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Everything posted by DJMaxus

  1. Ok its fixed, and I updated the topic. Just replace the respective DrawPaperdoll sub with the one in the first post.
  2. @zzuurraa: > Found Bug! if map is longer than 24x18 , paperdolls stay in the position 24/18 when map starts to slide down :| Ah ok, I'll fix that when I get home today. That just goes to show that I should do a better job testing my tutorials.
  3. @ScoPro: > Some Games can have 'ONLINE' at the end of it but it isn't necessary. If a game has "online" in the title, most may not even want to check it out, unless its a fan game, or has some badass screenshots.
  4. They need much improvement. When people aren't even able to tell what the tiles are, they won't use the tileset. You can find tutorials on pixel art, examples, and styles here on the forums, as well as on the web, they will help you.
  5. Don't over-think it. Don't use the word "online." Change name during development if a better name comes.
  6. @GoldSide: > but whether this procedure can apply to EO? Not the exact procedures. You'll have to make modifications.
  7. @Couture: > Works like a charm, thank you! > I got one question though, if you could help me with it. When you make a new character, it starts with no hair, how and what do I change/add so you can't make a char without hair? You can make newCharHair = 1 when the menu is drawn. @GoldSide: > whether this also applies to EO 2.0 :huh: No it does not, every tutorial I do in the future will also be for CS:DE. EO and CS:DE are very similar, so you could convert using many of the same procedures.
  8. The simplest way to accomplish this would be to just make a shortcut run your Auto-Updater, then use this: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72400.0.html Or this: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69267.0.html To have the auto-updater launch the game when it is finished updating your game. Have your players run the shortcut every time so it checks for updates every time.
  9. Why are you renaming the src files? What's the general goal here? Download a fresh copy of the autoupdater and follow the instructions in the readme
  10. @MrMiguu: > Or he should use the word "online" twice. Nobody's ever done that before. Mind = Blown Great name for a parody Orpg
  11. Server Side, Just edit these lines in modConstants ``` ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 Public Const START_X As Long = 30 Public Const START_Y As Long = 10 ```
  12. I would try to avoid naming it something with "Online" in the title, but that's just me.
  13. @Recoil: > Nevermind. I had the "hair" folder in the "graphics" folder. This is supposed to go into "characters"(client\data files\graphics\characters\hair). > > I thought I had it in there but had overlooked which directory I was creating my files in. Sorry for all the trouble and unnecessary posts :( Glad you got it figured out. ;)
  14. You will need some images in your hairs folder. Count_Hair, which is the number of hair graphics in the folder, needs to return a positive value. 0 and any negative value will be out of range. In the Resources section, you will find some CS:DE paperdolling graphics packs for you to use with your project. You do not need any prerequisite tutorial for this one to work, but it works nicely with the Paperdolling tut.
  15. This tutorial goes nicely with this one: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,77052.0.html
  16. @Recoil: > In modConstants(client) > I had to change the max buttons from 35: > Public Const MAX_BUTTONS As Long = 39 Ah thank you for pointing that out, I forgot about that. Added to original post.
