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Everything posted by JadeCurt1ss

  1. I tested it. Very good job, I must say. Very stable. Looks like I have to write a shaky version of a code, for someone to redo it with a soldi base. I still know my version worked (somehow), but you have a very understandable and working version. Good work unnown. Since you did use a bit of my stuff(text, ideas, partial work) could I get a bit of credit?
  2. @[SB: > Bone link=topic=30532.msg289128#msg289128 date=1222312432] > jesus dude, if your even thinking of doing other source edits for him > you must be able to know how to re arrange buttons on the GUIā€¦ I know how to move them, I even created a button that calls the trade window instead of you trying to type it, but rearranging the main game window and making it bigger eludes me still. Bone, seriously, stop making yourself out to be a vb6 god. You learned this the hard way too, remember.
  3. I'm not going to even touch this. Resume this thread to what it was.
  4. Thank you Bone. I gotta rant: If you're going to tell me it's easy, tell me how to do it. Christ.
  5. .: H M S Productions presents:. darkRedemption: a 2d Fantasy MMORPG **Storyline:** 143 Years ago, the Chancellorship of Illynhaer declared war on the neighboring country of Amherst. Bloody, and long, both sides fought a bitter conflict that lasted till but 6 months prior, when newly-elected Chancellor Meehan ushered in a new age. He immediately made peace with the King of Amherst, and brought to Illynhaer a much-needed relief, and an age of prosperity. You are a soldier, who has been in recovery in the Aelborough General Hospital: a veterans' first stop on their reintegration into society or to the millitary. Your path: Your choice. Well, that's it in a nutshell: You start off in Aelborough, in a hospital, and you can immediately leave town and try your luck, or you can stay around, recover some more, and (learn how to play). Features (Current): Gender - Specific Custom Characters Smooth, 3 - Animation Walking Player Cards (You can see another players' Level, stats, and class, and later on, once hardcoded, you will see the armor, etc. they are wearing. Fast Travel system between towns. (It's scripted already, I just need to add it once we have > 2 towns ^^;; ) Gender Specific Equipment. (Thanks Unnown!) Monsters with HP > 32767 Weapons that use different stats in the damage formula. (This one will mean class specific weapons) To Be Added: Suggestions are always welcome. Forums: http://www.oracleworks.web44.net/ Oracle has let me take up a whole section for temporary progress reports and for new members to introduce themselves. You can sign up and post on the dev forums as an alternate to PM'ing me here. WIP Thread: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,31865.msg291549.html#msg291549 **Staffing!** We Need: 2 - 4 Good Mappers. Pm me, and give me an example of your work A free, reliable, 20 - 24/7 server host. Paperdoll SPECIALIST! I need alignment and readjusting of a partially filled out item sheet+addition of new items 1 - 2 GFX artists who can do rudimentary edits, and hybridization of tiles, and/or weapon & armor creation 1 - 2 Scripters who can script at an intermediate level. (OPTIONAL) - Source editor: I am currently learning the source and will continue, but help would be nice. Here are some delicious screenies for you to feast upon. This also prevents me from getting locked xD Waiting for the train to go by. [![](http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/3286/screeny1ma6.th.jpg)](http://img530.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screeny1ma6.jpg)[![](http://img530.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif)](http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php) (Work in Progress) The exterior of the train station. [![](http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/9628/screeny2tz7.th.jpg)](http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screeny2tz7.jpg)[![](http://img149.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif)](http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php) Exterior of the hospital. [![](http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/5090/screeny4ck6.th.jpg)](http://img521.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screeny4ck6.jpg)[![](http://img521.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif)](http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php) Hospital Lobby. [![](http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7550/screeny5qg7.th.jpg)](http://img521.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screeny5qg7.jpg)[![](http://img521.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif)](http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php) **Currently on the project:** The Oracle - Head Admin/Global Moderator/Mapper/Map GFX'er freeplay - GFX Artist
  6. I'm learning the source. If you can host my game, or know of somone who can, I can do some edits for you. BTW, who made that awesome new GUI layout for you? I'd love to incorporate that into my game.
  7. @renzo: > everyone keeps talking about how 2012 is supposed to be last year or something > > is it too hard to think that maybe one mayan looked at another and said "well, weve got calanders for the next 10,000 years, probably a good time to take a break, eh?" Ahhhh, I could learn a lot form you renzo, you studmuffin.o . How do you work your magic?
