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Posts posted by Helladen

  1. > Are we talking about the design of the software's source or the end result? They're too totally different beats.

    The ability to work in the source-code and the end result are equally important. **Microsoft** is known to be bad at both. They  basically do not finish transitioning their OS over to a new paradigm. For example, **Vista** was an unfinished OS which had a series of problems as did WIndows 8 and 8.1\. Now, that 10 is also changing a lot, it will have problems too, because **Microsoft** doesn't polish enough. They keep changing the OS a lot and not really making a standard and sticking with it.
  2. A better word to use is terribly "designed". I consider coding and design two of the same. You can code the most beautiful code in the world, but if the design sucks, the code sucks.

    I am not riding on a "high horse", just cause I stand by my beliefs. I am stating my opinion, don't like it then fine.
  3. > Keep your baseless rhetoric to yourself. The fact that most viruses target the Windows operating system is due to it having the largest presence. If I were writing malicious software, I would certainly develop for the system with the most users.

    This is most definitely true, but the way Windows operates is in no way close to Linux in terms of security. Linux has had SUDO aka UAC in Windows way before it. Windows has always been behind Linux in the core design, but Windows makes up for it for making it easy for developers. That's the one thing Microsoft has done right.
  4. > Let's put it this way, a few AVs say that other AVs are viruses…

    I use **AVAST **and **Windows Defender **(not Active Protection at the same time), but I don't really know the best one. In my experience, I've had little issues with it.
  5. > I understand this much to, but I don't give people hopes of a virus proof OS which is what they think when they hear that one OS get's less viruses than another

    A normal user should use an AV software even on **Linux **(it is just that normal people don't use **Linux**), just like people who don't use AV on **Windows** usually are fools or programmers. I just meant that, people like the guy who said I am an idiot for not being able to tell if my program was a virus, was speaking out his arse, when virus detection is not perfect and not every programmer would even want to test their software on every AV.
  6. > Seth, a virus can be made for any OS, the only difference is that most people have Windows and there's not as great of a market for viruses for the other OSs since most people don't have them, when they start becoming a lot more popular then viruses will be made for them.

    I understand, but it is also more difficult to make a virus for **Linux**.
  7. **Microsoft Windows** is coded terrible. Virus software was made to protect it. Virus software is not necessary for a good operating system like **Linux**. Although, yes having an AV for **Mac** or **Linux**-based OS is better (yes I realize Mac is based on **Unix** but they both are pretty similar), but for most people the consumption of the virus software in the background is not worth having in these environments.
  8. > Hi! I have some questions.
    > What does each stat affect? I mean… as example str increases the basic attack damage, right?
    > Another question. What things affect spell damage? I'm using "Weapon damage" for spells, but it seems to deal a lot more than my current weapon's damage.

    Strength adds weapon damage for melee. Intellect increases spell damage. Spirit increases regen. Endurance increases health and armor.

    You must select an option in the spell editor to use Strength aka Weapon Damage for it to use that, otherwise it will always use Intellect.
  9. Virus detection software is fail safe. It will detect software that is legit as a virus, sorry that you are not smart enough at a computer to know that anti-virus is for novice computer users. I didn't code **Eclipse Origins 4**, I coded **Eclipse Worlds**.
  10. Eclipse Worlds is going to be getting full support. I suggest using my engine. Eclipse Origins 4.2 is just here for now, basically an archived engine like the rest of the ones we offer on the site. Advanced users and veterans use these engines, new users should use our supported engine.
  11. You need to open the server executable up and wait for it to load. Did you download the [4.2.2](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136654-eclipse-origins-422/?p=936098)?
  12. Spawn bug NPC attribute bug will be addressed in 1.2.7\.  NPC zones system will be added in 1.2.8, this will enable you to spawn NPCs much easier in specific regions of the map.
  13. I've had a few people who have paid me mention that @[member="xXaden"] does indeed not finish work, and if he can't finish work he keeps the money without refunding. We're going to make some major changes to payments at **Eclipse** pretty soon to get rid of this problem. For now, I am closing this thread, because we do not support this behavior.
  14. > There would be a way to remove the hidden button ?

    The button is useful, players can share your game more easier without much interface on the screen. To delete the button, just erase it in **Visual Basic 6** by pressing the delete key on it and moving the other button by dragging it. Wait for 1.3.0 if you are unable to edit it yourself and still want to remove it.
  15. > And how I do that? I'm new to vb6\. Can you explain step by step?

    You add a control to the form visually, it is a basic part of working with **VIsual Basic 6**. You have to rename the control to the right name, right click it and go to **Properties**.

  16. > Robin was nothing but a negative impact, community-wise. But he did do a good job on EO.

    Exactly, but his negative attitude was a result of channeling it the wrong way. When you are not rewarded for your contribution, you start to lash out at people for being a burden on you. I was like this, but more or less attacking rather than producing results that people appreciated. **Robin** is not a businessman like me. I attempt to make everything into a business. I say he is not a businessman, because he is more of a hobbyist person. I have a very high amount of respect for him though, and even though his attitude can piss a lot of people off, I believe he did it to make people less dependent on him and learn.
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