  17. This is a tutorial for Crystalshire Developer's Edition. It will show you how to add basic character customization into your game upon selecting a class. This tutorial will go nicely with this one: [[CS:DE] Paperdoll & Gender Based Paperdoll](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,76976.0.html) This may be a long tutorial for some. _**How It Works:**_ This will allow you to choose the Gender and Hair of your character when you are creating them. After you have selected a class, you are able to cycle between hair and gender options for your character using buttons. Hair is a separate declaration and will appear independent from the sprite, it can be changed throughout the game. This is just a simple customization you could refer to so that you can add extra customization options if you wish. Please see attachments for the buttons you'll need to use this tutorial. To fully utilize this tutorial, you should have a set of base characters for use with your project, if anything, you can just extract the gender part out of this tutorial and forget about the hair part. _**Screenshots:**_ >! ![](http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/8045/hairone.png) >! ![](http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/5172/hare2.png) >! ![](http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7545/hayaire.png) _**The Code:**_ ============== **Server Side** ============== First let's add the "Hair" declaration to the PlayerRec In **modTypes** Find : **Private Type PlayerRec** Find: ``` Level As Byte ``` Underneath it Add: ``` Hair As Long ``` In **modConstants** Change **MAX_BUTTONS** Value to equal 39 instead of 35 In **modPlayer** We're going to add a function and sub that will return the value of and set the hair, could be used for other source edits in the future. Find: **Function GetPlayerLevel** Above that entire function, add this: ``` Function GetPlayerHair(ByVal index As Long) As Long If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerHair = Player(index).Hair End Function Sub SetPlayerHair(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Hair As Long) If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub Player(index).Hair = Hair End Sub ``` In **modDatabase** Find the **AddChar** Sub We're going to modify our AddChar sub so it can know which hair will be sent from the client, look for this on the same line as the name of the sub: ``` ByVal Sprite As Long ``` Directly after it on the same line, we're going to add this: ``` , ByVal Hair As Long ``` That whole line should look like this: ``` Sub AddChar(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Hair As Long) ``` This will set the hair for the player on the server so it can be saved, in the same sub find this: ``` Player(index).Level = 1 ``` Underneath it, add this: ``` Player(index).Hair = Hair ``` The next two additions we'll make are so that the server saves the hair value. In the **SavePlayer** sub, Find: ``` PutVar filename, "ACCOUNT", "Level", Val(Player(index).Level) ``` Underneath it add this: ``` PutVar filename, "ACCOUNT", "Hair", Val(Player(index).Hair) ``` In the **LoadPlayer** sub, Find: ``` Player(index).Level = Val(GetVar(filename, "ACCOUNT", "Level")) ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Player(index).Hair = Val(GetVar(filename, "ACCOUNT", "Hair")) ``` Now we handle the sub that actually receives player data from the client. We need to tell it to read the hair value. In **modHandleData** Find the **HandleAddChar** sub. Find: ``` Dim Sprite As Long ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Dim Hair As Long ``` Find: ``` Sprite = Buffer.ReadLong ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Hair = Buffer.ReadLong ``` Now we tell the AddChar sub to include hair as well Find: ``` Call AddChar(index, Name, Sex, Class, Sprite) ``` Replace it with: ``` Call AddChar(index, Name, Sex, Class, Sprite, Hair) ``` In **modServerTCP** Find the **PlayerData** function Here, were going to send our saved hair value back to the client so it can load it every time. Find: ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerLevel(index) ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerHair(index) ``` That's it for server side! On to the client. ============== **Client