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Everything posted by kanechart

  1. kanechart

    Plz help

    hope this helps ![](http://soulkeepersonline.com/kane/Untitled-5.jpg)
  2. kanechart

    Plz help

    Easy top left corner of your tileset sheet is it Black or did you put a tile there? You need to leave it blank with the background color. That is why almost all tile sets you see leave the top left open. Now not sure how titlesets work if that top color code is for example 111 111 111 and if you use 112 111 111 then that item does not become transparent not sure but hopefully this helps and maybe I will also learn something.
  3. It maybe harder then that depending really on how the data is constructed in the binaries. So don't think its that easy but worth a try but beware ;)
  4. Well can you tell me where this security code part is so I can change mine to make outside clients useless
  5. kanechart


    How will this help you and a lot? This is more complicated then downloading the stable version and unzipping it by 1000 times. Your older brother is going to install and setup linux for you? Now if this project was in C# and not added or made into a OS then yeah I would support that but this is just a crazy idea. Shader your harassment is not needed also its one the reasons so many developers split is from the youngsters really being rude.
  6. kanechart


    @SHADERS: > how about this. he is trying his best to help some newbs like me out and all you are is just flamming him > > just ignore them 140, i support you 100% Do you know how to install linux and do you have a server or pc to run this linux on? if its your main pc then do you know how to setup a proper bootloader and properly petition your drives?
  7. kanechart


    Will you be following the poll and quitting the project once your done with your results?
  8. Thanks I will play around with that. I don't know if I will get to far but it's fun anyways :)
  9. I have a auto updater and works great and anyways I would like to add this feature into my mainmenu I want to use the following: ``` frmMainMenu.lblVersion.Caption = "Version: " & Parse(24) ```to check against: a simple code line inside the client and in fact it can be right under the below code and be something like clientver 1.1 So when you click play it will check make sure you have the latest version so from server data.ini to the client made verfile inside the client. If it's right it keeps doing the following like always: ``` If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Auto", App.Path & "\config.ini") = 0 Then If LenB(frmLogin.txtPassword.Text) 0 Then frmLogin.Check1.Value = Checked Else frmLogin.Check1.Value = Unchecked End If frmLogin.Visible = True Me.Visible = False Else ``` If it's wrong then it would open the updater.exe instead. I think this be easy I don't know how to handle a packet yet like the version from the server nor how to do a compare. This example will be super helpful :)
  10. kanechart


    @l-l@140: > omg. Will you all just shut up. if your going to give me shit dont post. You asked your topic asked your poll asked you asked for it. You even considered your project so bad that it even had a option for epic fail :P?
  11. Yeah I just meant the style. Cool looks good I can't wait to see more.
  12. Looks good Chief so is it going be like zelda or mario?
  13. kanechart


    why would a total nub be using linux? 1) you took at all work for them so now they will never be able to learn and solve problems on their own 2) how is this going work for the server side? is it still linux if so did you consider that a os would be useless for people with VPS and such. 3) So many projects best to join one so less fail
  14. omg now I'm just to excited for this lol
  15. kanechart


    Why not just help the Java one our the C++ one ;)
  16. I would also suggest LUA scripting very common now and easy to learn and many examples out their.
  17. I honestly think and only when Marsh is ready tomorrow? No I kid but I think best to release open source onto svn or bitbucket and start putting a team up and just get people to join. I know your worried about pricks taking it and its going to happen but… Who has the biggest mmorpg 2d engine making blah site? You do... If you do a good start onto it and allow developers who know what their doing and setup some rules about comments clean code and such you could have the most kick ass engine out their. Look at all these emulation projects all the time in java and c++ and C# and the list never ends. This could be Touch of Death Productions chance :P
  18. So frigan sweet I can't wait to toss vb6 away hehe. I would die to learn how to hibernate to get their faster lol. keep up the good work Marsh your going to make a dent in the world with this if it does come out.
  19. wow so if someone get 10 fps they basically 3 times slower?
  20. Ertzel Thanks so much that worked perfect!
  21. @defendersdef: > try to end if push ctrl or shift. sorry, dont know how 2 script, lol :lipsrsealed: That is exactly what I was thinking too not sure how to end it though hmm. I will check other functions maybe copy it from that ;) I tried Player(MyIndex).Attacking = 0 But it does not work well it does if you hold down return or use it for a second. it's almost like thinks control button is being held down but if i try to use ctrl up and down still does nothng keeps attacking.
  22. So I added wasd and enter to chat so enter hey enter like all games ;) Anyways a bug I found and its major. If you hit ctrl or shift or any function while in chat it will repeat them none stop once your out. So your always moving fast and always attacking. ``` If (KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn) Then frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.Text = vbNullString If Player(MyIndex).Y - 1 > -1 Then If Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_SIGN And Player(MyIndex).Dir = DIR_UP Then Call AddText("The Sign Reads:", BLACK) If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String1) vbNullString Then Call AddText(Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String1), GREY) End If If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String2) vbNullString Then Call AddText(Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String2), GREY) End If If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String3) vbNullString Then Call AddText(Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String3), GREY) End If Exit Sub Else Call CheckMapGetItem If Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type TILE_TYPE_ITEM Then If frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.Visible = False Then frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.Visible = True frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.SetFocus Else frmMirage.picScreen.SetFocus frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.Visible = False End If End If End If End If ```
  23. Why is this thread here? This is tuts not chitchat section should be locked lol
  24. My suggestion is offer a config file or add into the normal one so users can selection in options 32 or 64 then everyone wins?
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