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Posts posted by Lenton

  1. Webplates has been updated!

    It now uses a new custom framework which makes the website more consistent, secure, and development a lot easier. PayPal is now integrated into Webplates which means you can finally buy templates. We also decided to open webplates up to other website developers who are willing to sell their template. You can find out how at http://webplates.lentontech.com/developer/sell
  2. > The general consensus regarding PHP is that it's for the poor man and it's broken.

    The general consensus of who, the Microsoft faggots brigade?

    > If you have the time and money invest in learning ASP.NET and never look back; it outperforms PHP, is more consistent, is backed by an entire framework (.NET), CodeFirst and the Entity Framework makes PHP users cry, and out of the box it's far more secure and versatile than PHP ever will be.

    PHP is backed by a larger community than ASP.NET, I can't find exact figures but it's not hard to deduct considering way more people use PHP. [PHP](http://codeigniter.com/) [has](http://cakephp.org/) [so](http://symfony.com/) [many](http://qcodo.com/) [free](http://framework.zend.com/) [open](http://akelos.org/) [source](http://www.pradosoft.com/) [MVC](http://www.yiiframework.com/) [frameworks](http://seagullproject.org/). How can you say it's more secure and versatile than PHP, it's not.

    > Oh. I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that [http://www.arvixe.com](http://www.arvixe.com) has $5/mo unlimited ASP.NET hosting. Go figure that ASP.NET hosting is as cheap or cheaper than a reputable Linux provider. Hmpf.

    Whoa there, don't bombard me with too much choice of web host provider.
  3. Here's some ideas for improvements:

    Give h1 "margin-top: 0;"

    Make the headers orange and bigger so they stand out from the paragraphs.

    The text on the splash should be real text in HTML (not on the actual image).

    Make the splash shorter in height, I feel it's too tall.

    Replace the website's title "i-am-car.im/" with a graphical logo.

    Give it a background, something swirly would look nice.

    Centre the footer text.
  4. Don't use WordPress, real web development is coding web pages yourself in HTML and CSS, not using a CMS. Sure, with WordPress you could have a website up quickly but in the long term it's better to learn how to code. I can imagine that learning the ins and outs of WordPress is actually a lot more complicated than learning HTML and CSS anyway.

    You should learn HTML5\. It's pretty much the same as HTML4 except a few tags have been removed such as ,

    , , etc. and a few cool tags have been added. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_new_elements.asp Instead of using stylistic tags such as center, you use CSS instead: "text-align: center;".

    I wouldn't worry about making your website work in IE7 too much, as long as it works in IE9 it's fine, it's the users fault for using an old browser. IE is slowly losing popularity, more people use Chrome these days.

    Using Javascript is fine, pretty much everyone has it enabled. If they don't, they lose out, simple as that.

    If you don't need dynamic pages or features such as login, posts, comments, etc. then you don't need a server-side scripting language and all you will need is HTML and CSS. Securing PHP is not difficult at all, you just need to escape user input that's going into a database query or displayed on the webpage. I'd recommend that you learn PHP rather than ASP.NET because it's FREE, open source (meaning it gets updates and bug fixes by the community), cross-platform (meaning it works on Linux, Windows and Mac) and it's way more popular (meaning it's supported by more web hosts). Why pay for something when you can get something better for free?

    http://www.hostgator.com/ offer some really nice unlimited cheap hosting.
  5. I couldn't find the reason why there was white space under your navigation but I'm pretty certain it was because of the

    * tags. I rewrote your code to use divs for the navigation instead of a list. I also cleaned it up by removing all the unnecessary code you had:














    margin: 0;

    padding-top: 40px;

    background-color: grey;




    width: 792px;

    margin: 0 auto;




    overflow: hidden;


    #nav .left, #nav .right


    float: left;

    width: 21px;

    height: 75px;


    #nav .left { background-image: url("img/left.png"); }

    #nav .right { background-image: url("img/right.png"); }

    #nav a


    display: block;

    float: left;

    padding-top: 22px;

    height: 53px;

    width: 150px;

    font-weight: bold;

    color: #FFFFFF;

    background-image: url("img/middle.png");

    font-size: 25px;

    font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

    text-align: center;

    text-decoration: none;

    text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black, 0.1em 0.1em 0.05em #333;


    #nav a:hover


    background-image: url("img/middle_hover.png");




    display: block;

    margin: 0 auto;


    There is still a 1 pixel gap under the navigation but that's just because the actual image has a gap. To remove it you would need to edit the image.
  6. Wrap your HTML code with a container div:






    Add this CSS code:



    width: 792px;

    margin: 0 auto;


    Change/add the following properties in "**a:link, a:visited**":

    height: 48px;

    padding-top: 27px;
  7. The forwarding page shouldn't be automatic, have two big buttons: GO and CANCEL. I find that the 5 seconds doesn't give you chance to realise whether it's a rick roll or not.

    Oh yeah, and fix those XSS vulnerabilities scattered throughout your site, I pointed out one for you.
  8. **Some updates:**

    · Stopped guests from posting on the shoutbox.

    · Flipped the shoutbox (latest posts are now at the top).

    · Fixed the shoutbox /me command.

    · Changed the online list to show display pictures.

    · Improved the navigation's appearance.

    · Added a post search to the Lenton Community.

    · Fixed the registering as a female bug.

    · Services and games have been grouped together on the new "Products" page.

    · Added the ability to change your gender and set an Xbox gamertag on the accounts page.

    · Admins and moderators can now view all messages made via the contact form.

    · Fixed the error when uploading a display picture.

    · All timestamps are now in a user friendly format.

    · Updated the Usage Policy and added a Privacy Policy.

    · Information now remains in fields if you submit a form and get an error.

    · Usernames now may not contain an underscore.

    · Added pages to threads, boards, search results, messages, etc.

    · Added a new page called "People" where you can view and search for every member of Lenton.

    · Messages are now grouped into conversations.

    · You can now have group conversations with up to 10 people.

    · Improved the security of the 'Remember Me' feature.

    · Removed users email address from public profiles.

    · Modified the Lenton Logo and icon.

    · Profile page has been improved.

    · Many other smaller improvements.
  9. Lol, you still haven't fixed the security hole I pointed out with Botsta in my post above. I can inject Javascript and do a XSS attack, steal your session cookie and gain admin access like I did before.
  10. > You can additionally modify your function, so you wouldn't need to pass length of array as argument by adding $length = count($array); at the begging of it.

    I made the length settable in case you wanted something like combinations of A, B and C that are two characters long.
  11. Thanks very much Novak, I was close to that logic of looping adding each letter to all the combinations from messing with MrSeans code.

    I didn't know, or at least have never come across a recursive function in PHP so that's something new.

    Although recursive functions are rather ugly so I used your logic and improved it:
  12. Does anyone know a good method for generating all the combinations of an array?

    I need a way of doing it without using lots of embedded foreach/for loops so I can add a letter to the array and it will still work.
  13. Erm, this isn't my code…

    $result = db_query("

    UPDATE {$db_prefix}members

    SET avatar = '" . $_POST['newAvatar'] . "'


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