  8. @DrNova: > An oldie XD > > I'm not one of those people who puts alot of faith into oracles and prophets, though the 2012 thing does have a little weight behind it. > > Many different cultures/people/things(like that weird chinese fortune telling method) all point to the 2012 date. > And above them all, the Aztec deserve more credit then that Jade. > Their calander is not only much more accurate then ours, but it plots out the changes of the moon, constelattions, ect, hundreds of years past their time with pinpoint accuracy, and all without the help of computers. > > Somehow, they were mathmatically advanced compared to us(our computers do everything they did, and they didnt have even win 3.1) and math is the language of all existance(in a point of veiw) > So while not a total beleiver, I'm not a total sceptic either. > I'll be prepared for 2012, canned foods and water, weaponry, ect, JUST IN CASE. > Never hurts to be prepared. > > And for the record, that date also happens to be a rare tie when the earth and the sun are at the "equater" of our galaxy, and lined up perfectly with the black hole in its center. > (Coincidence?) > Some scientists have a scientifically plausable theory called "pole shift", whereas the core of earth flips rotation the other way due to this galactic midway crossing, and the entire crust of the earth will shift partially(antartica would be the tropics.) due to momentum, before resyncing with the rotation of the core. > > Its happened before, so, just another thing to think about. Hooray! The Aztecs could program win 3.1! It's not like they are gods or anything of the sort. It just makes them Bill Gates. A.k.a. fail. Jk. But really, all they calculated was a very accurate calendar. So, what happens when our 365 day calendar runs out? does the world depolarize? Does the earth get sucked into a black hole? No. We go to a new year. Hooray! Drinks all around. This just means the Aztec calendar counts down, and, resets. Nice. @ The Particle collider? good lord. To create a black hole that bigā€¦ My god, if I could get a physics friend of mine to tell you the dynamics, power, and calculations, not to mention probbability and proximity, I'm pretty sure you would just forget the particle collider even existed as a problem, and you'd remember it as a big science project.
  9. Alrighty, so I have to put "sex as byte" in modTypes, and thenā€¦ what you typed, then send data? EDIT: I tried adding the If w/ the option button throught the code (See First post), every time I load the game, it works. I get the correct head, body, and legs that I chose when I created the new character. I tested it. I re-tested it, closed the game, loaded it again, and got the desired result. I then sent it to my dev team, who all tried it and got the same result as I did. Survey says: IT WORKS. I am locking the topic because it works now. If anyone wants to rewrite it, by all means, do it, but make sure it works, so we don't have a repeat of this. PM Me if you disagre, but go and make the change in your source, and test it out first.
  10. @Shadowwulf: > well this is all done before character creation. not sure how checking gender in charfile will help when there isnt one. > radio(thought it was radial) button is only logical choice If he said there is a way to check, then there must be a way, but I can't figure out how to yet.
  11. I'll have 2 if statements first if will be radio button 2nd will be the code/ data check.
  12. I like that idea of a weight suit. I'll look into that. Once I hit a certain time, I'll begin adding weights.
  13. I just checked that default image bit, you're rightā€¦ I didn't even think of that! It works if you use the 1st image of the group, but selecting any other image doesn't work. Curses, foiled again. Alright, so to remedy this, I need a command that accesses the player's gender. Also: does the radio button even give the player a gender or is it just for shows? > It should check for the characters gender in the main code not the radio button Alrighty then, How do I get it to do that? I enjoy criticism and critiqueā€¦ when people will suggest a course of action.
  14. I've tested this many times over. It works perfectly. Every time I go to make a character, when I click on the radio buttons, they do their job without a hitch. Go ahead and try the code if you don't believe me, but I've been at this for a while: I know I got it right.
  15. I will be adding this feature once I understand the item editor code.
  16. No shame, bud. Just a friendly pointer. Keep up the good work.
  17. USA, 1600 / Meter Run =3 I have been training since last year. My current time is about 5 minutes, I just need to knock about another minute and a half off in 4 years. Piece of cake.
