18. No prob, here to help. Definitely doesn't look like amateur work.
  19. Not bad, man. Some of them look flat however, and you can fix that by adding another shade color to it in what we would call the "back" of the object. Such as the well's back rim would be a darker color than it is, and to make it look rounded you should start using darker colors on the left and right edges of the well and lighter colors on the center of it. The same goes for that box (the back edge needs to be darker). Everything else looks great, keep it up. Edit: You can also make it seem like it has more depth by making the top and back lines of certain square objects start to go diagonally inward since it's farther away. Edit2: After look at it, the well you can't see the top of the wooden thingy on top. Which should help.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JprRWKQys7A
  21. Not very great mapping but here's just a random teaser map for First Star Online: Beyond (A revamp project) Not sure if going the Eclipse route yet, just used it to make the map. Mostly showing off the graphics. ![](http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg33/scaled.php?server=33&filename=lolteaser.png&res=landing)
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