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Everything posted by Lenton

  1. Lenton

    Noob Posting

    But tha "" dosunt work …......... Pleese wil eny 1 help ??>
  2. Lenton

    Chat button

    I don't think it dose… I click it and nothing happens. How would you use it?
  3. Lenton


    Was the main.txt created just so you could script without editing source? In the source (server) it uses the main.txt to function? Would it be possible to just copy your main.txt into your source and it would work? Is the answer to all these questions yes?
  4. @Rage: > Your predictions are always negative Lol…
  5. @HailBlazR: > Who are you? -prediction- The Oracle
  6. Lenton

    Health bar

    I don't understand you. Who said anything about a horizontal HP bar. My problem is my EXP bar just carrys on like this : [–----------]–-------- The exp needed for the first lvl is 1500 and when it gets past that it just goes 1501/1500 and so does the bar carry on.
  7. ![](http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/weent420/funny-signs-warning.jpg)
  8. ![](http://crazypicz.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/funny_signs_3.jpg)
  9. For more information on opening this box securely, please read page 2 of the instruction booklet inside.
  10. Lenton

    Health bar

    Wow, for the TNL bar when i get over 1500 xp it keeps carrying on and doesn't go back to 0… EDIT: I think this is a TE bug? Same thing happens on my non source edited client with a new char.
  11. Lenton

    Health bar

    Arr, thank you Soljah, i don't know what i would do with out you… =P
  12. Lenton

    Chat button

    Im using TE and i was wondering what does the chat button atchally do. When i click nothing happens, could someone tell me whats it's use? Thanks.
  13. Lenton

    Health bar

    If you look at my Hp and Mp bars they are full (20/20) but don't go right to the top.. I set the shape right but theres some kind of problem. ![](http://www.freewebs.com/mayhemonline/Screenshot0.bmp) If you could please help. Thanks. EDIT: Im using the TE source.
  14. Lenton

    Wooden Swords

    The second one looks like it has a perfect zig zag on each side. Make it so there are random chips in it. Also you have to round of the edges a bit like Neku said. 10/20
  15. Lenton

    My In Game GUI

    Wouldn't it take longer to load all the coulours on each pixel than having them all the same?
  16. Lenton


    This is the wrong topic.. You should have posted this into script requests because your not really asking for someone to work with you. You just asking someone to make some skill scripts. Either look in the script database for them or request them.
  17. Lenton

    Noob Posting

    I don't gat wht we av to do ins dis post..?!1..' dont us like postsomethin coool or sumn lik edat /?? PEEE@SE!"!!!!
  18. When editing the NPC set hp to 1 then press ctrl on him and he will talk.
  19. Sounds like runescape =D =P
  20. Sure just remember to use the IP in your client. (what Kreator said) Other players won't be able to play unless you have an internet connection.
  21. Lenton

    Noob Posting

    Ok, the rules of this game is you must post the noobiest post you can think of! I'll start: im curantly making a game called Eclipse Online. i need teem to help me. might get money if you help real good. :cheesy: :cheesy:
  22. Still not working many errors… This line does not work - If not txtpassword.Text = "password" And **If** Not ctr >=3 Then
  23. Both ways would work i just think mine would be easier and quicker
  24. Wouldn't you just go to classes folder, edit the .ini of the class and set the item number?
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