  18. SECOND EDIT: Go to unnowns. I inspired him to write a very stable and logical version of this code. I HIGHLY reccomend it for all who are going to use this to use his. Very straightforward, quite functional. EDIT: Fixed. Works consistently. Well, I was pleased to see that Eclipse had a custom character creation system implimented in Gamma testing, but one thing always bugged me: The Male/Female options never did anything, other than save a byte of data in your character file. So, today I present to you Gender Specific customizable characters. First: You need the source of EE (I worked with 2.7) and a copy of VB6\. You will also need the custom character option enabled. Next: Look in your GFX folder for Heads, Bodys, and Legs (all are .bmp's). Make a Copy and rename one set to MaleBodys, MaleHeads, and MaleLegs (all .bmp's) and the other set to FemaleBodys, FemaleHeads, FemaleLegs (again, all .bmp's) Edit them to whatever base sprites you have, and add in some extra sprites for variation. Open up VB6, and look at the source code for the client. Find modDirectX and do a search for this: > If CustomPlayers 0 Then The original code looks like this: > ' Init head ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_head.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_head.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_head = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\heads.bmp", DDSD_player_head) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_head, 0, 0 > > ' Init body ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_body.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_body.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_body = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\bodys.bmp", DDSD_player_body) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_body, 0, 0 > > ' Init legs ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_legs.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_legs.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_legs = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\legs.bmp", DDSD_player_legs) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_legs, 0, 0 Replace it with this: > If CustomPlayers 0 Then > If frmNewChar.optMale.Value = True Then > ' Init head ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_head.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_head.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_head = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\maleheads.bmp", DDSD_player_head) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_head, 0, 0 > End If > If frmNewChar.optMale.Value = True Then > ' Init body ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_body.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_body.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_body = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\malebodys.bmp", DDSD_player_body) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_body, 0, 0 > If frmNewChar.optMale.Value = True Then > End If > ' Init legs ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_legs.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_legs.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_legs = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\malelegs.bmp", DDSD_player_legs) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_legs, 0, 0 > End If > If frmNewChar.optFemale.Value = True Then > ' Init head ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_head.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_head.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_head = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\femaleheads.bmp", DDSD_player_head) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_head, 0, 0 > End If > If frmNewChar.optFemale.Value = True Then > ' Init body ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_body.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_body.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_body = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\femalebodys.bmp", DDSD_player_body) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_body, 0, 0 > End If > If frmNewChar.optFemale.Value = True Then > ' Init legs ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_legs.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_legs.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_legs = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\femalelegs.bmp", DDSD_player_legs) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_legs, 0, 0 > End If > End If > End Sub Now go to modHandleData and look for this bit of code: > If FileExists("GFX\Heads.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(0).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Heads.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\Bodys.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Bodys.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\Legs.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Legs.bmp") > End If Delete it. Open the code for frmNewChar. Add this bit of code pretty much anywhere: > Private Sub optFemale_Click() > If FileExists("GFX\FemaleHeads.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(0).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\FemaleHeads.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\FemaleBodys.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\FemaleBodys.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\FemaleLegs.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\FemaleLegs.bmp") > End If > > End Sub > > Private Sub optMale_Click() > If FileExists("GFX\MaleHeads.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(0).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\MaleHeads.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\MaleBodys.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\MaleBodys.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\MaleLegs.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\MaleLegs.bmp") > End If > End Sub Now when you create a new character, clicking the option for male will give you a masculine anatomy, and clicking female will give you a feminine anatomy (If you have put Male/Female base sprites in the new files.) That's about it! This is easy enough for a simple coder to change. All the technical jargon isn't important at the moment, but just as I am, I reccomend going over and reviewing it. Good luck to all! Jade.
  19. Well, after months of searching, I know a lot more about VB6, and about the engine, and the edit is complete. I'm going to post this as a tutorial so other members can make use of this as I have. THANKS TO V RAGE AND XEROSS!
  20. Yeah I'm looking around for any other instances now. Edit: that's it, only modhandledata and moddirectx So, looks like if I can get the syntax correct, it should work out. Anyone wanna go over my quick edit and make some corrections?