Side** ============== Doing the same thing as the server hereā€¦ In **modTypes** Find : **Private Type PlayerRec** Find: ``` Level As Byte ``` Underneath it Add: ``` Hair As Long ``` In **modClientTCP** Here we'll modify our SendAddChar to include a hair value to send to the server. Replace the entire **SendAddChar** sub with this: ``` Public Sub SendAddChar(ByVal name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Hair As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CAddChar Buffer.WriteString name Buffer.WriteLong Sex Buffer.WriteLong ClassNum Buffer.WriteLong Sprite Buffer.WriteLong Hair SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "SendAddChar", "modClientTCP", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` In **modDatabase** Now we'll add two subs that return or set the hair value. Add this to the bottom: ``` Function GetPlayerHair(ByVal index As Long) As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerHair = Player(index).Hair ' Error handler Exit Function errorhandler: HandleError "GetPlayerSprite", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Function End Function Sub SetPlayerHair(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Hair As Long) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub Player(index).Hair = Hair ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "SetPlayerSprite", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` In **modGlobals** Adding in declarations that hold our gender and hair constants, can't remember if the "newCharSex" already exists or not, if it does, ignore it and don't add it. Find: ``` ' New char Public newCharSprite As Long Public newCharClass As Long ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Public newCharSex As Long Public newCharHair As Long ``` In **modGeneral** Find the **MenuState** sub We send our hair constant to the server with our modified SendAddChar sub. Also, we tell it to select the gender we've picked at character creation. Find: ``` Call SendAddChar(sChar, SEX_MALE, newCharClass, newCharSprite) ``` And Replace it with: ``` Call SendAddChar(sChar, newCharSex, newCharClass, newCharSprite, newCharHair) ``` In **modHandleData** Find the **HandlePlayerData** sub, Here we receive the saved hair constant from the server. Find: ``` Call SetPlayerLevel(i, Buffer.ReadLong) ``` Underneath it, add this: ``` Call SetPlayerHair(i, Buffer.ReadLong) ``` Add this to the bottom of the entire modGeneral module: ``` Public Sub ChangeGender() If newCharSex = SEX_MALE Then newCharSex = SEX_FEMALE Else newCharSex = SEX_MALE End If End Sub ``` Now we add the graphical functions of hair. In **modDirectX8** Find: ``` Public Tex_Fader As Long ``` Underneath it add: ``` ' Hair Public Tex_Hair() As Long ``` Find: ``` Public Count_Fog As Long ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Public Count_Hair As Long ``` Find: ``` Public Const Path_Fog As String = "\data files\graphics\fog\" ``` Underneath it add: ``` Public Const Path_Hair As String = "\data files\graphics\characters\hair\" ``` Find: ``` ' Surfaces Count_Surface = 1 Do While FileExist(App.Path & Path_Surface & Count_Surface & ".png") ReDim Preserve Tex_Surface(0 To Count_Surface) Tex_Surface(Count_Surface).Path = App.Path & Path_Surface & Count_Surface & ".png" Count_Surface = Count_Surface + 1 Loop Count_Surface = Count_Surface - 1 ``` Underneath it add this: ``` ' Hair Textures Count_Hair = 1 Do While FileExist(App.Path & Path_Hair & Count_Hair & ".png") ReDim Preserve Tex_Hair(0 To Count_Hair) Tex_Hair(Count_Hair) = SetTexturePath(App.Path & Path_Hair & Count_Hair & ".png") Count_Hair = Count_Hair + 1 Loop Count_Hair = Count_Hair - 1 ``` Find your **DrawPlayer** sub Find: ``` RenderTexture Tex_Char(Sprite), ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), rec.left, rec.top, rec.Width, rec.height, rec.Width, rec.height ``` Underneath it add this: ``` DrawHair x, y, GetPlayerHair(index), Anim, spritetop ``` Underneath the entire **DrawPlayer** sub, add this: ``` Public Sub DrawHair(ByVal x2 As Long, ByVal y2 As Long, ByVal Hair As Long, ByVal Anim As Long, ByVal spritetop As Long) Dim rec As GeomRec If Hair < 1 Or Hair > Count_Hair Then Exit Sub With rec .top = spritetop * (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Hair(Hair)).height / 4) .height = (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Hair(Hair)).height / 4) .left = Anim * (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Hair(Hair)).Width / 4) .Width = (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Hair(Hair)).Width / 4) End With ' Clip to screen If y2 < 0 Then With rec .top = .top - y2 End With y2 = 0 End If If x2 < 0 Then With rec .left = .left - x2 End With x2 = 0 End If RenderTexture Tex_Hair(Hair), ConvertMapX(x2), ConvertMapY(y2), rec.left, rec.top, rec.Width, rec.height, rec.Width, rec.height End Sub ``` Up next, we will be moving some things around in the New Character screen, as well as adding in our buttons and defining what they do. Find your **DrawNewChar** sub Find: ``` ' sprite preview sprite = Class(newCharClass).MaleSprite(newCharSprite) 'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Char(sprite), x + 235, y + 123, 32, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 RenderTexture Tex_Char(sprite), x + 235, y + 123, 32, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32 ``` Replace it with this: ``` RenderChar RenderTexture Tex_Hair(newCharHair), x + 265, y + 120, 32, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32 ``` This sub will render the correct sprite based on gender on character creation. Above the entire **DrawNewChar** sub, add this: ``` Public Sub RenderChar() Dim Sprite As Long Dim x As Long Dim y As Long x = GUIWindow(GUI_MAINMENU).x y = GUIWindow(GUI_MAINMENU).y If newCharSex = SEX_MALE Then Sprite = Class(newCharClass).MaleSprite(newCharSprite) Else Sprite = Class(newCharClass).FemaleSprite(newCharSprite) End If RenderTexture Tex_Char(Sprite), x + 265, y + 120, 32, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32 End Sub ``` Time to draw our four buttons. Back in the **DrawNewChar** sub, were going to **add this just above the last "End If"** ``` ' position For buttonnum = 36 To 39 x = GUIWindow(GUI_MAINMENU).x + Buttons(buttonnum).x y = GUIWindow(GUI_MAINMENU).y + Buttons(buttonnum).y Width = Buttons(buttonnum).Width height = Buttons(buttonnum).height ' render accept button If Buttons(buttonnum).state = 2 Then ' we're clicked boyo 'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Buttons_c(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, width, height, width, height, width, height RenderTexture Tex_Buttons(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, Width, height, Width, height ElseIf (GlobalX >= x And GlobalX = y And GlobalY = x And GlobalX = y And GlobalY = x And GlobalX = y And GlobalY
  18. @ThereIsNoDomino_: > Part Two works with OE too? This one is CS:DE only, but it would only take a few modifications to get it work with EO.
  19. DJMaxus

    CS:DE Question

    A quick alternative is that you could set it to where the gender changes with the tab key, just edit your "HandleMenuKeyPresses" sub.
  20. Provide more details about the problem. From what I can see, its probably your Pet declaration being 0 that is giving you this error.
  21. Yes there is, you can do just about anything you want with the source. Before tackling this feature, however, get the hang of the source first and try smaller things, you'll then be able to develop a good enough thought process to make the spell for yourself.
  22. This is a tutorial for Crystalshire Developer's Edition. It's two tutorials in one topic. The first part will allow you to have paperdolling in your game, and the second part will allow you to have gender based paperdolling in your game. Don't think I saw a paperdolling tutorial on here for CS:DE so I thought I'd share mine. _**How It Works:**_ Everyone knows how paperdolling works, but this gender based paperdoll will have you create two folders within the paperdolling folder. One called "male" one called "female" When a player equips an item, based on their gender, it will show the corresponding graphic from the specific folder. This way, "Heavy Steel Armor" will look different on Male characters than on Female characters, but will still be the same item. All you'll have to do is put the male graphic in the male folder, female graphic in the female folder, and they of course must be the same number. Simple. _**Part One: Standard Paperdoll**_ * Follow part one only if you want just standard paperdolling in your project. **All Client Side** As you may have known, Paperdolling is already in CS:DE, we just have to render it. In **modDirectX8** Find : **Sub GDIRenderChar** Underneath that entire sub, we're going to add this: ``` ' Paperdoll show up in item editor Public Sub GDIRenderPaperdoll(ByRef picBox As PictureBox, ByVal Sprite As Long) Dim height As Long, Width As Long, sRECT As RECT ' exit out if doesn't exist If Sprite Count_Paperdoll Then Exit Sub height = 32 Width = 32 sRECT.top = 0 sRECT.bottom = sRECT.top + height sRECT.left = 0 sRECT.Right = sRECT.left + Width ' Start Rendering Call D3DDevice8.Clear(0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0, 1#, 0) Call D3DDevice8.BeginScene RenderTexture Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite), 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, height, Width, height ' Finish Rendering Call D3DDevice8.EndScene Call D3DDevice8.Present(sRECT, ByVal 0, picBox.hwnd, ByVal 0) End Sub ``` In : **Sub DrawPlayer** Find:``` RenderTexture Tex_Char(Sprite), ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), rec.left, rec.top, rec.Width, rec.height, rec.Width, rec.height ```Underneath it Add: ``` ' check for paperdolling For i = 1 To UBound(PaperdollOrder) If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i)) > 0 Then If Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll > 0 Then Call DrawPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, Anim, spritetop) End If End If Next ``` Underneath the entire **DrawPlayer** sub, paste this: ``` Public Sub DrawPaperdoll(ByVal x2 As Long, ByVal y2 As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Anim As Long, ByVal spritetop As Long) Dim rec As GeomRec If Sprite < 1 Or Sprite > Count_Paperdoll Then Exit Sub With rec .top = spritetop * (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite)).height / 4) .height = (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite)).height / 4) .left = Anim * (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite)).Width / 4) .Width = (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite)).Width / 4) End With ' Clip to screen If y2 < 0 Then With rec .top = .top - y2 End With y2 = 0 End If If x2 < 0 Then With rec .left = .left - x2 End With x2 = 0 End If RenderTexture Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite), ConvertMapX(x2), ConvertMapY(y2), rec.left, rec.top, rec.Width, rec.height, rec.Width, rec.height End Sub ``` In **Sub DrawGDI** Find:``` GDIRenderItem frmEditor_Item.picItem, frmEditor_Item.scrlPic.value ``` Underneath it add this: ``` GDIRenderPaperdoll frmEditor_Item.picPaperdoll, frmEditor_Item.scrlPaperdoll.value ``` That's it for standard paperdolling. You now have paperdolling in your project. _**Part Two: Gender Based Paperdoll**_ * Follow part one first, then follow this for gender based paperdolling First thing you're going to want to do is create two folders in your "paperdolls" folder. One called "male" and one called "female" **Server Side** In **modServerTCP** Find : **Function PlayerData** Find: ``` For i = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerStat(index, i) Next ``` Underneath it add: ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerSex(index) ``` In **modPlayer** Add this to the bottom: ``` Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal index As Long) As Long If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(index).Sex End Function ``` **Client Side** In **modDirectX8** Near the top of the entire module, find this: ``` Public Tex_Paperdoll() As Long ``` And replace it with this: ``` Public Tex_Paperdoll_M() As Long Public Tex_Paperdoll_F() As Long ``` Find: ``` Public Const Path_Paperdoll As String = "\data files\graphics\paperdolls\" ``` And replace it with this: ``` Public Const Path_Paperdoll_M As String = "\data files\graphics\paperdolls\male\" Public Const Path_Paperdoll_F As String = "\data files\graphics\paperdolls\female\" ``` In **EngineCacheTextures** Find: ``` ' Paperdoll Textures Count_Paperdoll = 1 Do While FileExist(App.path & Path_Paperdoll & Count_Paperdoll & ".png") ReDim Preserve Tex_Paperdoll(0 To Count_Paperdoll) Tex_Paperdoll(Count_Paperdoll) = SetTexturePath(App.path & Path_Paperdoll & Count_Paperdoll & ".png") Count_Paperdoll = Count_Paperdoll + 1 Loop Count_Paperdoll = Count_Paperdoll - 1 ``` And Replace it with this: ``` ' Male Paperdoll Textures Count_Paperdoll = 1 Do While FileExist(App.Path & Path_Paperdoll_M & Count_Paperdoll & ".png") ReDim Preserve Tex_Paperdoll_M(0 To Count_Paperdoll) Tex_Paperdoll_M(Count_Paperdoll) = SetTexturePath(App.Path & Path_Paperdoll_M & Count_Paperdoll & ".png") Count_Paperdoll = Count_Paperdoll + 1 Loop Count_Paperdoll = Count_Paperdoll - 1 ' Female Paperdoll Textures Count_Paperdoll = 1 Do While FileExist(App.Path & Path_Paperdoll_F & Count_Paperdoll & ".png") ReDim Preserve Tex_Paperdoll_F(0 To Count_Paperdoll) Tex_Paperdoll_F(Count_Paperdoll) = SetTexturePath(App.Path & Path_Paperdoll_F & Count_Paperdoll & ".png") Count_Paperdoll = Count_Paperdoll + 1 Loop Count_Paperdoll = Count_Paperdoll - 1 ``` Replace **Sub GDIRenderPaperdoll** with this one: ``` ' Paperdoll show up in item editor Public Sub GDIRenderPaperdoll(ByRef picBox As PictureBox, ByVal Sprite As Long) Dim height As Long, Width As Long, sRECT As RECT ' exit out if doesn't exist If Sprite Count_Paperdoll Then Exit Sub height = 32 Width = 32 sRECT.top = 0 sRECT.bottom = sRECT.top + height sRECT.left = 0 sRECT.Right = sRECT.left + Width ' Start Rendering Call D3DDevice8.Clear(0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0, 1#, 0) Call D3DDevice8.BeginScene RenderTexture Tex_Paperdoll_M(Sprite), 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, height, Width, height ' Finish Rendering Call D3DDevice8.EndScene Call D3DDevice8.Present(sRECT, ByVal 0, picBox.hwnd, ByVal 0) End Sub ``` In **Sub DrawPlayer** Find this line: ``` Call DrawPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, Anim, spritetop) ``` Replace it with this line: ``` Call DrawPaperdoll(Index, x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, Anim, spritetop) ``` In **modTypes** In **Private Type PlayerRec** Find: ``` name As String ``` Underneath it add: ``` Sex As Byte ``` Replace **Sub DrawPaperdoll** with this one: ``` Public Sub DrawPaperdoll(ByVal index As Long, ByVal x2 As Long, ByVal y2 As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Anim As Long, ByVal spritetop As Long) Dim rec As GeomRec Dim G_Paperdoll As Long If Sprite < 1 Or Sprite > Count_Paperdoll Then Exit Sub If GetPlayerSex(index) = SEX_MALE Then G_Paperdoll = Tex_Paperdoll_M(Sprite) Else G_Paperdoll = Tex_Paperdoll_F(Sprite) End If With rec .top = spritetop * (D3DT_TEXTURE(G_Paperdoll).height / 4) .height = (D3DT_TEXTURE(G_Paperdoll).height / 4) .left = Anim * (D3DT_TEXTURE(G_Paperdoll).Width / 4) .Width = (D3DT_TEXTURE(G_Paperdoll).Width / 4) End With ' Clip to screen If y2 < 0 Then With rec .top = .top - y2 End With y2 = 0 End If If x2 < 0 Then With rec .left = .left - x2 End With x2 = 0 End If RenderTexture G_Paperdoll, ConvertMapX(x2), ConvertMapY(y2), rec.left, rec.top, rec.Width, rec.height, rec.Width, rec.height End Sub ``` In **modDatabase** Add This to the very bottom: ``` Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal Index As Long) As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(Index).Sex ' Error handler Exit Function errorhandler: HandleError "GetPlayerPK", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Function End Function Sub SetPlayerSex(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Sex As Long) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub Player(Index).Sex = Sex ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "SetPlayerPK", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` In **modHandleData** Find : **Sub HandlePlayerData** Find: ``` For x = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 SetPlayerStat i, x, Buffer.ReadLong Next ``` Underneath it add this: ``` Call SetPlayerSex(i, Buffer.ReadLong) ``` That should be everything. You now have gender based paperdolling in your game. This is copy pasted right out of my project so if I missed anything let me know. Hope this helps you further your project. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  23. DJMaxus

    Max things 2

    255, the max size of Byte I believe.
  24. What adjustments have you made to your source regarding items?
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