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Everything posted by ZoSo

  1. Kinda simple eh? :P.. It was really messy a while ago, but now ive cleaned it and wont save shit on desktop anymore.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ00nFdlLiQ&feature=colike Track 3 of 8 from my new upcoming album :).
  3. You should find yourself a death-metal band :>. First thing to do, move out from your city/area! :P:P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avPJZTwHcvc&feature=plcp&context=C365233aUDOEgsToPDskLJNrS7ZBpif48HeaGtSk20 Thats a friend whom i currently dont have time to play with (which sucks hard as stick)! I bet he could play your self without problem, he's a robot drummer, move here! haha..
  4. They sound very game-alike. Good job kreator!
  5. Hahah nah im not modelling its just a weird photo at me on a gig :P. Robin you bought a 1080p Web Camera, now how much did that shit cost and how worth was it? This time i think my coats win, i mean how often do you use a camera and how often do you use a coat?? eh? Another Gig picture some years ago. ![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/200174_204621712898798_100000529129373_728258_825179_n.jpg) Another. ![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/31777_1308473554454_1309026040_30742426_2410208_n.jpg) Another. ![](http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/319966_194865437252237_148161031922678_468881_864152443_n.jpg) Another ![](http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/199486_1891158648327_1522323949_2074093_3380878_n.jpg) Another ![](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/26921_1334215489046_1640833675_861551_4493186_n.jpg)
  6. Haha thanks man :). Yeah the video was made like one take during our studio week, just a fun thing. We got the idea when we went out shooting pictures for the album cover, think it turned out quite fun. But yeah, thanks alot for the like and for looking at it!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECXuN3GejIg&feature=related Something me and my pals did this summer, its just us running backwards and stuff. We also recorded the song with our own equipment and produced it ourself. If i allready posted this here, i apologize. Feel free to like our facepage http://www.facebook.com/omnivisionmusic And feel free to tell your friends if you like this kind of music! We also have an album released, which you can find on most any digital download mp3 store, just search for Omnivision. Bands like us need support from regular people to help share our music, so we appreciate any support **alot**, everything from just liking our page to buying our album. Thanks Eclipse!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4yuDnY56bA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeH_Zu6WkcU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJcN6b6RLi0&list=UUgzityPUp4O97JN9dQZuj7Q&index=18&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWps39WPIys&list=UUgzityPUp4O97JN9dQZuj7Q&index=21&feature=plpp_video Showing some of my own songs, i know these songs are bad examples for game music. But shows of what kind of sounds im capable of creating.
  9. @Whack: > Well you kind of discouraged me, not sure what I want to do :/ Just make a original game based on the same idea? How hard is it. @Whack: > Well, > I don't want this to happen. And I'm using the .mp3s from the game, that are licensed for non commercial use, but do I need to have a license? Some companies just dont like they're franchises being used by others. Its a gamble, and stupid. Just make an original game.
  10. Yeah i guess in that case it doesnt matter. Do whatever you want :).
  11. Im not sure what's to be angry about, what he's doing will awaken that kind of reaction. If you do an un-official spin-off of a allready good franchise and totally butcher it, people will complain.
  12. Making a online game based on a much more fun online game seems kinda retarded. And how do i know the real Castle Crashers is more fun? Yeah because it doesnt use Eclipse Engine. =/ Unless you make the gameplay exactly like Castle Crashers, or better. You're doing nothing in the honor of the original game. Its basically butchering it. And you'll probably get canceled because you own no rights to the name or that logo.
  13. It looks alot better. The tall tiles only look plainly retarded. Glad you followed my advice and tried it out, good job (Y)!
  14. Dunno why you'd want them that size, ive seen no isometric game with that tall ground blocks, i'd make them 50% shorter, maybe even 70%
  15. Saw this, i think it looks kinda fun :).
  16. the blocks are to big in height, i find that ugly. I also dont like the black border around the tiles, otherwise they're pretty.
  17. Seems awesome :). Post videos!
  18. @ZoSo: > He probably somehow made the music player play mono only.. somehow.
  19. ![](http://orpgcreation.com/images/SebastianBrkicMusic.png) Hey, my name is Sebastian Brkic and im a 20 year old musician. You might have clicked some of my album links in my Signature, and probably thought what the hell is this? Anyway, im currently in need of some musical equipment and im offering my composing "skills" to people with money :). Add me on msn and we can discuss order : [email protected] I mostly do other type of music, but i love classical music and my favorite game music is probably from Chrono Cross. I had no good examples that might show you guys what kind of game music i could create, so i made this little piece today just to show off one of the many type of music i can do. For those doing games in sci-fi,modern or space settings, i could do that aswell. I will be posting more examples soon, so check back if you find this song interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WopNaJf1wuI&feature=youtu.be Also feel free to like my facepage, i appreciate any supporters. http://www.facebook.com/sebastianbrkic Thanks!
  20. He probably somehow made the music player play mono only.. somehow.
  21. Thanks alot friends! ![](http://orpgcreation.com/images/example01.png) Trying out a new much.. warmer color palette for the entire set. Also working on animations, which are a pain. More updates on new building coming soon!
  22. I kinda like the tiny style your going for. Coolstuff dude, hope this game see's the light of the day.
  23. ZoSo


    Im getting the call of Oblivion aswell :P…. i wish i could run oblivion in skyrim's engine xD.
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