  21. Alright, I'm trying that now. Any other procedure I should know about? Anywhere else that the custom character data is handled? EDIT! FOUND! Direct X, draw Surface from the stock files! Thanks for pointing out that entire project search function. (Never knew it existed) So, here's the code: > ' Init head ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_head.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_head.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_head = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\heads.bmp", DDSD_player_head) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_head, 0, 0 > > ' Init body ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_body.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_body.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_body = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\bodys.bmp", DDSD_player_body) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_body, 0, 0 > > ' Init legs ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_legs.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_legs.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_legs = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\legs.bmp", DDSD_player_legs) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_legs, 0, 0 Could I split this just like I did in Handledata? I think this is How it would go: > If frmNewChar.optMale.value = true Then > ' Init head ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_head.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_head.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_head = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\maleheads.bmp", DDSD_player_head) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_head, 0, 0 > > ' Init body ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_body.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_body.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_body = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\malebodys.bmp", DDSD_player_body) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_body, 0, 0 > > ' Init legs ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_legs.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_legs.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_legs = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\malelegs.bmp", DDSD_player_legs) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_legs, 0, 0 > End If > If frmNewChar.optFemale.value = true Then > ' Init head ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_head.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_head.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_head = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\femaleheads.bmp", DDSD_player_head) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_head, 0, 0 > > ' Init body ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_body.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_body.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_body = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\femalebodys.bmp", DDSD_player_body) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_body, 0, 0 > > ' Init legs ddsd type and load the bitmap > DDSD_player_legs.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS > DDSD_player_legs.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY > Set DD_player_legs = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\femalelegs.bmp", DDSD_player_legs) > SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_player_legs, 0, 0
  22. I was tired when I posted the first message, so I'll try to clear up what I'm looking for: In the source, I need to know where the data about a custom character is received, handled, and finally processed. Basically, from start to finish in the source, how does the engine collect the data. I found this little tidbit which is in modHandledata: > If FileExists("GFX\Heads.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(0).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Heads.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\Bodys.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Bodys.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\Legs.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Legs.bmp") > End If Now, I tested, and can change the names of the bmp.'s that the engine loads. I'm trying to have the engine perform this operation: When optMale.Value = True then You load this set of bmp's but if optFemale.Value = True then you load the OTHER set of Bmp's: So I coded this! > if frmNewChar.optMale.value = true then > If FileExists("GFX\MaleHeads.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(0).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\MaleHeads.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\MaleBodys.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\MaleBodys.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\MaleLegs.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\MaleLegs.bmp") > End If > else > if frmNewChar.optFemale.value = true then > If FileExists("GFX\FemaleHeads.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(0).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\FemaleHeads.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\FemaleBodys.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\FemaleBodys.bmp") > End If > If FileExists("GFX\FemaleLegs.bmp") Then > frmNewChar.iconn(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\FemaleLegs.bmp") > End If > End If Remember: We are still in modHandleData Now, first problem: It will only load the Male set of bmp's. Second problem: when I get In-game, my sprite is a custom that uses the heads, bodies, and legs from the files that the client came with (Heads.bmp,Legs.bmp, Bodys.bmp) As if it didn't even see the change I made here. So my question remains, what other data in the source is collected when a custom character is created. Where else in modules, forms, etc. do I have to look to be able to make the change I want? PS: I can get screeny's, and maybe even a vid if they would help you. I know a basic knowledge of VB6\.
  23. Hello all. Since the development thread seems to have died in popularity, I will post about individual projects I am working on First of all: How does the custom character creation work? Where can I find the different bits of data that make the system work, and further, how can i change the source from where they get the files they load from? Honest to God, I have spent weeks trying to figure this out with no result.
  24. Lol, that collider vid was well-made, but unconvincing as hell. I hate the stupid speculation about 2012\. Its a load of crap invented by babysitters to scare little children into shutting up. In 2012, I will be competing in the Olympics and in my 1st year of Medical School. The Aztec calendar will reach the final date because, they only had it multiply out that far, asteriods will not have hit the earth, no supercolliding bullshitter will have swallowed earth: imagine the POWER needed to create that. It's infinite to think about, even write down on paper and actually DO. Really, you're all just looking for an excuse to talk about your thoughts on the issue like I am now, except for the fact that I hate people who talk about it: IT WILL END WHEN IT ENDS. Till then, I'll drink, study, and live, and not give a rat's ass about what'll happen. Sincerely: Jade
  25. Alright, well, I've been learning VB 6 quite a lot, enough to make some good edits, but the problem is, I have no clue where things are. For instance, the customizable gender files, all I need to know is where they load from. Like: I told the option button what each option does when they are selected. So, what about the bodies needs to be changed? Or, could someone provide me with a tutorial that explains the eclipse engine's source?
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